Chapter 2: Laa-Laa the immune/the past

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A second later and Laa-Laa was already turning into one of them but the transformation was interrupted when she wanted no when she needed to do what the guardian told her to strong...Laa-Laa repeated the same words to herself, don't let it consume you...don't let it consume you... that's when Laa-Laa screamed as she fell on her hands and knees, IT'S NOT MY TIME TO DIE!!! Then it happened she threw up what remains of the custard and a bit of blood......she stopped throwing up as she slowly changed back into her normal form and looked at what remains of the custard and blood in her and said as she spat out what was left of the custard in her mouth and panted, I'm...*pant*not giving up...*pant*...easy... she held her arm and stood up slowly as she whispered while worrying about the guardian, I hope....that white teletubby made it out okay....but....there's something about him....that....I can't understand.....but that look in his eyes.....their just like mine.....was he hurt before.....maybe I should try to understand him a little's not like he was trying to hurt anyone....he was only trying to watch over us......she continued to worry about the guardian but she was shocked as she heard a familiar voice said, oh Laa-Laa...I thought you should know....Po...IS DEAD....MUAHAHAHAHA!! It was Tinky-Winky.... she thought, OH NO TINKY-WINKY IS HERE!!! I HAFT TO GET OUTTA HERE!!! She ran to the direction that the white haired boy went but this time she was determine to get outta here alive..... Tinky-Winky yelled, OH NO YOU DON'T LAA-LAA!!!....YOU WON'T BE GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!!..I'll KILL YOU THEN I WILL KILL THAT NOSY WHITE-HEADED BRAT!!! He laughed as he only gave Laa-Laa's arm three bad scratch-marks which caused her blood to splash on Tinky-Winky's face as he was laughing.....Laa-Laa ran as she thought, I'm not going to let anything happen to him....he told me to be strong by telling me if it haven't been for him I woulda been a coward....he helped it's my turn to help him.....hold on I'm coming..... Tinky-Winky stopped chasing her as he recently recalled what the guardian said, *TINKY-WINKY SNAP OUT OF IT THIS ISN'T YOU!* the violet head was in terror as he snapped out of it and shakily said, wh..what's ha...happening?....wh...where..where am I?..... wha...wha..what's going on?! He recalled images in his head when he murdered Po and Dipsy.... his eyes widened in terror as he whispered,'t be..... he looked at the blood in his hands and realized what he had done...... he screamed in sorrow and fear....he said as he went down to his knees, oh my God.....what have I done?....WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Meanwhile Laa-Laa said as she stopped, phew....I think....I lost him..... she realized she lost her shoes as she realize she was barefooted and the bottom part of her dress was completely torn......she started walking until she saw the satellite station....she was surprised to see it much more different than her usual surroundings......Laa-Laa went inside to see blood and guts all over the room...she looked like she was about to puke again as she thought, oh my God.....what happened in here.....she looked around until she saw a another guy she didn't recognize who had his chest cut with a chainsaw (yeah it's Ron)...Laa-Laa felt sorry for him. But then he groaned in pain as Laa-Laa gasped she walked towards him and whispered, hey....hey wake up hey.... the bluish-violet haired boy opened his eyes slowly... Laa-Laa said in a concern tone, who in the world did this? the bluish-violet haired boy looked at her and whispered, Laa-Laa was shocked as she asked, a headless monster?.the bluish-violet haired boy answred,' she asked, how did you manage to escape it sir?.... the bluish-violet haired boy said, thought, hmmm....I was about to turn to one but recently I stayed strong and threw up all the custards and Tinky-Winky is already one....if that's the it possible that Dipsy and Po have?..... she recalled what the guardian had said to her, *whatever you do no matter how hungry you get do not eat the custards*....she thought, that's right so...are the custards responsible?....if so then....someone must've tampered with the custards and made them very nasty.... the bluish-violet haired boy said, excuse me.....miss...