Chapter 12 - capture them!

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Tinky Winkys pov

Me and Rose walked for what felt like 3 years....I was really tired but depression was really all the pain I have.... Rose turn to me and said, hey don't give up now Tinky-Winky.... I told her, but I can't go on like this....I might...I might ending up hurting someone again.... that killer side said to me, BE A GOOD BOY AND KILL!!!....REMEMBER YOU ARE ZIPPY-TIPPYS KID!! HIS BLOOD RUNS IN YOUR VEINS!!! I yelled, NO!! THAT IS NOT ME AND NEVER WILL BE!!! Rose snapped me out of it and said, HEY!!....are you okay? I shook my head and said, I shook in fear as tears ran down my face.... Rose was the only one to calm me down...she said as she held my hand, it's okay....I said I help you and I meant it....come on we still have a little way to go... I nodded my head and said, okay.... we started walking again.... but then we heard footsteps behind us.... we turn to see 21 newborns.... we attempted to run but we were surrounded. That's when he appeared....Shadowtubby..... I held Rose for protection in case he tried to do something.... Shadowtubby smirked at us and said, well...well...well if it ain't Zippy-Tippys little kid and what do we have here...Princess Pink-Rose?....*he laughs*.... Rose was frightened.....I had her go behind me but there was a problem....I forgot that there were newborns behind me....two of them grabbed Rose and took her away.... I yelled, HEY LET HER....MMMPPPHH!! *ShadowTubby grabs me and covers my mouth* he said,'s not her we's you that we want.... my eyes widened as he said me... I felt paralyzed as I felt his arm keeping me restrained.... then a familiar voice said, HAHAHAHA....well...well...look what you capture...a killer.... I thought, oh my God....that can't be.... the figure emerges from the shadows as she said, oh...yes it can really can.... I recognized was Po....but why? She laughed and said to Shadowtubby, we know what to do with Rose but what should we do with him? Shadowtubby said, oh....I think we should torture him...until he breaks.... my eyes widened as he said torture..... I felt him putting me to sleep as I felt his grip loosen

Shadowtubby pov

I knocked him out and turn to the newborns and said, take him too...we need him for our plan.... the newborns obeyed as they carried him away..... I turn to me bride to be and said, everything is going as plan my dear.... Po said, yes it is....Dark....yes it is....

Dipsy's pov

I ran to find that violent-violet head....but unfortunately something came up...I saw Tinky-Winky and some girl getting Shadowtubby... so I decided to follow him....

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