Old Friends (Ichabod Crane x fem!reader)

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You sighed as you passed the sign welcoming you to Sleepy Hollow. It had been years since you'd been home and part of you was very excited while the other part was nervous. From out of nowhere, two figures appeared in the road and you had to slam on your brakes. "What the heck?" You put the car in park and got out. "Are you two crazy? I could've killed you!" You cried. "Y/N?" Your eyes snap to the woman. "Abbie?"

You were suddenly engulfed in a warm hug. "It's good to see you too, Abbs!" you said, laughing. You pulled away and looked at the tall man standing with your old friend. His sparkling blue eyes stared at you intently. "And who is this?" you asked. He certainly was a tall drink of water and you nearly melted on the spot when he spoke. "My name is Ichabod Crane. I am a historical consultant for the Sleepy Hollow Police Department and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms..." he trailed off, waiting for you to supply your name. "Oh! Y/N. (Y/N Y/L/N). It's nice to meet you Mr. Crane. We should get out of the middle of the road. Catch you later, Abbie?"

Abbie invited you over for dinner the next evening before she darted off into the woods with the lanky man. You got back in your car and drove to the local bed and breakfast since you weren't able to move into your apartment until Monday. As you looked out the window of your room, you realized just how much you'd missed home. You had left several years before, after your father died. You just couldn't stay there anymore, but the teaching position that just opened was too wonderful to pass up. You smiled to yourself before climbing into bed.

The next evening, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you waited for someone to answer the door at Abbie's. After a moment, the door swung open to reveal the ever-so- gorgeous Ichabod Crane. "Ah, Ms. Y/N! Welcome," he greeted with a small bow before moving aside to let you in. You thanked him. "Crane, you don't have to be so formal you know," Abbie said as she came down the hallway, "Hey, Y/N. Dinner is ready so come on in." You followed her to the dining room where you saw two other people. "Jenny! Joe!" You were instantly hugging them both. Although Abbie had been your best friend, you were also close to Jenny and Joe.

Dinner was a relaxed event. More and more, you found yourself listening to Ichabod's stories. His voice was mesmerizing. You were so enthralled that you never noticed the other three people duck out of the room, leaving you alone with Ichabod. Several hours later, you still hadn't noticed until he said, "It appears as though our friends have left us alone all this time." Only then did you glance around and realize that you were indeed alone with the man. You looked at your watch. Midnight.

"I should head home," you said, as your forced your now cramped legs to stand. "I shall escort you to your vehicle," Ichabod offered and you accepted. "Psst! Crane!" you heard Abbie whisper as the two of you approached the front door. You shook your head. "Were you spying on us, Abigail Mills?" you asked her, jokingly. She shrugged. The woman had no shame. "I'm just gonna borrow Crane for a second." Ichabod asked you to wait for just a moment and left with Abbie.

You heard their hushed voices in the kitchen and it sounded a bit like an argument. When Ichabod reemerged, his face was slightly pink. "You okay?" you asked him and he nodded. He opened the door for you and walked you out to your car with his hands clutched firmly together behind his back. When we were about to open the car door, Ichabod cleared his throat. You looked up at him, expectantly. "Lieutenant Mills is under the impression that I find you quite...pleasant and I enjoy your company," he began, watching your face for any sign of disgust or rejection. When he found none, Ichabod continued, "She is not incorrect in her assumptions. She has encouraged me to ask you to go on an outing with me one day in the future."

Before he could ramble on, you held your hand up to silence him. "I'm going to take that as you asking me out on a date and I'd love to," you told him with a smile. He grinned so widely, you thought his face would crack. "Then I shall look forward to see you again, Ms. Y/N." He gave you another bow as you climbed into your car. He stood in the driveway and watched you drive away, the smile never leaving his face. "I told you," Abbie said coming up behind him."You did indeed." fW.

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