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Is there anything wrong with the title. Well enjoy!      -Gk45

"(Y/N) wake up, wake up" Eric said waving his hand in your face, you groaned still tired from your sleep. You put on some survivalist jacket that Eric gave you, after you put on the jacket Eric gave 

you a leather strap (or anything that goes across your chest), it went across your chest for holding things. You were ready to kick Slenders but to (you choose), "lets gooooo" Eric cried running across the bumpy landscape. After a couple minutes of sprinting you and Eric went to a stop to look around at the now all the sudden dark landscape. Before you were a obout to walk one more step you came face to face with a piece of paper that said always watching no eyes it said. You were pretty counfused, yes very much as you walked along still with Eric, there was always movement but you saw no one, it was creepy. Before Eric and me took a downhill step out of  the mist there was the most tallest thing alive. It was the exact thing that took your brother, "I will kill you" you growled at him angrily. 

"Have a nice job trying" the Slendermen said in a low voice, you had to do something you choose to...... 

A. Try to kill the idotic Slendermen   B. Run back and tell Eric 

If you choose A then turn to page 13

If you choose B then turn to page 16

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