Chapter 24 - a lost little brother

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Po's pov

We finally made it back to the base but....we were greeted by the worried faces of Laa-Laa and Walton.... I asked, what's wrong? Laa-Laa replied, its Tinky-Winky...he's disappeared... we all yelled, WHAT?! I was shocked to wha he had vanished.... Pink-Rose turn to me and said, Red we need to find him immediately.. I asked her, wh..why is that? She said, because little sis...Tinky-Winky is suffering from depression and I think his suffering is the cause of it...if we don't do something he might kill himself...I know...I saw him slit his throat with a sharp rock.... I gasped as I heard it... she said to me, Red we haft to find him before he kills himself.... I said to her, first off: you know my names changed right?... second off: I agree with you...we haft to find him... Pink-Rose said, I know that Red....but to me your always Red-Sparkle... I said to her, Pink-Rose....I've been living two lives....even if I was a baby....I still lived in two was me temporarily as a baby girl named Red-Sparkle....& the other one is the life I grew up as a young girl named Po....who lived with one sister and two brothers...until our lives took a deep and dark turn.... Pink-Rose looked at me and then said in a understanding tone, little sis....I understand but I am happy your still alive....when I found out....I felt relieved....I'll always recognize you...Po or Red-Sparkle.... I smiled and said, thank you....

Dipsy's pov

Oh no...this isn't good....I ran in the room where he was at realizing he really was gone....I said to myself, oh God...Tinky-Winky...where have you gone?... right on cue SilverBell came in and said, hey Dipsy? I turn to her and said, what is it?....did something happen?.... she shook her head no and said, know how Rainy-Daisy's body hasn't been recovered?...*I nodded*...well you see there's a reason....Rainy-Daisy was in the hospital for a really long time....she was in a coma....but when she woke up....she kept on and on about where her baby is....but then about 5 hours earlier she saw Tinky-Winky for the first and final time in forever to see her child again....she was dying...she had an incurable illness but she was relieved that her son was still with father knew her wish would come true.... she started sobbing as I comforted her....but I need to find my little brother.... I said, SilverBell I need you to stay here and keep an eye on everybody I'm gonna go look for him.... I ran off knowing I was worried about.... I looked back and said, I will not let anything happen to you little brother...

Tinky-Winkys pov

I was devastated....knowing my mama was still alive and then...she died while I was in her arms again....I walked on the cold ground....completely shakily and weakly...I walked towards where my mother is now....I burst into tears and whispered, mama...where are you?....mama... but little did I know I made a mistake....because Shadowtubby appeared and said as he grabbed me from behind, well....well...well...I never woulda guest I capture you once again.... I said weakly, wh..what do you want fr..from me? Shadowtubby said, what do I want?...what I want is you to lure them to my trap. that's when he tied me up my hands behind my back and tied a rope around my neck and said, besides I think your the perfect bait for them... I whispered as I knew what he's talking about, those two boys and...*gasp* Dipsy.... I told him in a really emotional plead, please....just let me go.... ShadowTubby said with a amusing grin, think I would? I don't think so....besides despite your guilt you are still....Zippy-Tippy and Rainy-Daisy's little boy... I gasped and said, they are dead....and I was supposed to be too....*he tighten the rope on my wrists*...OUCH!! hurts...please stop... Shadowtubby was amused and said, I know it hurts...that's the point....I thought and then said as I burst into tears, I can't take it....please just kill me...kill me if you want just spare Dipsy and those two boys....and leave Po alone.. but Shadowtubby grinned...knowing I was in for it...I was frightened as heck...completely terrified....

Dipsy's pov

I ran as fast as my soul can carry me....Tinky-Winky walked into these parts....I know because he left footprints behind... but what I saw was a shocker....I saw Tinky-Winky with his arms tied behind his back, a cloth was wrapped around his mouth and a rope around his was attached to a tree branch...he was standing on a log that's long enough to keep him from falling...but he's having trouble balancing... I ran toward him and remove the cloth as I said, Tinky-Winky what's happening?...why are you out here?...& who did this to you?.... he bursts into tears as he said, I...I'm scared...I really am Dipsy... I said to him trying to calm him down, look your personality won't bug you's okay... then that's when he looked up and said with a really sad look, it's not him Dipsy...please get out of here...he wants to kill you... I said, who? Then that familiar voice said from behind, who do you think you pointy idiot?... I turn to see Shadowtubby...I said in irritation, OH COME ON!!!...WHATS IT TAKE TO KILL YOU!?...*I shook it off and glared at him*...WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH TINKY-WINKY YOU MONSTER!? Shadowtubby said with a sick grin, oh...him...I have no further use for him now...besides you will pay for interfering with my plan... he was about to kill me but then Finely appeared and said, NO!!... I said, Finely... he said to me, quick...Dipsy get him outta here...I'll distract him... I said what about you? Finely said as he stunned Shadowtubby long enough to buy us some time, I'll be fine just go...*I was about to say anything but I know he was right I need to get him out of here*...listen...I never said this much when we were still kids but...I care about you Dipsy...I know deep down you don't wanna loose me again but...but it's the only way you and him would run off... he was right deep down I didn't wanna loose him again...I ran to Tinky-Winky and untied the rope from his back...I said to him as I climbed the tree with a knife in my hand, stand still Tinky-Winky I'm cutting you down... he nodded as tears fell down...I know he was scared but he has to trust me... I cut the rope from the tree branch which caused him to fall in his knees... I jumped down the tree and checked on him...he was still a toddler I picked him up and ran... I thought, I better hope it's not too late...but once I get Tinky-Winky to safety I'm going back for Finely...

Tipsys  pov

We were waiting for Dipsy to come back and for some reason Finely followed him without even thinking...but as soon the doors open I saw Dipsy holding that boys he likes as a brother...still I think of him being the oldest brother has given him the opportunity to grow some I thought...besides he's been the younger brother but when we lost him we had no idea he was knowing what it's like to be the big brother. then he walked towards me and said, look I'm going back for in the meantime you watch over Tinky-Winky and make sure he's safe... he hands the kid to me and he ran off as I yelled for him as I held him in my arms, HEY WAIT!! DIPS WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!...when he wakes up... I looked at the kid and he seemed out of it... then I lay him down at the clinic... I told Walton and Lane to watch over him for the time being and ran after Dipsy...I just hope Finley's okay...besides I still felt guilty for what I've done...but I can't loose my two brothers...there the only family I have left...

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