Chapter 1: it has begun

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Walton came up with an idea and said, I better gather the remaining custards to see what went wrong and to prevent things from getting wore....Walton tried to signal help but didn't have any signal to signal-help Walton got frustrated and said, dang it, for some reason I can't contact the satellite station for looks like I'm on my own for now...*he realizes*'s dark I'll need to get my night vision camera from the storage room before going outside...*he remembered*...the storage room locked...*has an idea*...I can unlock it from the control room...Once I get the custards I should go to the satellite station for help...the other tubbies are there....but I must hurry.... he hurried to the control room....he found a pipe and attached it to the other pipes and said, there this should open the control room.. he turns the valve and walks in the control room for the door controls...he pushed one of them and said, that should do it now to get that night vision camera....he walked in the room where it's green and spotted his night vision camera...Walton said as he grabbed it, alright now lets go get the remaining custards before they do anymore damage....then as he turned on his camera & walked out the lights went out...Walton said, what the....what's wrong with the lights....he stopped and said as he saw someone or something walking passed, what is that thing where did it come from? I should hide behind the crates so it doesn't see he did.... he snook away from the creatures every time they pass by night vision camera glitches....then as he walked out of his lair he said as he started look for the custards, if I remember correctly there should be a custard nearby....the sooner I gather these custards...the sooner I go get help from the satellite station....Tinky-Winky is still around so I better not run into him.... he spots the custard and said,'s one....I better gather the remaining custards around here..... the second custard location was Po's location....he went there and whispered in guilt, I' sorry.... he sees Po hanging from a tree....then gets the custard....he collected one at the lake then at the entrance of the cave....but when he came to collect one at the house he sees Tinky-Winky standing in front of it....Walton walked towards him and said as he stopped in front of him, Tinky-Winky snap out of it...this isn't you. He didn't listen he ate the infected custard and turned into a monster.... Walton shouted, OH MY GOD!!! He ran off as Tinky-Tank try to kill him....Walton said, I need to get to the satellite station through the mountains or through the cave NOW... Walton said as he stopped, whew I don't think he can get me here....he walked in the cave and said, I need to get the other side of the cave. It will lead me to the outskirts. while finding torn up notes that look like a kids handwriting... one reads:

Day 1 today I decided to write a journal about my adventures with the bestest friends ever. These coat men brought us papers and crayons to draw what we want. And we draw the best friend trio.. they ar sky only best friends and I love them...I hear coat men I must hide the journal they will punish me with electricity... if they-find out..

Walton puts down and said, whoa.....*he walks*...I can't believe Tinky-Winky turn into a monster... he sees a torn up piece of paper and reads it:
day 22 they didn't find out about the journal but I don't know how long I can hide it....they almost found out it last time...anyway testings has been painful lately..they made me....

Walton didn't know what to make of it and said, the rest of the note is ripped....he puts it down...he said as he keeps walking to 2 dead ends, this cave is full of dead ends....then a roar echoed through the caves...Walton whispered, what was that?....I should be careful... he walks carefully and whispered, I'm surprised this cave hasn't collapsed yet... then looks behind him to see a giant monster and then Walton ran and said, WHAT IS THAT THING?! He ran away from it and then said as he walked, phew...I think I lost it for now... he hears the roar and jumps to the edge to another... then runs to one way to the other....then sees the giant monster and yells as he runs, NOT AGAIN!!! He looks behind him and then jumps off the edge as the monster roars.... then a light shined as Walton said and right away figured out, finally the exit....he enters the outskirts and said, finally I'm in the outskirts...the satellite station isn't far from here...I just need to get out of this canyon... he climbed up the canyon and then makes it into part of the outskirts....but then something happened...he sees someone over there sitting beside a camp fire... he yells out, hello? The individual didn't answer.... then he recognizes her as he walked towards her.... he said, Laa-Laa is that you?....don't worry...please turn around and don't freak.... she turns around and said, wh..who are you?...d...don't touch me... Walton said, don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you.... Laa-Laa said fearfully, LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Walton reasoned, please...just listen...Laa-Laa said, wh..who are did you know me?....

Time Skip

Laa-Laa felt bad and said, your right....I'm sorry....I'm just so mad at friends were like my family and now there all are dead.... Walton said sinserely, it's alright...I understand.... Laa-Laa sees something in his silver colored eyes and said, I wish I could say that's true don't.... Walton said, why are you here anyway...I thought you were...well.... Laa-Laa explained, I ran away from Tinky-Winky....before he caught me in the house....I ran away until I came across this place, so I used it as a hideout....he tried to...*sniff*...they are all dead... Walton said, everything's going to be okay.... Laa-law said, so...*sniff*...what's your plan... Walton said, we need to get to the satellite station. We'll be able to find help there....whatever you do no matter how hungry you get do not eat the custards you find... Laa-Laa said, but...I ate a custard the night that all of this happen.... Walton said, this isn't good.... Laa-Laa said, yeah...I feel funny and yet I feel strange....but something's wrong...*flashback: (a woman's voice) ????: Lane?....I need to tell you take after my side of the family Lane...your immune to infections, illnesses, and any other thing that affects your health...within your blood is my immune-blood....despite the fact that you have psychic powers like your father.... remember, me, and your family from my side are immune...) Laa-Laa thought, what was that?....a memory? I?.... Walton said, hey are you okay?.... Laa-Laa replied, yeah...I'm just...thinking.... Walton said, follow me.... then they walk...

We already know the rest but the next
chapter is a blast....

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