Chapter 31 - under attack!/evacuation

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Po's pov

When we got back Laa-Laa and Walton told us what we never expected.... Dipsy said, An organization is after Tinky-Winky?... Tipsy asked, yo didn't you two warn him yet?....there's no telling what they'll do if they get their hands on fact I don't wanna imagine what they're gonna do to him...he didn't wanna hurt anybody... I said, but he's not a monster....why would they be after him...I mean sure he's a murderers son but that doesn't mean anything.... that's when Rose said, they normally call them descendants sis.... I said, oh...descendant... Laa-Laa said, yeah's like I'm a descendant of Vane Immune.... that's when I saw Dipsy and his brothers run to the clinic....Walton said, well Dipsy and the other two are going ahead to warn him...Lane and I will go to the Sergeant...we have some awful news from Warrant-Officer Lucas and he wants us to pass the news to him. I turn to Laa-Laa and said, matter who you are always my older sister Laa-Laa...both you and Walton careful.. Laa-Laa smiled and said, and you will always be my little sister too Po and we will... then Laa-Laa and Walton rushed right behind them leaving me and Rose here...still I can't get over the fact that I'm a princess...Red Sparkle is a cute name and all....but I love the name I was given....I cherished it...with all my heart....even Dark said it...I still recalled what he said to me sweetly...<flashback> Dark wanted to stay where he is and said with a sweet smile, Red you don't haft to stay with me....I'll be alright I promise.... I asked, are you sure Dark? He replied, yes I'm sure...don't get me wrong I accept your offer I just need to stay here...I noticed somethings bothering there something wrong? I said, well I still can't over the fact that I'm a princess and all...and I don't know how to be one...Red Sparkles a good name and all but I like my given name... then Dark said, them can stick to your real name or your given name but...sometimes you should cherished and love them can try to be a's true it won't be easy but...sometimes when life gets hard you find a way to make it easy... I smiled and said,  thank you Dark? you think we'll ever see each other again? He replied, I'm sure we will...both our hearts and souls will guarantee it. I said, your right...I'm sure we both will... Dark said sweetly, I'll see you soon Po. I said while waving to him, okay see you soon. I walked out. <flashback ends> I was lucky to reason with Dark, have siblings that love me, and going to make a world a better place....without any of this fuss...then suddenly two guards rushed towards us as Rose wrapped her arms around me... one guard said, so there you are...we've been looking all over for you... another said, your highness you need to... Rose said, why should I their the reason why I ran off...they did nothing but give me a heartache I don't care what their reason is...I can't forgive them for what they did to her... that's when the first guard looks at me and said, hey...look...isn't that? The other said, what that's impossible... they couldn't deny it... Rose said, yes this is my lost sister...Red Sparkle.. the two guards gasped in surprise... I said, why do you guys look so something wrong? The first one said, ma-lady it's just we have orders to bring your sister back immediately ...your parents are dying... *we gasped*...but since we find out that your alive and all...we may need to take you both back to the kingdom...besides they had their reasons know...they are gonna be surprised about must be mad for what they did... Rose broke the hug as she felt guilty...that's when I walked toward them I said, listen whatever reason they abandon me....I'm sure it wasn't on purpose...besides...I'm sure we'll forgive them...if they do regret it...please let us see them before their deaths... Rose said, yes...please we'll do whatever we can... that's when the two guards talked for a moment.. then one said, you wish ma-ladies.

Waltons pov

Lane and I rushed to Sergeant Miles office... Lane said, Sir we got some very bad news from Warrant-Officer Lucas.. Sergeant Miles said, what?...tell me lieutenant Immune... Lane said to him as she got out the report from the Warrant-Officer, well according to the report says that 7 members of the paralyzation-center have been spotted nearby the's possible that they come for their target...what should we do Sir? Walton said, we can't have them get away with what they are about to do? That's when Sergeant Miles said as he stood up, I'll haft to alert both the colonel and the major about the two alert the troops immediately...while your add have Warrant-Officer Lucas to sound the alarm... We both said, RIGHT AWAY SERGE! Then we both ran out and alerted the rest of troops...we saw Warrant-Officer Lucas who was worried... Walton said, Warrant-Officer Lucas the serge has given orders sound the alarm.. he nodded and said, right away Guards...

