Don't...You Can't Leave Us(Ichabod Crane x wife!reader)

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(a/n: ANGST!!!!!!!!!! Mentions of kidnapping, violence and death!)

"They do not come...Not quickly enough," the Hidden One complained to Pandora. The demons and monsters the two had summoned were arriving in Sleepy Hollow one-by-one, not nearly fast enough for what the Hidden One had planned. Pandora sighed. She was beginning to fear that her husband's thirst for power was overpowering his affection for her. "They will come, my love. As soon as I've assembled the remaining pieces of my box."

The Hidden One glared at Pandora. "Your constant complaining is becoming tiresome," he said as he gazed into the shallow pool that acted as a mirror to the outside world. "We need to summon something that can destroy the Witnesses." He watched as the face of the first Witness, Ichabod Crane, appeared in the pool along with a young woman. You. The Hidden One's mind began to formulate a plan as he observed the two of you.

*meanwhile, at your home*

"Ichabod, we need to get to the hospital now," you gasped out trying to stay calm. Your husband of just over a year came rushing to your side. "Are you certain, my love?" You glared at Ichabod. "Yes, I'm certain Ichabod. Now please get me to the car and to the hospital as quickly as possible." You watched as a grin spread over Ichabod's face until another contraction hit and you nearly doubled over. "Right. Hospital."

Several hours later, you held a little pink bundle in your arms. "Y/N...She is perfect." You smiled sleepily as Ichabod placed a kiss to your temple. You handed your daughter to him and drifted off to sleep, not knowing that you were being watched. The Hidden One looked on with a sickening grin. He knew what to do to rid him of at least one Witness. He would raise a creature using Ichabod's blood or, more specifically, his child's blood.

*time skip. I'm sorry I do this a lot*

You balanced your now three month old daughter on your hip while you stirred the sauce on the stove. You were waiting for Ichabod to get home from working a case with Abbie. Your daughter began fussing and you checked the clock. "Naptime," you said cheerily. You started singing a lullaby to her as you strolled to her bedroom. Your daughter was asleep by the time you set her down in the crib. You turned the baby monitor on and turned to leave the room. You stopped abruptly at the sight of a strange woman in the doorway. "I'm sorry for this," was all she said before somehow throwing you against a wall. You hit your head and blacked out.

You woke up in to someone shaking your shoulder. "Y/N! Y/N, wake up!" you heard your husband beg. You opened your eyes and pushed yourself up. "Oh, thank God," Ichabod said. You barely heard him as you looked at the crib. "Ichabod? Where's (y/d/n)?" you asked frantically. "I don't know. What happened?" You quickly explained what happened to him as his face contorted into one of rage. Ichabod was hardly ever angry and the fury he was showing now almost frightened you. "I'm so sorry, Ichabod. I didn't protect her."

Ichabod pulled you close and whispered to you, "It is not your fault, Y/N. It was Pandora and the Hidden One." You knew about Ichabod's role as a Witness since that was sort of how you met. He and Abbie had saved you and your brother from a demon. "What do they want with our daughter?" Ichabod shook his head. He pulled out his phone and called Abbie. You grabbed your daughter's favorite stuffed toy and held it to your chest as you cried.

After a moment, you felt Ichabod's arm snake around your shoulders as he hugged you. "We will get her back, Y/N. I promise. Lieutenant Mills is on her way and we are going to find Pandora and the Hidden One and force them to release our child," he vowed. You threw your arms around him. That's how Abbie found you when she arrived a few minutes later.

"Hey, Crane. Y/N. Let's see if we can figure out why Pandora and the Hidden One took your daughter first," Abbie said. "I know why," came another voice. You turned and saw the woman from before. "Pandora! Bring my daughter back this instant!" Ichabod demanded. Pandora shook her head. "I cannot, but I can tell you where she is." You were confused. "Why did you take her in the first place?" Pandora looked at you and you could see the regret in her eyes. "My husband wishes to use the child's blood to summon a creature that could ultimately destroy the Witness. I do not which creature it is nor how to destroy it."

You weren't sure if you could trust Pandora and could tell that Ichabod and Abbie felt the same. "Please, Pandora..."you begged. You would do anything to get your daughter back. The woman looked at you, her eyes glistening with tears. "I-I never wanted to hurt your child. I am so sorry," she said. You nodded and squeezed her hand. "Then help us get her back." Pandora agreed. Ichabod snaked his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear, "You never cease to amaze me."

Pandora led you to the where the Hidden One had your daughter. You were all armed with weapons and ready to fight for your daughter. "Your betrayal surprises me, my love," the Hidden One said seeing Pandora in your ranks. "We do not need to harm the child. The child is innocent," Pandora pleaded with him. While they were arguing, you and Ichabod went to grab the baby. Pandora and Abbie were the distraction.

You found your daughter crying on the Hidden One's throne. You went for her and were instantly blown backwards. You hit your head again, but managed to stay awake. Your daughter's life was at stake. You made your way to her again and once again you were pushed away. Ichabod was now engaged in combat with the Hidden One so you tried again. This time, you managed to pick her up and cradle her in your arms. "It's alright, (y/d/n). It's alright. Mommy's here."

"Y/N! Watch out!" Abbie cried. You turned to find the Hidden One approaching you and your daughter. Pandora placed herself in between the two of you. "My love, this madness must end!" She exclaimed before being tossed aside like a ragdoll. The Hidden One gave you a twisted smile. "You cannot protect your child." A shot rang out, causing the Hidden One to turn from you. While his attention was distracted, Ichabod made his way to you. You handed him your baby and ran over to Pandora's side.

Pandora stood to confront her husband yet again. "We cannot defeat him," she told you. You knew that you had to do something. "What can I do, Pandora?" Pandora gestured to a glowing hourglass. "That is the current source of his power. Destroy it and his power will drain and he will return to the Catacombs." You nodded and quietly snuck over to the glowing timepiece. You picked it up and felt the dark power it possessed. As you prepared to smash the hourglass, you felt something hit your back.

Your strength was draining fast and you used what was left of it to destroy the hourglass. You fell to the ground as the Hidden One let out an unearthly noise. You shuddered and looked down at your stomach. There was a pool of blood soaking through your blouse. "Y/N!" Ichabod screamed. He handed your daughter to Abbie and ran to your side. "Y/N, can't do this to me." You looked up at his worried expression. "Pandora, can you stop this?"

The woman's face loomed over you as she examined the wound. "I am sorry. The blade was imbued with a dark magic and my full powers were not restored to me. I cannot save her." Ichabod looked back down at you, fighting back the tears. "It's alright Ichabod. We saved our daughter. That's all that matters. Promise me you'll take care of her and yourself." Ichabod sniffled. "Don't, Y/N. You can't leave us...not like this."

"Promise me, Ichabod." He nodded and kissed your lips one last time."Crane?" He buried his face in the crook of your neck."Don't...I have now lost two wives in this war against evil. Nothing you say could make this better," Ichabod said. "I'm not trying. You have a daughter to take care. A daughter that Y/N gave you. When she grows up, she needs to know that her mother was a wonderful person that made a sacrifice to make our world a better place. Take time to grieve, but your daughter should be your main priority." Ichabod nodded and took his daughter from her godmother, cradling her to his chest.    

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