The Witness' Fate (Ichabod Crane x reader)

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(WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and major character death! SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3!)

You ducked around a corner to stop and catch your breath as you ran from yet another monster. Ichabod was right on your heels. "I don't recall signing up for this, Ichabod," you grumbled. You and Ichabod were in charge of distracting the monster while Abbie and Jenny went after Pandora and her box. Ichabod gave a wry chuckle. "I am afraid you did, as you put it, sign up for this." You smiled at him just as you heard the monster approaching.

You readied your weapon quietly. The monster you were currently fighting was blind but had excellent hearing so every movement had to be slow and as quiet as possible. For that reason, you chose to use blades rather than guns. You pressed as far back against the wall as you could, waiting for the monster to pass so you could, hopefully, get the jump on it. It would have worked too if not for the puddles in the tunnel.

The monster moved passed you both and you moved to attack, but stepped in a small puddle of water. The monster whipped around and you were suddenly flying into a nearby wall. Your vision clouded, but you were able to make out Ichabod's form stabbing the monster. You heard a shriek before the monster basically exploded.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" You blinked rapidly, clearing your vision slowly. "I think so." Ichabod smiled, offering his hand to help you up. "Thanks." You felt the warmth of his hand and you couldn't stop yourself from flushing. You'd liked Ichabod for a while, but you knew there was no time for any kind of relationship. Trying to save the world came first. "We need to get to Abbie and Jenny," you said softly, making Ichabod frown and drop your hand. "Of course."

Ichabod followed your lead back through the tunnels to where you last saw Abbie and Jenny. His mind was conflicted. He knew he had a mission to complete but you occupied his thoughts more than he cared to admit. He knew that chances you would both survive this war were slim and he didn't know if he could handle losing anyone else that he loved. So, he kept quiet about his feelings except to Abbie. She had just known.

You both ran as quickly as you could, not realizing you were walking into a trap. As you ran, you suddenly felt yourself being pushed to the ground. You landed with a thud on the cold stone ground. "Abbie!" Ichabod and Jenny's voices called out, causing you to look up. Your eyes widened and you shuddered. Another monster had apparently been released from the box and had come after you. The monster had Abbie in its grip with one hand while the claws on the other had caught her in the chest.

Jenny shot the monster in between the eyes and, to your surprise, it crumpled to the ground. Ichabod stared at her. "The bullets are soaked in holy water," she answered getting down to the ground where Abbie was laying. "W-Why, Abbie? Why did you do that?" you asked with tears in your eyes. The woman gave you a weak smile. "I had to." Jenny held Abbie close as her eyes closed.

The three of you sat there in silence for several minutes. There were no words that could help as you all cried for your friend, your companion, your sister. Ichabod came over and sank down next to you. "Y/N?" You looked up at him and shook your head. You didn't want to talk. This was your fault. You run right into the trap and Abbie had saved you but sacrificing herself. It was your fault. "We have to go," Jenny suddenly declared. Her face was a mask of stone, but you knew she was hurting.

Ichabod helped you to your feet before moving to help Jenny with Abbie. Jenny shook her hand and batted his hands away. "No!" she cried before returning to her calm facade, "I need to do this." Ichabod lowered his arms and nodded. He turned back to you. You were standing there with your arms hanging at your sides and your eyes downcast. "Y/N?" Once more, you shook your head and quietly followed Jenny out. Or you tried to.

"Y/n, please," Ichabod said, gently taking hold of your arm. You spun around and screamed, "WHAT?!" He flinched slightly but didn't back down. "What can I do?" You chuckled dryly as you began crying. "What can you do? Nothing! This is my fault! If I had been paying attention, this wouldn't have happened! It should have been me, not her! Why did she do could she? She's more important to this war than I am," you trailed off, putting a hand to your mouth to stifle your sobs.

Ichabod didn't have an answer for you other than wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on yours. He simply held you and let you cry until you couldn't cry anymore. "It is the fate of all Witnesses, Y/N. We lose those we love and eventually, when this world is finished with us, we move onto the next." He felt you shake your head against his chest. "I can't do this." Your words were muffled, but he heard them anyway.

He pulled away and looked into your eyes. There was no denying that you were serious. You took a step back, drying your tears with the back of your hand. Your mind was made up. After Abbie's funeral, you were leaving. "Please, don't go." Ichabod's voice was so soft, you almost didn't hear him. "I'm sorry. But I can't do this anymore. I can't stay here knowing that Abbie's death is my fault." Ichabod shook his head. "The blame does not lie with you, Y/N. Abbie chose to step in and I know, given the chance to relieve the moment, she would do the same again. So I ask you to stay. Please."

"Why? So I can fight more monster that will most likely kill me or y-" you stopped yourself and changed direction, "people I care about? Don't ask me to do that." Ichabod was near tears now. "I cannot lose you. I have already lost so many people I loved. My wife, my comrades and now my closest friend. I can't lose you too. So please...stay." You stepped back toward him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, Ichabod. I can't." You kissed his bearded cheek before dropping your arms and walking away.     

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