Partners (Ichabod Crane x reader)

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When Ichabod returned to Sleepy Hollow, it was with a heavy heart. Yes, he was proud that Abbie had pursued her dreams of joining the FBI but he also missed his partner. He knew she missed him as well even though she had a new partner. Ichabod had yet to meet you, but Abbie seemed to get along with you fairly well. Ichabod never would have expected how your first meeting would go.

Ichabod entered Abbie's office one morning, but he didn't find Abbie. Instead, he found you. Without turning around, you asked, "Abbs, can you hand me that file on my desk? I know we're missing something." Ichabod carefully picked up the file and brought it over. "Thanks, Ab- you're not Abbie," you said, finally turning your head to look up at the lanky man. "Who are you and what are you doing in my office?" you asked, your hand slowly inching toward your firearm.

"I am unarmed. You are Agent Y/L/N, I presume?" he asked and you nodded as your eyes narrowed. "My name is Ichabod Crane," he introduced himself with a short bow. You quirked a brow. "Abbie said you were strange," you said with a smile. "Yes, I'm Agent Y/L/N, but you can call me Y/N. Abbie's told me a lot about you." Ichabod quirked a brow. "I was not aware that I was a worthy topic of conversation." You giggled.

"Well, I wouldn't say worthy per say. I would say you're entertaining. Abbie usually talks about you when there's nothing better to do." Ichabod simply stared at you, causing you to laugh after a while. He looked so down, you had to feel sorry for him. "I'm joking, Mr. Crane. Abbie has only good things to say about you...well, mostly good anyway. She did tell me about the time she almost pulled her gun on you when you first met." Ichabod felt himself blush at the memory and you smirked.

You opened your mouth to say something when the door opened again. "Hey, Crane! What brings you here?" Ichabod barely took his eyes from you as he replied, "You asked me to meet you." Abbie looked at her watch. "It that really the time already?" You let out a soft chuckle. That was Abbie for you. Then, you turned serious. "I am thoroughly angry with you Abigail Mills." They both turned back to you in surprise. "Why?" You fought to keep your lips from forming a smile. "You told me all this information about your roommate and former partner but you didn't say he was so cute." With a wink in Ichabod's direction, you sauntered out of the room as Abbie doubled over with laughter.

For months after that, whenever you saw Ichabod, you were ready with a sassy, funny or flirty comment for him. At first, he'd simply blush and give you a chuckle but soon, he was ready to fire comments back your way. As time went on, Ichabod began to realize he had feelings for you. Feelings he hadn't felt since his wife. After seeking Abbie's advice, he worked up the nerve to ask you out on a date. He just had to.

"Agent Y/L/N?" he asked when he walked into your office one day. "Abbie's not here and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Y/N?" you asked, only looking up at the last part. You flashed him a smile. "I did not come here for Abbie. I came to speak to you." You cocked your head and asked him what he meant. "I have come here with the intention of beseeching you to accompany me on an outing of some kind. A leisurely stroll or something of that nature." He began rambling on and on, praying you would say something before he completely made a fool of himself.

You got up from your desk and walked over to where Ichabod was standing. Ichabod didn't stop talking until you were right in front of him. "You really are adorable," you whispered before standing up on tip toe to kiss his cheek. "As for the date, I'd love to. A leisurely stroll actually sounds relaxing." Ichabod smiled down at you. "Wonderful. I shall fetch you from your residence say 7 o'clock?" You chuckled and rolled your eyes, but agreed.

That night, after Ichabod picked you up, the two of you enjoyed a very relaxing date, but you could feel Ichabod's nerves at first. After a while, the tension finally left his shoulders and he behaved normally. He cracked jokes and made sarcastic comments that you fired right back at him. For once, Ichabod didn't feel so out of place. He felt that moment was exactly where he belonged. It was amusing to him that, even though he still struggled with living in this time, he could be himself around you and you didn't seem to have a problem with it.

When the date was over, Ichabod escorted you back to your home and walked you to your door. "This evening has been most pleasant, Agent...I mean, Y/N. Thank you for accompanying me." You smiled. "I had a great time, too. Maybe we can do this again sometime." Ichabod happily agreed. "That would be most agreeable." He gave a little bow and turned away slowly, making you giggle. Before you could turn away to open your door, Ichabod turned back around and briskly approached you.

You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong, but he crashed his lips to yours. It took you by surprise and for a moment, you didn't respond. Once you registered that he was actually kissing you, you kissed back. You were determined not tolet this go too quickly, so you pulled away after a short time. "My apologies. I don't know what came over me," he declared and you gazed into his blue eyes. "There is nothing to apologize for Ichabod. I really enjoyed that...really! I just want to take this slow. Get to really know one another before anything else happens." He grinned at the fact that you hadn't rejected him. "I agree. So, until we meet again." He kissed the back of your hand and left you standing on your doorstep with a smile on your face.    

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