Chapter 16 - Dipsy and Tinky-Winkys brotherly love

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Tinky-Winkys pov

I woke up weakly knowing how much pain I'm in....I saw Dipsy in front of me... I stared at him and said as I cried, why...why did you rescue me?...after all I done to you?....I don't understand... *sobs*... he said as he held me into a hug, I rescued you because I love you very much.... I was still in disbelief I said, but you don't know who I am....*sobbing in his arms*...I'm the son of a murderer... I'm a monster... he interrupted me and said,'re not a monster....your not a cold-blooded killer.....nor a murderer....your brother...don't forget it...okay... I sobbed as he picked me up off the ground...knowing my legs are weak.... I said as the tears still stream down my face, but.... he interrupted, but nothing....listen I never said this to you but....when I was a kid my parents died...and same goes for my two older brothers....or so I thought....all because one of my brothers have gone rogue and killed them along with the village....before he of my brothers left me to run for my life....I hid in the teletubby house because it was the closest I can think of....I had a hit in the head knowing I would forget...I was alone and least...until you showed up....along with Laa-Laa and world brightened up a bit growing up with you three...there were my only memories I couldn't forget....if it hadn't been for you I would be sad and alone today.... I stared at him and said, I...don't know what to say.... then suddenly we heard loud noises... we went to see what was it and turned out Laa-Laa and that same guy that told me to snap out of it....fighting Po and Shadowtubby.... he put me down in a hiding spot and said, I'll be back you stay here...don't ever come out okay? I nodded as he ran to join the fight...

Dipsy's pov

I made sure he was safe as he nodded I ran to help them...but as I ran I thought back how first met my three siblings <Flashback> 1. I was sitting on the slide as usual sad and alone....I said to myself, I don't know what's more miserable sitting here or talking to that thing.... that dumb vacuum cleaner said, hey I take offense in that... I said, ehh...give it a rest will ya....but my world started to brightened up when I heard a sob from outside I went outside to see what was making that sound but that's when I saw a little crying kid sitting down and crying on a hill not so far from the house... he whispers to himself as he cried...something about mama...thats when I said said as I walked towards him, hey....umm....are you okay?....your the first kid I seen around here.... the violet haired kid shook his head and said, mama....gone... I replied, your mama's gone? mean you don't remember what happened?.... younger the violet headed kid nodded as he stood up slowly....I said as I started to see something I haven't done in a long time, hey it's okay....I don't remember anything either....say...what's your name? The kid answered, Tinky-Winky... I thought it was a really good name for him.... I smiled sadly and said, that's a good name...*I thought and then came up with an idea*...hey tell ya what why don't you stay with me....that way we can't be alone know I can take you in as my little brother *he hesitated and then took my hand and smile*...oh yeah I forgot my name is Dipsy...its nice to meet you Tinky-Winky... then we walked into the house as we smiled* it was the very first time smiling...although two years went by we play and get bored sometimes but then we heard a another cry Tinky-Winky said, did you hear that Dipsy? I brightened up a bit as I said, yeah....let's go check it out... we went outside to see who was crying but then Tinky-Winky said as he pointed at the direction he faced, hey Dipsy's a girl... I turn to see a crying blonde haired girl...we ran towards her as I said, hey are you okay?.... she looked at us and shook her head no.... Tinky-Winky said, hey you okay?....your the first girl we've seen in this area... she said to us, I'm parents are not here...I don't remember anything.... I said, neither do we....*then we came up with an idea*...hey you know we can take you in as our sister.... she turned to us and said as she wiped her tears away, really? Tinky-Winky said as he smiled, yeah....I'm Tinky-Winky... I said, I'm Dipsy what's yours.... she said as she took his hand, My name is....*she paused for a moment and then said*...Laa-Laa... I said and smiled, nice to meet you Laa-Laa.... we walked back to the house with our's been a week since Laa-Laa came to our lives....but my life completely lit up as that fateful day and Tinky-Winky were inside when he heard Laa-Laa said, HEY GUYS COME OVER HERE!!! We ran outside as we saw Laa-Laa standing right next to a basket....we took a peek and saw a baby with red hair......her eyes were sparkling....we decided to take her in as a sister...just I took in Tinky-Winky and we took in Laa-Laa....when Laa-Laa was taking care of the baby...I had to discuss with Tinky-Winky about when he spilled the tubbycustard....I knew he did it by accident....I said as I finally understood what it feels to be a big brother, hey...Tinky-Winky it's was an accident.... he smiled at me as Inwiped his tears away.... we saw Laa-Laa smiling at the baby as if she was making her happy.... we walked toward her and said, how is she? Laa-Laa said with the smile, she's doing great....looks like our lives won't be the same now that the baby is here with us.... I said as she gave me the baby, Laa-Laa are we going to name her or are we just gonna call her the baby....besides the basket didn't say.... the Tinky-Winky said smiling, how about....Po... when he said Po...I smiled and said, that's a really good name for her....*I see the baby looking at us smiling and giggling, hi there Po...we smiled and laughed as we grew up as I watched all three of them grew up... <flashback ends> I said as I stood in front of them, PO SNAP OUT OF IT THIS ISN'T YOU!! She yelled, THATS EASY FOR YOU TO SAY DIPSY!!! Then she began to  command the newborns to attack us....

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