It's fine

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This is when you choose to NOT know the truth, enjoy!    -Gk45

"No it's fine and i'm fine" you say just wanting to keep on going, 

"as you wish" Eric says then looks around at the forest and runs about. You just sigh, as you enter the forest around you all the sudden everything is cold you feel a presence. You slowly turn around to see Eric, that was close that could have been a Creepypasta. You still kept on walking until you came  across a  note that said always watching, no eyes it said on the paper. You were about to turn around and ask Eric when, you heard yelling and screaming and growling. As you ran along, then you came to a stop and saw Eric and a Slendermen screaming and yelling insults at each other. "Um hi" you said backing up, their heads turned to you, but they kept on yelling "you sandbag" or "you piece of idotic trash" they exclaimed at each other. Before you turned around you realized how does Eric know the Slendermen you thought. Your head went into a madness of thoughts, it made your head hurt. You finally got up and asked "how do you know this Slendermen Eric" you said looking at him serious. 

"uh yeah" he said leaning down and telling you the whole story of how he knew so much of Slendermen and Proxies. Slender rolled his eyes and punched Eric in the face and left you too alone, "wow such a big pouter" you said checking Eric for injures. 

"Do you want to go into the Mansion and save your brother?" Eric said looking at you...

A. No    B. Yes

If you choose A then turn to page 13 

If you choose B then turn to page 15

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