Headless Soulmate(Araham van Brunt/Headless Horseman x fem!reader) Soulmate AU

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"Is that him?" you squeaked when you entered the tunnel behind Abbie and Jenny. Standing in the Masonic cell was something you could only describe as impossible. A headless man in a Hessian uniform. "That is indeed the Headless Horseman. The Horseman of Death," Ichabod explained. Your eyes widened. You just couldn't believe it. Ichabod and Abbie had told you about it, but you hadn't believed it until now.

"He may be the Horseman of Death, but underneath, he's still the Abraham we knew, Ichabod," Katrina said softly. You saw Ichabod's jaw clench at her defense. You didn't want to be in the middle of the tension and, thankfully, Jenny spoke up. "So, now that we have him, what do we do?" Your gaze traveled back to the chained man in the center of the room.

His breathing was heavy and he was weakened by the light in the cell but you could still practically feel the power radiating off him. "I believe there is a way to stop him without killing him," Katrina answered, causing everyone in the room to look at her in surprise. For a moment, no one could speak. You'd been trying to find a way to defeat the Horseman for months and now Katrina didn't want you to kill him.

You were the first to find your voice. "What way?" Katrina gave you a grateful smile. "There is a spell. One that will speak to the compassion that is still inside of Abraham. If done correctly, it will bring out the humanity in him." You exchanged glances with your teammates. Ichabod sighed heavily. From the little interaction you'd seen from Ichabod and Katrina, you knew he'd do anything to see her happy after being apart for so long. "If you believe it will help, we shall try." Katrina nodded happily. "The spell requires a willing participant. Abraham must agree to do this or it will not work."

After a little bit of debate, Ichabod, Abbie and Katrina entered the cell to talk to Abraham while you and Jenny stayed behind to listen. Abraham's posture indicated fury at first, then acceptance. Obviously he was willing to try, for Katrina's sake.

Katrina, Ichabod and Abbie returned to where you and Jenny waited. "Abraham has agreed. In order for the spell to work, I will need a few items, but there are two that are the most important. The first is Abraham's skull." You had to bite your tongue to keep from commenting on how obvious that was. "And the second?" Ichabod asked, making Katrina blush a little. "Blood from his soulmate."

"That could prove...problematic." Katrina shook her head. "No. Abraham truly believes that I am his soulmate. Perhaps his faith in that could be enough for the spell to work." Jenny shrugged. "It couldn't hurt to try. Make him human again and then he can't finish what he started." You all agreed and went about gathering the items Katrina needed. You were partnered with Abbie. "Do you think it'll work?" you asked her and she nodded. "Katrina's pretty powerful. If anyone can make it work, she can."

A couple hours later, you were all standing in the cell, armed to the teeth and ready for anything. Katrina stood in front of Abraham, prepping the spell. You kept your eyes on him, ready to go to Katrina's aid if necessary. Katrina prepared everything for the spell, placing the skull on Abraham before chanting some kind of incantation.

You nearly jumped when the eyes of the skull opened. Katrina finished the spell before cutting along her hand and let a few drops of her blood join the rest of the ingredients. You waited, but nothing happened. Katrina frowned. "I don't understand." Ichabod went to her and wrapped her bleeding hand. "Perhaps it was not enough for Abraham to simply believe that you are his soulmate." He escorted Katrina out. Abbie and Jenny followed while you stayed behind to clean up.

You didn't look at Abraham as you cleaned everything up. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry it didn't work. I know how hard it is to believe that someone his your soulmate and to find it out they aren't," you said softly. You picked up the knife and began to clean the blood off. Movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention, causing you to look up at Abraham. When you did, the knife slipped a little, cutting into the soft flesh of your hand.

You dropped the bloody knife into the bowl and hissed. "Son of a-" A noise of reproach echoed through the cell. "Now, that is hardly properly language for a young lady." You blinked and looked up again. Where there had been a headless person now stood a handsome man. His eyes were no longer white, but blue and they regarded you with a soft expression. "Are you alright?" You couldn't speak for shock. You were his soulmate? You?

You simply nodded. Abraham tried to move closer to you, but the chains held him back. The door opened again. "Y/N, what's - " Ichabod cut off at the sight of Abraham. You cleared your throat. "I'm fine. I just...need a minute." You pushed past the others and left the room. As soon as you were in the tunnels, you broke out into a run and didn't stop until you were in the archives. Once there, you sank onto one of the chairs to calm your racing heart and to wrap your mind around the fact that your soulmate was a man out of time. A man that, until a few moments ago, had been a Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Abbie entered the archives a minute later. "Hey. You okay?" You nodded. "I just need some time to come to terms with that fact that my soulmate is the Headless Horseman." She smiled in understanding. "Not anymore. He was the Horseman. Your blood worked. He's human again." You sighed and rested your face in your hands. "A man that has no idea how to live in this century," you groaned.

"Perhaps not, but I believe I could learn. With a bit of help." Your head shot up at the sound of Abraham's voice. You merely stared at him, unable to find the proper words. How could you? "Guys, let's give them a minute," Abbie suggested. Soon, you were left alone with Abraham. He began to circle the room, taking in everything he could. It was so quiet, you could hear every single one of his footsteps.

"You are not happy," he finally said. Sighing, you ran your hand through your hair and stood up. "What do you expect? Did you really think you'd find your soulmate hundreds of years after your death? I certainly didn't my soulmate would not only be over 200 but also be a Horseman." Abraham frowned. "I know. I'm not proud of it. I truly believed Katrina was my soulmate and I let my jealousy overwhelm me. I chose the wrong path."

You took a careful step to him. "Do mean that? Do you really regret your actions?" He glanced at you. Those blue eyes were filled with despair. "I do." You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. "Abraham, I won't lie and tell you that I'm happy about this situation, but I'm willing to try if you are." He smiled and you couldn't deny it was dazzling. You nearly melted. Nearly.

"There will be boundaries at first. I don't trust you yet." He nodded. "Of course. Perhaps we can get to know one another as you help me to get better acquainted with this time. Let me earn your trust." You tried to fight the upturn of your lips, but you couldn't. "I think that's a good idea."You reached out your hand for him to shake. Instead, he brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed them, making you blush. This was going to be interesting.HP

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