History(Ichabod Crane x reader)

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"That can't be right," you thought to yourself as you closed yet another book. You groaned and leaned your head back against the tree behind you. Currently, you were sitting on the ground in the park in Sleepy Hollow. The park was usually peaceful and a nice place to think so you often chose to work on your assignments there. At that moment, you were working on a paper for your U.S. History class and you were becoming irritated. You let out another groan followed by a deep sigh.

"What could possibly trouble you on such a fine day?" a voice came from above you. You looked up. Standing over you was a man you recognized. You didn't know his name, but you had seen him around the park before. Sometimes he was alone and sometimes he was with a young woman. The man was peering down at you, a small smile gracing his lips. "It's this paper I'm working on. I have all the research, but it's the same things we learn in school every single year. It's my freshman year of college. I want to write about something new...something exciting."

"May I?" the man asked, gesturing to the spot beside you. You nodded and shifted so he could sit comfortably. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance. What, pray tell, is this document that has caused you grief?" You held back a giggle at his odd way of speaking. "It's for my U.S. History class. We have to pick a leading individual of the Revolution, research and write a paper on their contribution. These books and the internet have the same information we've been fed our entire school careers."

"And you wish for some new information that cannot be found in these texts?" You nodded and let out another sigh before replying, "Unfortunately for me, there's no way for me to know exactly what happened." The man chuckled lightly. "Perhaps not, but I can certainly help you to obtain more accurate information. My name is Ichabod Crane. I was a professor at Oxford and I happen to know a great deal about the Revolution." You smiled and introduced yourself.

"Now, Y/N. Shall we begin?" You immediately launched question after question. Ichabod answered succinctly and would go into more detail if you asked him, even going off on tangents. You felt as if you had indeed gone back in time. "So, the rumors about Ben Franklin's...exhibitionism are true?" Crane gave a short nod. "I have a very reliable source," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Thank you, Mr. Crane! I really appreciate all your help," You cried, gathering your materials. The sun was starting to set and you had to get home. You ran home and began to type.

Two weeks later, you were back at the park hoping to find Ichabod. You had gone back every day in hopes of talking to him again. You had discovered that you really enjoyed talking to him and he certainly wasn't a bad-looking guy. Your face broke into a grin as you finally spotted the man you were looking for. "Hello, Mr. Crane," you greeted after you approached him. "Ah, Y/N. A pleasure to see you again. How did your history piece fair?" You pulled the folded paper out of your back pocket and handed it to him. "Full marks! Impressive."

"All thanks to you! I really wanted to thank you again and maybe pick your brain some more?" He gave an exaggerated bow and you laughed. "So, Mr. Crane, how do you know so much about the American Revolution?" He blanched and in a shaky voice, replied," Why, research of course." You gave him a look that clearly said you didn't believe him. "I find that very hard to believe. You knew intimate details, Mr. Crane." As he was about to reply, his usual companion came running over. "There you are, Crane. Something's happened to Jenny. We gotta go." Ichabod turned to you and asked, "Perhaps we could continue this discussion another time, Y/N?"

You watched as he ran off with a look of confusion on your face. It would take a lot of digging over several months before you learned who the strange man really was. When you finally did, he reluctantly allowed you to join him. You weren't entirely certain what would happen, but you knew that you were going to make history.W?7

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