*she snapped out of her thoughts*.....listen.....a....white...haired boy.....came this signal Laa-Laa said, you've seen a white haired boy with a black and white hat? know where he is?.... the bluish-violet haired boy nodded and said, he' Laa-Laa said in a worried, I'm gonna go find him...will you be alright sir?.....the bluish-violet haired boy nodded carefully and said, I''t....come....back.... Laa-Laa was about to go to that direction but was stopped when the bluish-violet haired boy said as he gave her a shaken-knife, nodded as she took the knife from him and said, okay....thank you sir and be careful....stay outta sight from whatever is here okay....then ran to the direction the guardian went as the bluish-violet haired boy said, she made her way outta the vents and walked towards the path the guardian was at as she stumbled upon Dipsy's body..... she thought, Dipsy's decapitated body? did that get here? She recalled what the bluish-violet haired boy said to her *'* Laa-Laa said, that's right the man said the headless monster was's possible that monster is not my brother....whatever this headless monster is.....that's not's something else...hmm....I think the guardian manage to slay him somehow and took his chainsaw to protect himself....*Laa-Laa decided to take Dipsy's clothes as she looked at herself*...sorry but...who or whatever you are not Dipsy.... she took Dipsy's shirt, pants, socks, and tennis-shoes....though the clothes are a bit big on her....Laa-Laa didn't really care if they didn't fit her at all....then walked towards the secret center.....moments later Laa-Laa was shocked to hear what noo-noo said to the guardian...Laa-Laa changed and said to herself, I can't believe that....that stupid-oversized heartless....traitor....her thoughts were snapped out of it when the omega was defeated she sees that the guardian was getting hurt badly.....she knew he would die for the ones he cared about.....Laa-Laa thought, oh God he's getting hurt...I haft to help him....he's getting hurt.....*growling*...I'm tired of running away....its time to fight....he needs my help.....but as the guardian made his way outside...the omega wasn't done with him yet....but that's when Laa-Laa snapped....and yelled as she prevent the omega from coming after him, I WON'T LET ANYONE OR ANYTHING HURT HIM!! That's when she started to fight the omega....unfortunately for the omega he had taken a lot of damage from the guardian and then took extra damage from soon as the omega has been defeated Laa-Laa ran outside to see the guardian was fighting monster-Po. Laa-Laa didn't react she was angered......the guardian was wounded and hurt and about to meet certain death but that's when Laa-Laa kicked monster-Po on the back of the head as Laa-Laa shouted, HEY YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!! turned to see who kicked her and tried to kill her instead but Laa-Laa dodged as much as she could...then as Laa-Laa dodged again monster-Po cut her long blonde hair....the guardian immediately recognized her...noo-noo- said in shock, NO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! SHE SHOULD'VE BEEN INFECTED BY THE CUSTARD!! Both The guardian and Laa-Laa finished Monster-Po off by stabbing Monster-Po with both the knife and the chainsaw....they looked to see each other.... the guardian said, Laa-Laa is that really you? The blonde nodded.... The guardian said, but how? You were.... Laa-Laa explained, I forgot to tell you...when I was running I threw up a bit of the custard...and when I was able to be strong like you said....I threw up the rest of it along with some of my blood...I came all the way out here to find you wouldn't get hurt.....the guardian was surprised that she was able to be strong like he told her to....the two walked towards noo-noo as noo-noo shouted in a really don't understanding way, NO...NO....NO....IF WHAT SHE'S SAYING IS TRUE THEN....NO IT CAN'T BE.....NO...SHE CAN'T BE IMMUNE TO THE INFECTED CUSTARD...IT CAN'T BE.... the guardian said, what do you mean Laa-Laa's immune to the infected custard you sorry excuse of a vacuum cleaner....noo-noo didn't answer.... the guardian asked again, you better answer me now...what do you mean she is immune to the infected custards. noo-noo hesitated then answered, I MEAN WHEN THE CONSUMER THROWS UP WHATS LEFT OF THE CUSTARD AND SOME OF ITS BLOOD....IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE CONSUMER TO BE INFECTED!! IN OTHER WORDS WHEN SHE THREW UP THE CUSTARD AND SOME OF HER BLOOD SHE WILL NEVER BE INFECTED BY THE CUSTARD EVER!! SHE WON'T EVER BECOME A ONE OF THEM EITHER! SHE'S IMMUNE!! Laa-Laa was shocked but said as she kicked the vacuum cleaner and gave it a cold glare, you have made a big really are a naughty noo-noo..... then as the guardian killed noo-noo he said, farewell noo-noo.....3 minutes later a silent moment between the two was real quite until Laa-Laa said, I will never see the world as I know it again....whatever that thing was that killed Po and Dipsy....THATS NOT TINKY-WINKY!.. ITS A MONSTER!! In fact whatever those things are they are not one of us.... THEY ARE MONSTERS!!! THEY RUINED ME! I WILL FIGHT UNTIL EVERY LAST CREATURE HAS PERISHED!!! The guardian was shocked as he whispered, changed....I think this experienced has quiet an effect on you as it did to me..... Laa-Laa turned to him with a cold glare and said, I just....