Chapter 26 - the two brothers to the rescue

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Finley's pov

I was captured by Shadowtubby and brought into the hands were tied...nothing more...but I still felt like an idiot over the years...Dipsy is our younger brother and we didn't support them like papa or mom did...we just keep telling him to be like a man...we tease him sometimes about being a softie...but I had no idea how much he means to us at least until Tipsy gone rogue on us all...I was running for my life when I heard Dipsy cry out for help...a couple of rogues were about to kill him too...but I had to help him...besides he's my brother...and I made a diversion long enough for Dipsy to run from them...luckily I grabbed his hand and we ran out of the village as I said, we haft to get outta here Dipsy Tipsy's gone mad.... my brother looked at me with teary eyes as he said, Finley....where's mama and papa?.... with a sad sigh...I said to him, I don't know how to explain it but....there not here.... Dipsy was too young to know about death...but I didn't how to explain to him... when I left him behind I went and faces Tipsy....we fought about 3 minutes or 6 until we passed out.... when we woke up Tipsy explained to me why he was rogue...ungrateful brother....but then something hit me very hard...I forgotten about Dipsy...I asked the soldier who rescued us about the whereabouts of my brother but he said he didn't find anybody but me and Tipsy....when we went back where Dipsy was....he was nowhere to be found...when Tipsy was convinced he was dead...I kept searching for him....If Dipsy really was dead we woulda found his body by now...Dipsy...he's our only younger brother....and yet I still wouldn't give up on finding him...over the years I still haven't given up...I was looking at a photo of the three of us....papa wanted to take a picture of the three of us and Tipsy weren't impressed...but he's as if he didn't care how we treated him....but when I walked half-way passed the room where we practice to eyes widened as I saw a kid with familiar lime-green hair that was practicing to shoot...when I looked closer I immediately recognized him...he looked angry when he keeps shooting targets... I had to know I wasn't seeing things this time...when I called his name he immediately turned to me...I knew it was really him...anyway you know the rest....I was about to face death... but little did I know...that both my little brothers are coming to my rescue.

Dipsy's pov

I was running to rescue Finley...I stopped and said, I look up to you as much as Tipsy...Finely. That's when I noticed Tipsy following me.... I said HEY I TOLD YOU TO STAY WITH TINKY-WINKY!! Tipsy replied, I know that but I left him with Lane and Walton....I haft to come with know darn well it's gonna take the two of us to rescue our I don't know what to do when he wakes up... I said to him, okay....understand... I had to admit....Tipsys gotta point...we'll haft to rescue our brother together...he and I are his younger brother... then I said, what do you mean you don't know what to do when he wakes up?... he replied as we ran, I mean I don't know if I should just walk out or what.... I said, dude I known his since he was like 2 years old...I couldn't remember it because I forgot my life...besides when I first saw him he reminded me of how I lost our parents.....he was balling his eyes while crying...the only thing he said to me is mama...gone....he didn't remember anything either.... he was surprised.. but as we entered to where Finely was held Tipsy said, well...when I first heard...I thought you being the oldest....really gave you maturity.... surprised and flattered I said, Tipsy...thank you.... then we snook into the dungeon because we knew that's where our big brother is.... and we were right.... two newborns grabbed him and escorted him to where he was gonna be killed.... I turn to Tipsy and said, now Tips? We got our guns as Tipsy said as he nodded, yes Dips...GO! Then we pointed our guns and yelled, FREEZE!!! The two newborns were surprised and in rage that we appeared... they threw our brother and rushed towards us...but we both prevailed...we made a perfect shot between their eyes....or dark eyes....either one I don't care.... so we rushed to Finely and made sure he was okay... he had a bit of bruises and all.... but that's when Shadowtubby appeared and said as he growled, YOU!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR STUPID CHARADES!!! NOW I WILL... then a familiar voice yelled out, ALL OF YOU STOP!! We turn to see it was Po and that girl that looks like her.... he continued, NO MORE OF THIS!! ALL OF YOU STOP!! *she then turns to Shadowtubby* Dark....I know what your trying to do but....listen I may not be your love as princess Red-Sparkle....but I can try to understand and love you as Po.... Shadowtubby was surprised as Po took his hand and said softly, we can try to change the world without any of this, Rose, and me....we'll all try and work together to make teletubby-land a better place.... he hesitated but then Shadowtubby said, ...*sigh*...okay... he was easily convinced but...Po is still careless... but as they and my brothers walked out...

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