Chapter 25 - the two princesses of Teletubby-land

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Po's pov

Well...Walton and Laa-Laa were told to watch over Tinky-Winky....but me and Rose told them we would watch over him...luckily they agreed....besides they have a lot of work to deal with...but as for me and my real sister...we are trying to get to know one another....besides...*sighs* but me...being a princess...that was just extreme...but to me, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and name is the whole world that knows exactly who I really am....I am known as...*sighs*...Princess Red-Sparkle....I's extremely surprising....I may not have the proper way of being a princess but I can try...besides I've been a cheerful young lady...but I am a bit silly and sweet...and it's strange having these funny-looking clothes on...besides I never thought I be seen in a dress like this...still it's new to me so I'll try whatever I can. we watched over Tinky-Winky for the moment he went back to sleep...guess he hasn't noticed us. But he looked troubled. In fact he looked like he was struggling to get out of someone's grasp... he was whimpering a muffled scream as if someone was keeping him quiet... I looked at Rose in a worried-like manner... when Tinky-Winky was crying he said some words that startled us both: me....HELP!.. he was getting worse we were able to wake him by shaking as we yelled, me: TINKY-WINKY WAKE UP!!! Rose: YOUR IN A NIGHTMARE! PLEASE WAKE UP!! We were lucky that he woke up but he still had tears in his eyes.... but as if things were stressful for of the soldiers teased us and yelled, HEY YOU TWO!!...FOR A COUPLE OF PRINCESSES YOU SURE DON'T ACT LIKE YOU TWO ARE!! Another one shouted, YEAH A PRINCESS DOESN'T YELL FRANTICALLY LIKE A LITTLE KID!!! I poured at them laughing at me and Rose... until Walton shouted at them, HEY YOU TWO QUIT FOOLING AROUND!! And then Laa-Laa shouted, WILL YOU TWO STOP GOOFING AROUND AND GET BACK TO WORK THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO TEASE!! The two soldiers said to them, yes mam and sir. I turn to see Tinky-Winky crying...he was fully convinced that this was all his fault... he looked at me with a sad look and said, I...I'm so sorry...really...really sorry...Po...please forgive me. I said,'s okay...please don't cry... I felt so bad for him...but that's when I realized there's something I need to do... I said, wait right here Tinky-Winky I'll be right back... he whispered, Po?..Po where are you going? I said, there's something I need to do....just stay here.... I walked out of the clinic... but that's when Rose caught me and said, Red...wait....*I waited*...where are you going?... I answered, I need to confront Dark once and for all...besides I didn't think he wanted to hurt me at all...

Pink-Rose's pov

When she told me that she needed to confront Shadowtubby alone... at first I thought she was crazy but then in a moment or two...I think she sees the good in him... that's when I made up my mind...if she's going to confront him...I'll confront him it to.... I said as I looked at my sister, I understand...but you can't do it alone... that's when she said, are you sure? I said, yes Red...besides I lost you once and I can't looses you again...we're in this together... Red smiled and said, alright...then we'll do it together...sister... I smiled knowing she called me sister... then we walked together to confront Shadowtubby.

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