*her glare turns into a sad look* don't know anything anymore......just who are you anyway....? and how long were you doing this?...... the guardian didn't hesitated he gave her a sad look and said, that's the problem I....I can't remember anything about myself....all I can remember that my name was Walton I thought and those vague memories as a child.... *<flashback> crashing sounds and loud thuds were heard.....and a mans voices said, I'm afraid we weren't able to save these two but however we confirmed their child....Walton has proven that he could be useful to us...... a young white haired boy said to himself, I don't know if that's my name..... a mans voice said, listen to me have an important assignment.....I know you are still young are a possible candidate for being a guardian for these three.... young Walton said as he shook, wh..what? <Flashback ends>* Walton finished explaining, and I was watching over all four of you at an early age of 3.... Laa-Laa didn't know what to say until she said, goodness....I...don't know what to were watching us at the age of 3? Walton nodded and said, yeah....though I had a hard time by myself.....but the original thing was to watch over three....we never expected Po to show fact I didn't even come close.....until you three brought Po in... the blonde saw a tear fall down his face and said, I was only two at the time.....when I found her she was in a basket alone, sad, and scared..... I wanted to make her happy as much as possible.....then Tinky-Winky and Dipsy came out and helped me with her.....the basket didn't say what the baby's name we named her Po..... Walton said, well....what I don't that where did Po come from?....and who would leave her in a basket alone....*then noticed the scratch marks on her arm*....Laa-Laa your arm is hurt.... Laa-Laa said, huh?'s nothing personal....Tinky-Winky or whatever he's become somehow catch up with me and I had to run before he tried to kill me or him trying to hurt you....he was about to kill me but I ran as fast as I could before he had a chance to kill me.... Walton took out a bandage and said, well....if it gets infected it would be personal.....*he wraps the bandage around her arm*....not in a weirdo kinda way just a serious kinda way....there's a bunch of different infections besides the custards turning people into...monsters.... Laa-Laa nodded.... then as Walton got up they gazed into each other's eyes.....& when the two looked into each other's eyes....the sparks fly.... unaware that Tinky-Winky was watching them the whole time in tears.... the violet-haired boy said as he collapsed, I.....I really have all caused this..... now thanks to me.....I became a monster.....I ruined everything....*he picked up a sharp-rock an puts the sharp tip on his throat*......if I'm a monster....then...I WILL DIE ONE!!!....HOW CAN I BE SO CARELESS TO KILL MY OWN FRIENDS WHO ARE LIKE A FAMILY TO ME!!.....*his evil side appeared in the reflection of a bloody puddle*.....YOU SHOULD ACCEPT YOUR TERRIBLE FAITH...YOUR NOW A MONSTER....LIKE ME! *Tinky-Winky turned away from it*....YOU ARE NOT ME....I WOULD RATHER DIE THEN ACCEPT IT....GOODBYE LAA-LAA!....I'm sorry....Then it happened he slit his throat and collapsed into the ground..... the military came as he bled..... a soldier walked towards the two and said, I'm Sargent Miles we received your distress call what's the emergency.... Walton said, it's terrible they are all friend here and I are the only survivors... Sargent Miles said, okay...slow down who's dead... before Laa-Laa can reply a soldier ran towards them and said, sir....ya gotta come see this.... Laa-Laa turns to Walton and said, we better check this out.... Walton nodded as they followed the Sargent.... when they reached the edge they saw an army of newborns as Sargent Miles said, dear God.... Laa-Laa and Walton turn to each other and then at the newborns as Sargent Miles said, prepare all units for an invasion.... Laa-Laa said, Walton are you....thinking what I'm thinking? Walton said, yes Laa-Laa....we must fight. Meanwhile with Tinky-Winky....the violet haired boy laid there bleeding... as he heard a female voice said, AAAAAHHHH A MONSTER!! Tinky-Winky whispered in tears, wh..who..ever it is....Ju...just leave me's all my...fault... he blacked out as the female figure walked towards him and said, poor thing....he maybe a monster but....I haft to help him....she wrapped his slit throat with a ribbon but before she can lay a finger on him.....she had been pushed by another 6 dark figures that dragged the violet-haired boy to a really old cart. One of the dark figures tied him up, put him in the cart and rolled away.... Tinky-Winky opened his eyes and whispered in tears before passing out again,' unaware that the female figure they pushed has followed them.

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