Chapter 11 - the visions/emergency search

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Laa-Laa's pov

I had a vision of Po joining their side..... Shadow-Tubby has been manipulating her...saying things that are mostly not true.... I yelled out, NO PO DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!! I woke up to see Walton with a concern look on his face....he stared at me and said, are you okay? I said, I...I had a vision....about wasn't good....Shadow-Tubby was manipulating her....Walton looked at me with a worried face and said, maybe that's because....wait a don't think?..... he and I realized...that it came true....we jumped up and got some clothes on and headed out.... we were lucky that Sergeant Miles allowed us to search for her along with Dipsy, some soldiers including himself and the other two guys.... we searched and searched and searched...but didn't find Po anywhere.... we decided to camp out in case we see her....or the enemy.... I spoke with Sergeant Miles to report it confidential.... he looks at me and said, you know when you make that remind me of your mother Lane.... I asked, you know her? He replied, yes....a long time ago.... we were done talking as I walked back towards Walton.... we sat on our spot as he said, you think we're too late? I said, I hope not.... I smiled as the other soldiers left....knowing that we need some privacy.... I said as I took his hand.... we gazed into each other's eyes again as we kissed...underneath the stars.... we parted as a voice said, HEY WE GOT A HOMICIDE!! We stood up and ran towards the spruce of the voice....we see 6 dead bodies as Dipsy looked around.... I asked, you think it's Shadow-Tubby? Walton said, I don't think so....this doesn't even look like his handy work.... a soldier asked, so what coulda made this? Dipsy said as he held up a piece of purple hair, what do you think?'s him... another soldier asked, who? Dipsy said, who do you think?'s that violent-violet-head..... Walton said, Dipsy enough with the grudge...I know your mad but we don't even know if it's him.... a soldier said, you okay? I said as I had another vision, I'm having a vision of what happened here.... *there was a discussion about something...but it was too blurry to hear....but I see them hurting and tormenting a purple headed boy knowing it was Tinky-Winky....he looked least until he killed all 6 of them...* I said as the vision ended, it's his doing alright.....but he looked frightened before he attacked all 6 of them.... Dipsy said, which is exactly what he wanted them to think.... Walton said, quit it with the grudge already *turns to me*...Lane why was he frightened? I answered, they were beating him up...stepping on if they are thinking he was more than a monster....a soldier said, well judging from the blood on their hands I think your vision was right about them beating him sure looks like his work alright.... another soldier said, yeah but we need to be careful....he's Zippy-Tippy's kid after all... we all nodded and split up to find Po while me and Laa-Laa searched somewhere else.... Dipsy stayed behind with two other guys...

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