Chapter 4 - the Past # 2/Pink-Rose/Rainy-Daisy

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Elsewhere a few people that captured a monster A.K.A. Tinky-Winky had beaten him to a pulp... the violet haired boy was tied up, scared, and blindfolded.... he yelled, PL..PLEASE I..I DON'T WANT TO...HU..HURT ANYONE!!! He knew he caused this but didn't want to live..... one of the people said, ha...yeah right like we believe in a monster like you.... Tinky-Winky whispered, me.... then the voice from before said, hahahahahaha......are you still being guilty for what you did?.... HAHAHAHAHA!!....just admit it your a monster a good little boy and KILL THEM!!! Tinky-Winky whispered, no....just please leave me alone.... the voice said, aaawwww....what a little cry-baby you are...HAHAHA!...face it you are a monster....don't think denying is gonna make me go away.... Tinky-Winky whispered, no....I...I won' are not me..... the voice said amusingly, if you think that then look at the reflection of yourself....oh yeah your's so sad....your mother died by their hands after all...THINK BACK!! then the violet haired boy heard screaming and yelling....<flashback> it shows a some buildings caught on fire and some individuals (teletubbies) running around in panic while others are dead *screaming*... yelling: THE VILLAGE IS ON FIRE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!.... a violet haired woman was holding her 1 year old child who had the same hair color as her.... she said to her child as he cried, it's okay....ssshhhh....I won't let anybody hurt you...please don't cry Tinky-Winky.... the violet hair boy remembered that child she was holding was him as he said, is...that me? The woman carried her child towards the river where he would never find him...she placed her child in the basket and sets him on field of long grass....near the river...long enough to hide the infant....the little violet haired infant looks at his mother one last time... his mother said to him in tears before she ran, listen no matter mustn't do anything bad...I know your a good boy my matter what happens I will always love you... she kissed her child's forehead and runs off.... the baby had tears in his eyes as he heard 2 gunshots about 4 miles away.... a voice said, is that all of the family.... another one said, no one got away.... a third voice said, ehh...will worry about their stupid kid later....right now we need to take what's left of the village..... that's when someone picked up the basket and placed it into a someone picked up the baby and said with a female voice, seems like he's abandoned what do we do? Another voice said, we'll sent him to live with that other child....besides he seems harmless. <flashback ends> but as Tinky-Winky bled one of the few men said, just as I thought...this monster is Rainy-Daisy's child....oh what kind of fool would raise such a monster and abandoned her own son. he yelled as he stood up, YOU MANIACS WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MOTHER!?....WHAT HAS SHE EVER DONE TO YOU!?...WHERES MY MOTHER?! That's when he gone demonic as he removed the blindfold and killed them even when his hands were tied.... he yelled as he killed the last one, YOU...ALL OF YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!! He Snapped out of it when he realized he killed again....he went down on his knees and wept, no...not again....why?....mother....why did you haft to leave me?.....why did you leave me alone.... a familiar voice said, your not alone.... he turned to a girl with pink hair with dark pink eyes as she said, your maybe a monster have regrets.... Tinky-Winky moved back about a few feet and said in tears, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!....YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOUR TALKING TO!! The girl said, Don't worry...I can help you.... Tinky-Winky hesitated but then stood up and said, who are you? Why did you save me? The girl said, my name is Pink-Rose but everyone calls me Rose.... Tinky-Winky looked down as he remembered what happened after his mother died....<Flashback> the violet-haired boy sat down and cried on a hill not so far from the house... he whispered to himself as he cried, mama...wheres...mama?..... then a boy about 2 years older than him said as he walked towards him, hey....umm....are you okay?....your the first kid I seen around here.... the violet haired shook his head and said, mama....gone.... the green-haired boy said, your mama's gone? mean you don't remember what happened?.... younger Tinky-Winky nodded as he stood up slowly....the green-haired boy said, hey it's okay....I don't remember anything either....say...what's your name? younger Tinky-Winky said, Tinky-Winky... the green-haired boy smiled sadly and said, that's a good name...*he thought and then came up with an idea*...hey tell ya what why don't you stay with me....that way we can't be alone know I can take you in as my little brother*younger Tinky-Winky hesitated and then took his hand and smile*...oh yeah I forgot my name is Dipsy...its nice to meet you Tinky-Winky... then they walked into the house as they smiled* <flashback ends> Tinky-Winky whispered, ....Dipsy I..... Pink-Rose walked towards him. She untied his hands and said, come with know I can help you.... Tinky-Winky hesitated then took her hand and walked out...

Meanwhile back at the base

Walton was with Dipsy for a real stern talk while Laa-Laa was practicing to shoot the newborns.... Walton explained to Dipsy (who didn't want to but needed to know why) about Tinky-Winky, well Tinky-Winky's background is a real tragic.... Dipsy said, why is that?.... Walton said, *turns to Laa-Laa* Laa-Laa you need to hear this too.... *Laa-Laa went over to Walton and Dipsy to hear it as Walton turns to the two* because Dipsy the village where he was supposed to grow up was under attack by terrorist who were burning the entire village down....both his parents were killed when he was a baby....the military found him in a basket in the grass as they arrived to find survivors....luckily they found about more than 50 survivors including him.... Laa-Laa asked, but there's still one thing that has me concern....why was he found in the grass?....there's got to be an explanation..... Walton said, your right about that Laa-Laa there is....his mother left him there but she had a reason...her name is Rainy-Daisy...but here's the crazy wasn't just the custard that made him go crazy and was the blood of his father Zippy-Tippy had been murderous for quiet sometime until he met Rainy-Daisy and had Tinky-Winky together..... Laa-Laa asked, what happened to them Walton?.... Walton explained, according to his background his father died trying to protect his family and his mother got shot twice after she hid her child in the grass....Rainy-Daisy was a really sweet woman... Dipsy said, I don't know if I should feel sorry for him or just be mad at him... Walton said, well...after his parents death....they left him with you.... Dipsy said, why me? Walton answered, because they don't know where to put him....besides it was before I was made guardian.....the only reason I knew all this is because I red the information but....I'm just confused about one thing.... Laa-Laa asked while looking at him confusingly, why is that Walton?... Walton answered, I only have three of you guys information....but I wonder why Po's is not on here.... Laa-Laa said as she looked, your right there's no record of Po anywhere....still now I know why that nasty image was in my head....<Flashback> there was demonic laughter and screams as something crashed.... a blonde-haired girl with pigtails crawled outta the car as the fire started.... she heard a voice saying, LOOK HERE A CHILD!! She breathed harder and harder.... another voice said, hey she's breathing....she's alive.... a third voice said, well don't just stand there get her to the helicopter and treat her wounds... a fourth voice said, do you know your name?.... she stuttered, L..La-La.... the fifth voice said, do not worry Laa-Laa your gonna be okay... the car exploded as she was carried away <flashback ends> Laa-Laa said, I real name was Lane...I was with my deceased parents who died in a car accident...I crawled out for help but I passed out....guess we have something in common.....huh?...Walton? The white headed boy said, yeah....we do....I don't remember my parents but...I guess we do have something in common... Dipsy said, guys I hate to break your stupid love chat but can you two tell me the real reason why Po can't fight.... they looked at each other and said at the same time, okay.... Laa-Laa said before they can explain, well won't believe this.... they explained why...

What is it that they explained....

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