Chapter 23 - Po and Shadowtubbys wedding

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Dipsy's pov

We had to rescue my sister....she was being manipulated and lured here by that snake Shadow-tubby....& if I didn't know better I say we are about to crash a wedding but by we I mean my two big brothers...Finely and Tipsy....and judging from Tinky-Winky I recalled it: WHATEVER YOU DO...DON'T LET SHADOWTUBBY GO ANYWHERE NEAR HER!!! I can tell you this though....he was definitely serious...but fortunately I highly doubt his terrible personality would come back to haunt him or worst....but I now know that the blood of his father that runs through his veins and the infected custard were a combination just enough to wake his dark side up...think about it....if he really was infected he woulda ended up like those freaks...and I thought I had troubles....besides that a few things thing kept him from trying and those few things were his mother's blood, the thought of us, and his guilt for what he I doubt it will anyway...Finely, Tipsy, and I were in the shadows to hide....I kept having that image of Tinky-Winky crying with that personality of his behind him with a sick grin and a horrid laugh while having Tinky-Winky in his clutches as he was covering his mouth his muffled cries and screams were really hard to ignore..he struggled and while screaming in a muffled tone...poor thing was terrified of himself, loosing himself, & feeling really guilty of his sins...after hearing what that girl who looks just like Po told me...I know that he was very depressed...Tipsy turn to me and said, hey okay? I snapped out of it and said, I'm okay just thinking...Tipsy said in a concern tone, it's about him...isn't it? *I nodded*...well...I'm just worried about you too...when we couldn't find you we thought we lost you forever...I thought something bad had happened to you...I felt responsible of killing our own parents and loosing you too...I felt so stupid being a rogue... I said, well...I thought you guys were dead but even if you two were alive I thought you had forgotten about me... Finely turn to us and said, Dipsy....what makes you think that?...we couldn't even come close to forgetting you...your our brother....I knew I shouldn't have left you alone when I told you to run.... I said softly, Finely...Tipsy I.... I couldn't say anything to them...they are family never forgets their own... but something happened...we saw the wedding...and to my horror...we saw Po walking down towards the alter...luckily we took a closer look and realized her eyes were not her at all but we knew she was hypnotized... Tipsy whispered as he turn to us, who feels like crashing a wedding? We both raised our hands....right now this is the only thing I can do for Po's sake... Finely turns to us and said,'s the plan...we'll cray this dark wedding from opposite sides....Dipsy will take those scum-balls from the left...I'll take the center and take out Shadow-Tubby... & Tipsy you take them on the right... okay don't move from your positions until I give you the signal.... *me and Tipsy nodded...* well Finely is the oldest brother...he knows better...right now this is the only way for Po's sake.

Shadowtubbys pov

I finally have my sweet princess....she's mine and mine alone....when she stopped near me I made sure she was mine forever....but I think they had different plans for me....& by they I mean those three nosy freaks... but that's when my wedding was crashed into bits....those two idiots attacked my newborns....while the oldest attacked me... Dipsy said as he attacked one of my newborns, I will swear I will not let you hurt my sister.... then the other one said, me too.... and the oldest said, me three... I had enough of their games as they took out all my newborns in the room...the three boys stared at me as I was about to attack them.... Dipsy yelled, YOU LET HER GO!!! We started to attack

Pink-Roses pov

Yeah I was following them...I wanted to find out where they are....but then I realized that my sister was still in danger.... I saw the three brothers attacking Shadow-tubby as I saw my sister up there where she was standing....then with all of my courage... I ran towards her.... I stopped in front of her and said as I shook her, Red...Red...wake up...snap out of it.... she shook her head and said as she saw me, huh?...what's going on?...*looks at me*...Pink-Rose?...*I nodded*...what happened? I said as I hugged her, it's okay Red....I'll explain later.... that's when I took her hand and ran....

Dipsy's pov

I saw that girl who looks like Po run off with her...but that's when all three of us worked together to stop Shadowtubby for good....we made sure he never laid a finger on Po again.... Finely, Tipsy, & I catch up with the two girls as we fled Shadowtubbys lair....

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