Chapter 15 - Dipsy's fight and decisions

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Dipsy's pov

I looked almost everywhere in the dungeon for him....but still...why was I so sorry for him....he's nothing but a monster.... but as I passed through the scary part....I heard his voice muffling and screening and crying for help.... I said to myself as I walked to the source of that stupid muffling sound, stupid Tinky-Winky if he haven't been so crazy none of this would's time to finish him once and for all....*I opened the door I was surprised that it was unlocked*...ALRIGHT YOU DEM....*I looked at the unimaginable horror*...oh my God....*my eyes widened as I saw him tied up, bruised, cut, and torture....not to mention shaking in fear.... I pointed my gun at him but I didn't shoot him...I shook suddenly....but as I put my gun down....I noticed a rope was tied around his mouth roughly....I even noticed the blood dripping from his mouth.... I should be saying he deserved it but....I can't....he's my brother....I didn't care if he was the son of a murderer....right now half of me wanted to still hate him but the other half wanted to forgive him.... I whispered a yell to him, HEY...WAKE UP!! I ran towards him and tried to shake him awake but it didn't work....he was in a deep sleep....very deep.... then a voice said, well...well...well came for that pathetic murderer.... I turn to see a newborn smirking at me... I said, whaddya want?.... he said, you've gone cold kid....just like your two brothers.... I said angrily, what have you done to my brother?...what did you do to Tinky-Winky?!... he said amusingly, oh...he's just in a deep-sleep hoping to give up and I'll let you live... I yelled, LIKE HECK I WILL!!! I shot him in the arm and attacked him...I made sure not to draw the others attention... but as he was about to cut my head off I broke his neck hard and bad.... he collapsed before he got a chance to cut my head off again.... I whispered, now to save my brother...I ran towards him and cut the rope off of him....I was being careful not to cut his face....he let out a nasty cough...but he still didn't wake up...luckily my mom was a guru of the dreamtime before she was killed....I remember she taught me two things before that attack I delve into his mind to see why he isn't waking up....I think it's called channeling through the mind....I don't know....I said to myself, hold on...I will save you...

Tinky-Winkys pov

I was put to sleep....hoping to be dead....but I was walking in least until that dark side of me appeared...he smirked and said as he grabbed me, YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE YOUR TRUE NATURE!! I yelled, NO KILLING ISN'T MY DESTINY AND IT NEVER WAS!!!.... he said as he slapped me across the face, YOU ARE A DISGRACE!!...YOU THINK YOU CAN DENY YOUR DONIG?!.... he then grabbed me as I shook in fear, NOW YOUR MAKING ME MAD!!! *he tied me up the same way as the newborns did....only this time my legs weren't tied* he smirked and said, YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE THIS TORTURE!..NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!!...YOU ARE STILL ZIPPY-TIPPY'S CHILD!! I yelled as I begin to cry, I WILL NEVER ACCEPT MY FAITH!!..YOU ARE NOT ME AND YOU NEVER WIL...MMMMPPPHHH!!..*he not only tied a rope around my mouth he also tied a rope around my neck....* he said as he tightly put the end of the rope around my mouth, THAT SHOULD SHUT YOU UP! *he looks at me and laughs* EVER SINCE THAT NIGHT I WAS AWAKENED AS YOUR TRUE PURPOSE YOU WEREN'T REALLY INFECTED BY THE CUSTARD ENTIRELY YOU WERE ALREADY INFECTED BY YOUR TRUE PURPOSE THAT YUR FATHER LEFT WITH YOU WHEN HE DIED!! I didn't want to believe it...I know my father did some damage but he didn't wanna hurt anybody....but then he pulled me off the ground as I muffled a cry...hoping for someone to rescue's no use everyone I know in love...they are dead....Rose was captured because of me...I felt so helpless and weak...that I regretted everything I have done...I closed my eyes knowing I will die... he said as he pulled the rope from my neck, THIS IS YOUR DEMISE TINKY-WINKY!!! Then a familiar voice yelled, HEY YOU!! LET HIM GO!! I opened my eyes and in shock I saw Dipsy with a gun.... he said, let him go you violent-violet head... that dark-version of me said, HA!..THIS IS TOO AMUSING!...A GREEN-HEAD HERE TO SAVE THIS COLD-BLOODED MONSTER!! He said, he's not a monster...he's my brother and he is nothing like you... he ran towards me but he stopped...because that dark-version of me said as he used me as a shield while pointing a knife to my shoulder, DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP OR HE WILL PERISHED!!!...IF YOU KILL ME I WILL KILL HIM!!! I cried in tears of grief as I try to beg him to kill me anyway... but I only muffled... he didn't even try to shoot.... but as he lowered it... he said as he grabbed him, WELL YOUR STILL A SOFTY! I KILLED YOU ONCE AND I WILL DO IT AGA....*gasp* * I ran towards him and pushed him with my head hard enough to let Dipsy go but he grabbed me and hissed*...THATS IT I HAD ENOUGH WITH YOU!!...I WILL KILL YOU THEN THAT WRETCHED....*Gasped but more painfully* I saw Dipsy pointing his gun towards his head... he shot him in the back of the head just to save me.... he untied me and said as he removed the rope from my mouth, he didn't hurt you did he?... I was in tears as I said, never should've come here Dipsy...It's all my fault.... I looked into his guilty eyes and shook even more... he caressed my cheek knowing he cared about me as I woke up...


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