Dipsy's pov

We ran to warn Tinky-Winky....besides I had to act immediately before those whack-jobs get to him....but that's when we made a really shocking discovery that he was gone... that's when Tipsy said, where did he go?...what should we do? you think they got him Dips?... I said, I hope not otherwise I will not let them hurt him... Finley said, The I only thing to do now is to split up... you and Dipsy will go left Tipsy...I'll go right... Tipsy then said, Finn I don't think that's a good idea what if there's more than 4... besides we lost Dips once....we can't loose him again... we looked at each other until we heard a banging sound from across the room... we heard footsteps and all three of us hid... we saw a few people that we claim that are the members of the paralyzation center... our guess was confirmed as one of them said, why don't we just take this brat to the paralyzation center instead of tying him up and stuffing him in the closet? The other said to him, well we have our orders.... besides if we take him to the center now there's a chance that he will attack...besides no doubt that stupid little brat Zippy-Tippy's child...sheesh when he tried to run away he was struggling and bitting you have any idea how hard it was to restrain that twerp...besides he kept screaming and crying...the first one said, yeah I know....keeping that little brat quiet was not easy...luckily we wrapped the grey cloth around his mouth to keep him quiet...besides he's such a hard to believe that the syndrome has passed down to him...he's the other one said, well....once we take this brat back to the paralyzation center we are experimenting on him immediately..... we looked at each other and nodded... we went to the direction they previously went... we forced the door open and saw Tinky-Winky tied up on his knees with a grey cloth around his mouth....poor kid was terrified in tears... we rush towards him as Tipsy began to untie him... I said trying to calm him down, it's okay Tinky-Winky...we're here.... he muffled in tears as he shook in fear... Finley said, hold it a moment Dipsy I think he wants to tell us something... I saw him nodded his head... I removed the grey cloth as Tinky-Winky coughed and then whispered as if his throat was dry and in tears in a panic tone, we need to get outta here immediately... Tipsy said, what why? He explained that he overheard that the paralyzation center wants to attack the military with everyone in it... Tipsy freed him but he was still afraid... I helped him up and said, it's okay I won't let them hurt you or anyone else I care about...especially my brothers...*turn to Finley who looked as concern as I am*...we haft to find Laa-Laa and the others and warn them... then like a little kid I picked Tinky-Winky up... then we ran outta the closet and ran to find Laa-Laa and Walton.

Tinky-Winkys pov

I knew...I knew the ones who were after my dad were gonna be after me...I gasp to see them coming...I hid but they found me...I attempted to run but one caught me....I screamed and cried as I struggled but no one can hear me, NO!...PLEASE!...SOMEONE HELP!!...HELP!!....SO..OOOMMMPPHH!!! covered my mouth with his hand....he said as he kept slapping me or hitting me, shut up...shut...up...

Laa-Laas pov

Me and Walton were walking the halls minding our own business trying to watch for the paralyzation center... but then we see Dipsy, Tipsy, Finely and Tinky-Winky with concerned look on there faces... they explained why but by the time they explained to us...we told them we already knew... Walton said, Warrant-Officer Lucas has already gone ahead and sounded the alarm... and Sergeant Miles, colonel Wesley and the major have already gone ahead and initialed an evacuation for all the troops to move to a secret location that the paralyzation won't find us...two royal guards recently have already escorted Po and Rose outta here... so no doubt that they won't get involved.... then we separately ran in different directions... I went to the center, Walton went to the left while the four boys took the right.... during running I saw Silverbell running towards me... with a panic look she said, Lieutenant Immune this isn't good...we haft to leave now... we heard the alarm and then we heard colonel Wesley's voice saying, attention all troops attention all troops this is colonel Wesley we need to evacuate immediately head to the helicopters right away if you see a member of the paralyzation center shoot one down before they shoot you down...that is all... we looked at each other and then ran with the others... while we were running Silverbell shot two members of the paralyzation center.... but once we reached the the helicopters we saw pretty much the whole military is...but I was so worried about Walton...I looked everywhere but couldn't see him... I said, where's Walton?...Walton? I was worried for a moment until I heard a familiar voice yelling out, HEY WAIT FOR ME YOU GUYS!! I turn to see Walton who was bruised and tired... I rushed towards him and said happily, Walton...your okay... he hugged me and said, I am Lane...I am...right now we need to get outta here...*we ran to one of the helicopters*...let's just hope Dipsy and the other three made it out... I said, yeah I agree... we jumped where Sergeant Miles is in... he smiled and said, well glad you two are alright but right now we need to leave.... that's when the helicopter that we were in flew off with the rest....they are there own...may God help them...all we saw before the helicopter door closed was a lot of the paralyzation center surrounding the building....I held onto Walton as we sat down...

Sergeant Miles pov

I saw the two sitting down while holding each other...well can't say I'm happy about the paralyzation center attacking the base...but I was grateful that we got out in one piece...Lane is no doubt Vane and Wanes daughter...she reminded me so much of Vane mostly....she did have Wane's fighting spirit....I can say Wane is so proud of his daughter... second lieutenant Walton Guards son of Dora and Marco Guards and second lieutenant Lane Immune Daughter of Wan and Vane Immune...I'm glad to have call them both my second lieutenants...and I'm sure your daughter will be an excellent soldier as you have been Wane...and I'm sure your son will make a excellent soldier as well....Marco...

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