Chapter 3 - the ressurection of Po and Dipsy

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Dipsys pov

Dude one moment I was killed by my own little brother Tinky-Winky the next thing I knew....I was laying on a bed....I saw Po asleep next to me....I felt a bit scared.... then a boy and a girl I didn't recognize walked in..... though she looked familiar....her eyes were cold and broken....her blonde hair was short...and she had nothing but a concerned frown on her face.... the boy was wearing my hat....he had white hair and a silver color in his eyes. the girl said in a familiar but emotionless tone, you okay Dipsy? I replied, who the heck are you two?....and how the heck did you know my name?..... the girl said, you don't recognize you? I was in shock as I said with my eyes widened, LAA-LAA?!....but....why are you....when did you....but how?.....*I turn to the boy with white hair*...LAA-LAA? Laa-Laa said in that same tone she had with me 1 minute ago, what is it? MIND TELLING ME WHO THIS TWIRP WHO IS I yelled, WEARING MY HAT IS?! Laa-Laa explained in a mean-tone, excuse me....but this....twirp has brought your sorry butt to life.... I yelled in a whispered tone, WHY THE HECK ARE YOU BEING NASTY LAA-LAA?!....NOW TELL ME WHO HE IS!? Laa-Laa said with a cold-tone, I can't tell you. My eyes widened in shock as Laa-Laa said that.... I yelled again, WHAT...!! WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HIM!? Laa-Laa didn't answer....she just said, you are just acting stupid Dipsy.... the white-headed boy said as he got between us, hey you two enough fighting.... he and Laa-Laa stared at each other and blushed... then they walked out....

Laa-Laa's pov

I explained to Walton that I couldn't tell Dipsy because I knew it would bring him trouble....I said, I couldn't tell him or it will bring him trouble but...I gotta Dipsy's hat actually your hat? Walton said as he took it off, yeah...I was told it was a gift but....I didn't remember who....I had it on at all times when I watched you all...but one day I accidentally left it outside and decided to let Dipsy wear it....normally I would go up to the surface and get it but I normally put it where Dipsy leaves it.... I asked, oh I see...must've been a pain huh? Walton said, it sure is.... we laughed together until we heard arguments in where Dipsy and Po are.

Dipsy's pov

Sheesh...what I don't get is why is Laa-Laa acting cold and nasty....this...isn't her....I said to myself as I shook my fist, Tinky-Winky....I don't know what the heck you were thinking...but it's all your fault...if you haven't killed us for no reason....we wouldn't be in this stupid mess.....I didn't realize it until it was too late....but I was turning cold as Laa-Laa....but why....but I knew but I couldn't admit was because of Tinky-Winky.... I said to myself as I began to go cold, I...I will kill you...for what you did Tinky-Winky... a sweet voice said, no wasn't his fault....*I turned to Po opened her eyes and sat up* I said, how long were you up?..... Po told me, I was pretending to sleep Dipsy....why....first Laa-Laa and now you?! I said, you know this is Tinky-Winkys fault....ya wanna know something....your completely careless Po....what were you thinking going out on your own? got us both killed... Po started to cry and said, but....I had no choice....I was worried....I didn't wanna wake you guys... I said with an angered tone, well if you knew Tinky-Winky turned into a vicious psychopath....we coulda run from him... Po was still crying and said, b..but....Dip.... I interrupted her, ENOUGH PO!!..WE ARE NOT DISCUSSING ABOUT THIS ANYMORE!!....I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT MURDERER DOESN'T HURT ANYBODY AGAIN!! that's when Laa-Laa and that boy ran in as Laa-Laa said in an angered tone, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! I replied, try asking that to our sister... Laa-Laa turned to Po and said as the white haired boy turn to her as well, Po?.... Po said as tears fell down, I....I was try.... I interrupted her, PO I DO NOT WANNA HEAR ABOUT THAT VIOLENT-VIOLET HEAD ANYMORE!!...EVERYTHING IS ALL TINKY-WINKYS FAULT!!! ITS ALL HIS FAULT!!! Laa-Laa said to me as she turned to the white head, that thing is not's a's did tried to kill us... the boy said as Laa-Laa turned around, may or may not remember is true that Tinky-Winky did kill you and Po both were turned into monsters like him....*my eyes widened*...but we were fortunate that we brought you both back to life....but we couldn't risk the both of you getting infected we took some of Laa-Laa's blood and made sure you two don't get infected again... I asked, what's Laa-Laa got to do with this?.... The boy said, Laa-Laa is immune the infected custards....*I was like....seriously?...the custards? wonder my stomach didn't feel right* we figured out that something in her blood was keeping her from getting we had her help bring you guys to life and have her give her blood to both of you in exchange for her to help us.... I asked as I cut my short-length hair, oh man....are you sure it was that bad?.... the white-headed nodded and said, were killing people with a chainsaw but without your Po was a bit rough on us....I mean look what she did to Laa-Laa... I was shocked because I forgot Laa-Laa hair is real short.... I said, Laa-Laa your hair is so.....I don't know what to say... Laa-Laa said rudely, yeah it's took me about 10 years for it to grow.... the white-headed boy said while blushing, well....I think you look kinda cute..short hair or long still look pretty cute.... Laa-Laa said as she turned to him with a blush, think so?.....*the white-headed boy nodded a yes*...awww...your so sweet.... they were about to walk out when I yelled, HEY WAIT! *they turned to me*...I haft to fight.... Laa-Laa said, is it because your holding a grudge on you know who? I replied, that and I want to restore Teletubby land to its original state.... they talked for a moment and then turn to me as the white-headed boy said, alright...but two things; 1. Don't throw a fit about you who ripping your head off... & 2. You still need to recover.... I agreed to those true I am angry about that Violent-Violet head for what he did to us but it's the only way to turn Teletubby land to the way it was before.... Laa-Laa turn to Po and said, & the other condition is that you can't let Po fight with need to watch over her with at least 2 other guys....shocked I asked, why-not? Laa-Laa replied,'s too dangerous for her.... I had to accept it....besides Po is too sweet to fight... Po said in a conplaining tone, what?...that's not fair.... Laa-Laa said coldly, sorry Po but you can't fight.... about a week later I had to get up because I was alright... I looked to see Laa-Laa and that white-head who were talking until Laa-Laa spotted me... they walked towards me as Laa-Laa said in a frustrated tone, Dipsy you shouldn't be.... I interrupted, I can't just sit around and do and knowing nothing..... it's like I told you I haft to fight with you guys in order to... the white headed-boy interrupted me, we know Dipsy we know.... I said I don't know who you are but I know guys better have an explaination for this.... they turned to each other for a moment and mumbled something and then turn to me....they decided to tell me everything and never tell Po.... they explained everything to me the time they finished I was shocked, confused, and frustrated as they are... I said, this some kinda joke?....this guy was watching us without even knowing?.... Laa-Laa said not changing expressions, look I know your upset but this isn't his fault.... I said as I turned to that boy...(I think she said his name is Walton but...he wasn't sure), I didn't say it was...besides I already have a certain someone to take my anger out on....besides that violent-Violet head was the one who caused this not him....*he looks at the two and leans against the wall* well wherever that monster is....I hope he gets what he deserved.... Walton said as he looked very confused, well...there's a reason why we said Po can't fight.... I said, oh really what is it? Laa-Laa said, I can explain... I was certain but I haft to do what they say....I said, okay you two tell me everything....

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