Chapter 32 - missing/tears of sorrow

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Tinky-Winkys pov

I was so scared as we ran away...Dipsy and his brothers were running somewhere but I just don't know where...Dipsy held on to my hand determined to protect me... Finley opened up a secret passage and said, you three go I'll distract him... that's when they both shook their heads no....but I didn't expect Dipsy to push me to the passage.. Tipsy said, we made up our minds...we're not gonna loose each other again.. I saw Finley smile then saw Dipsy looking at me as the passage began to close... I said as I cried, DIPSY!..TIPSY!...FINLEY! Dipsy said, Tinky don't worry...we'll fight them while you escape okay?... Finley said, this tunnel leads to the outskirts of the military... Tipsy said, besides we can't risk you being in danger... I said while sobbing, BUT IF THREE DONT LEAVE WITH ME YOU'LL DIE!! Dipsy looks at me and said with a small smile, they won't get rid of us that easy Tinky...we'll be alright....I love you little brother...I promise we will be okay so go.... the door closed completely as I silently stared at the wall with eyes widened as whimpered and breathed...a dim light only shined at the sides...I gasped in horror in tears and I can hear them getting killed...I stood still knowing they are....I started to cry softly and whispered, Finley...Tipsy...Dipsy... I felt the wall as I cried tears fell on my face... I knew Dipsy only did it to save me...I...I'm so afraid...I slowly got up and ran off...but by the time I got out to the outskirts I tripped and passed out.

Normal pov

Dipsy, Tipsy, and Finley fell down with bruises as three men pinned them down...the three glared at them as one paralyzation-member said, is that all of them? A second member said, no all of the soldiers surprisingly fled, two guards were seen escorting the two princesses back to the kingdom and the target got away... a third member said, we'll worry about Zippy's child later...right now we need to contact the paralyzation center and interrogate these three... the fourth member said as Dipsy glared at him, well...he'll talk to us...

Finelys pov

the fourth member continued, now tell us right now kid...where is our target...better tell us or you'll suffer the painful torture. Dipsy said angrily, I'm not telling you anything you monster... the fourth member was not pleased as he kicked his head only hard enough for his head to bleed... I saw Dipsy's eyes glaring at them in anger while his head is bleeding... he said in a cold tone as he growled, TRY ALL YOU WANT TO MAKE ME TALK!!...BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO I WILL NEVER REVEAL WHERE HE IS!!!...I WON'T LET ANY OF YOU HURT MY BROTHER!!... the fourth member said as he pulled his green hair, we have more ways to make you talk kid....ha...someone like you breaks down just to protect Zippy's brat... Dipsy was holding onto his grip and spat in his eye with blood on his mouth and said, YOU ALL LEAVE HIM ALONE! The fourth member screamed as the blood spat on his eye... that's when Tipsy saw an opportunity and knocks the member off of him and knocks the rest of them down causing them to let go.... the fourth member was angered as he attempted to kill Dipsy I said as I grabbed a gun and said as I shot him, YOU LEAVE OUR LITTLE BROTHER ALONE!! Tipsy helped him up as we made our escape and attacked the members of the paralyzation center. Successfully escaped we made our way to where the military was at... Tipsy held on to Dipsy... that's when Dipsy said in a painful tone, Finley....Tipsy...*we looked at him*...I'm so sorry...I shoulda...

Dipsy's pov

Tipsy helped me up as we escaped...that's when I realized...once and for all...they do care about we made our way to where the military was...I thought, mama and papa...Finley and guys really do love me...and cared... that's when I said in a painful tone, Finley....Tipsy...*they looked at me*...I'm so sorry...I shoulda... Tipsy cut me off and whispered, hey don't worry about's okay...we understand...

Tipsy's pov

I knew he still thought we didn't care about him...but...we do regret when we pushed him into being more like us...all those years ago...when I went rogue...I felt regrets and despair..when we were able to...recover...Finley went back to where he left Dipsy...we looked everywhere...but we couldn't find him...Finely blamed himself...but I took it the hardest....because of me our parents died...I was at fault when we lost our little brother too...but despite our pleads into finding him...they pronounced him our parents...we didn't believe it...because all they showed were sneakers he didn't wear, lacks of hair that didn't even come close to his color hair...his hair was a lime green color that one was an emerald green, the remains of his shirt...there was no way it was his...he haven't worn it since he was a only one years old...but he was two at the time...I couldn't even bare it...I didn't wanna deny it...over the years...I didn't stop searching as Finley gave up halfway....I didn't...but that's when the day of the invasion came...I saw him limping passed me without me or Finley first I thought I was seeing things but Finley...I'm surprised and relieved....I knew...he was still alive...I heard Finley talking to someone that's when I realized my mind wasn't playing tricks on was actually our long lost brother..but I know that my big brother Finley and my little brother Dipsy are my only family left...and we will take care of each other no matter what...

Waltons pov

We were in the new secret base....when we saw Dipsy, Tipsy, and Finley walking but something stunned me...where's Tinky-Winky?....Lane was the same way...we were worried about them... Dipsy said, you mean he isn't with you both? Me and Lane shook our heads no... Dipsy yelled out, OH NO!!...HE MUST'VE GOTTEN LOST ON THE WAY DOWN!!!.... he was about to go but we stopped him... Lane said, hold it Dipsy...we can't just go out there right now... then Dipsy said, why Laa-Laa? We didn't answer we just shook our heads... I held her as she felt down...I said as I looked at Dipsy, listen...we'll find me... Dipsy hesitates and said as he looked at us, okay...

Po's pov

We finally arrived at where I was born... we walked in and saw our (my real parents) parents were lying there dying and depressed... that's when we walked in...

King Fuji's pov

I looked at the ceiling...we were dying...our oldest daughter was mad...that's why she ran away...she was mad at us...for taking her sister...our youngest daughter...away...we regretted everything we mother was a cruel woman until she regretted what she father...he died before our youngest daughter was born...we never shoulda abandoned her...we shoulda raised them both...then we heard footsteps I turned to see Pink-Rose and to mine and Paige's surprise she and the guards brought someone who we thought we lost long ago...that someone was our youngest daughter...I recognized that red hair and sparkling eyes...and the little circle she had on...just like Pink-Rose she looked just like her mother....she was so beautiful just like Pink-Rose... Paige said, guards...what I don't understand... one of the guards said, your highness we brought Pink-Rose like you said but...we also brought the lost princess...Red-Sparkle... Paige couldn't believe her eyes...Red-Sparkle walked toward us along side Pink-Rose and whispered shyly, h..hi... Paige and I were in tears as we saw both our daughters together... before we died Paige said to both our daughters, Rose, Sparkle, I...I'm so sorry...I never shoulda hurt you both....I...I wish I corrected my mistakes...Sparkle...listen...I'm sorry for abandoning you all those tears ago...when you were still very young...I...I love you both... Rose said, it's okay Mom....we know why too...*she holds Sparkles hand*... Sparkle said softly, even was for...something important...we love you...very much...and...we forgive you...I was happy that they both forgave us.... I said softly as I let out my last breath, thank you....we love you...very much girls...*we cried and smiled as we died*

Rose's pov

We cried as we saw our parents died... Sparkle cried as I did...I held her in my arms...please's okay....I'm sure we'll get through this together...deep down they love us...and we know it... Reds eyes were facing mine...I said with a small smile as I hugged her, I love you very much littler sister... she whispered, I love you very much too big sister...

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