Chapter 30 - paralyzation/ somethings wrong with me

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Tinky-Winkys pov

I felt so numb and yet I was recovering from that horrid torture.... although Laa-Laa and Walton are busy...they kept checking up on me....I have been feeling not myself than usual...why is it that....out of all people that I needed...I needed my big brother...Dipsy... I have been feeling extremely ill.... that's when Walton came in.... I was very pale and I felt sick....have I been?.... Walton said as he sat next to me, look I know your afraid but you haft to hang in there...I promise you'll be..*he screamed*...what in the world are those?....*I looked at what he was pointing as my eyes widened*... that's when Laa-Laa came in.... Walton asked, what are those? she said, they looks like small-holes... I trembled and felt my heart-beat fast as I saw them bleeding... Walton and Laa-Laa panicked and bandaged my arm.... I felt myself sweating... I thought, Oh God...what's happening to me? Then Laa-Laa and Walton walked out...

Waltons pov

Me and Lane walked out as we felt relieved that we were able to cover up those small holes on Tinky-Winkys arm... Lane turns to me and said, Walton were those holes there before? I replied, I don't think so...they weren't there before when we brought him back to the clinic...but I noticed one thing...Tinky-Winky really looked pale as a ghost he looked like has a fever.... Lane said, well judging from what I saw...they looked like they appeared between the time that he woke up and when we walked in.... I said, you're right Lane...but it's really weird that they showed up... then a familiar voice caught our attention as it said, I'll say... we turn to see Ron standing there with a worried look on his face... I said, Ron...what's up? Lane said as she gave him the knife, here...I forgot to give it back... Ron said as he gave it back to her, can have it...your father used to fight with it when he was here...I kept it as a momento...but now...I'm sure he wanted you to have it... Lane gave him a small smile and puts the knife back in her pocket... then I said, so what's look very worried.... Ron said in a worried tone, I should be... I said, why? Ron had us follow in the library.... as we sat down Ron said, I know this sounds sudden but...I know something that Tinky-Winky doesn't even know... I asked, Ron this may seem crazy but by any chance are you a friend of Zippy-Tippy... Ron nodded and said, yes...Zippy was my best friend...he and I were like brothers... but I understood what he's been going through... Lane asked, through what? Ron answered,   Zippy suffered from Persönlichkeit syndrome... it's means he suffers from a demon-like personality that causes him to kill people without mercy...Zippy had been trying for years to control it... but by the time he finally knew how... an organization called gelähmtes Zentrum...or the Paralyzation-center as it is known... Lane said, what in the world is the Paralyzation-center? Sergeant Miles came to join the conversation and said, it's an organization known to test, experiment, torture, and break-down anyone who has a very unusual syndromes like Zippy-Tippy had... I said, oh my God... Ron said,'s a really horrible place...I did whatever I could to rescue him but one thing I didn't expect he escaped and went one a rampage...that's why he has been killing people...he was suffering... when he met Rainy-Daisy it was a miracle...he snapped out of it...I  know....I was there...when it happened...the very last time we spoke was when 5 days after his son was born... he told me that he was worried that the organization might be still after him...but they'll be after Rainy and Tinky as well... Lane said, why them?... Ron calmed down and said, well...since Zippys of the samples from the newborns you collected along with the custards were from the same chemicals from the labs they used to tests their victims in....they must've somehow hacked into the vacuum-cleaner and used a really dangerous  chemical to infect the custards with...there's no doubt that the infected custards were from that terrible organization... I said, we need to run some test to confirm it...although most of the stuff you said is true but... Lane said as she finished the sentence, we still don't know why they are after him... Ron said, well...they have been chasing after Zippy-Tippy but now that he's gone they had a new's possible that they are after Tinky-Winky. Sergeant Miles said, I'm only here to both tell you and have a meeting with you two and a few more soldiers...and the meeting involves the organization... Lane and I nodded and said, yes Serge... a few soldiers including Silverbell came in... then we stood up with the few soldiers as Sergeant Miles began to say, Warrant-Officer Lucas Archives, First-Lieutenant Silverbell, Second-Lieutenant Lane immune, second-Lieutenant Walton Guards, and commanding officer Wade all are aware that the organization known as the Paralyzation-center has been behind these monsters so we should research them for more evidence if any of you have questions don't hesitate to ask Lieutenants Walton and Lane...that is all... we all said, sir yes sir... we walked out...

Laa-Laas pov

The meeting was over as Walton and I went back to the lab for more research...not just to confirm what Ron had explains to us...but to see if it's a match... when we compared a of the chemical and the effected custard it was a match... Walton and I were shocked when we confirmed the samples.... this war isn't over yet and already we have found out we were dealing with a sick in the head organization...Walton and I ran to find Ron which we did more or less... we told him that it's confirmed what he said... immediately Ron said, I knew it....listen to me...there's a 100% possibility that the organization know Tinky-Winky is Zippy-Tippy's's possible they'll be coming for him... convinced we waited to alert Dipsy & the others... but I had to ask a question.... I asked Ron, say...I know it's not business but...beside us and Dipsy....doesn't Tinky-Winky have any relatives he would've stayed with as a child? Ron thought and then he replied, well...he does have an aunt from his mothers side...Rainy-Daisy's younger sister Bella-Rella....we could've sent him to live with them but....that would be the first location they would look....besides she has two kids herself....Tinky-Winkys doting cousin Minky-Pinky...her brother Troy-Roy is not so doting....because Zippy killed his father....the only time I crossed paths with Rainy-Daisy is when she told me that she understood him like I had...she wanted her sister to forgive him for his mistake....although her sister did....Troy-Roy hasn't... Walton and I walked out and thanked Ron at the same time....then we waited at the entrance for Dipsy, Po, and the others so we can warn them.

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