Chapter zero: the encounter (it happened...)

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It was an ordinary day in teletubbyLand but later in the night Po couldn't sleep because felt like someone was watching her.....she felt a pair of eyes looking at only her.....she felt like someone was breathing on her.....she thought, I can't sleep.....*she felt a breath as she felt a shadowy hand touching her curved up thigh she felt frozen*....*gasp*.....*then she heard a bang as she sat up and saw Tinky-Winky standing in front of the custard machine*.....WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!......Tinky-Winky didn't answer he just walked away from the rest as Po said, WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! She decided to follow Tinky-Winky alone and said as she got up, there is no time to wake the others. I need to follow him quickly before he goes far. I better grab a torch from the work bench. She grabbed the torch and ran off to follow Tinky-Winky and yelled, Tinky-Winky where are you going? She followed him until he got far as she yelled, TINKY WINKY WHERE ARE YOU?! Po continued to walk to search for her friend and then she went to the left.....she said, Tinky-Winky are you around here? She walked around the area as she said, guess I should look she did until she spot the tubbycustard in front of a tree and said in a confused tone, tubbycustard how did that get here?....Tinky-Winky doesn't seem to be here..... then the red-head felt eyes watching her again but then heard an unfamiliar, but dark voice behind her that said, well hello my dear.... she turned to see a guy with shadowy hair looking at her with dark eyes(Shadowtubby).....Po said shakily, h..hello.... the guy smiled creepily and said with his dark tone as he walked towards her slowly, so what's a pretty looking girl like you doing out so late at night?..... Po was shaking like a leaf but answered, I...I was looking f..for my friend have you seen him? He was amused and didn't hesitate as he answered, well....well.....purple hair? This high? Hail skin?...hmm...well I'm pretty sure I saw him by the lake....but I be careful if I were you....he's....cranky..... Po said shakily, h..huh....wh...what mea...*before she could finish she saw that the guy with shadow-black hair was gone* wh...where did he go? So she went over by the lake and saw Tinky-Winky.....said in a fearful tone, Tinky-Winky?....are you okay?.... Tinky-Winky stood still and and said in a scary tone, oh I'm okay Po.....I'm *he turns around with a very scary face* REALLY OKAY!!! He screamed as Po ran off and said, OH MY GOD!!!....*she ran as she noticed him*....HE'S CHASING ME I BETTER GET BACK TO THE HOUSE QUICK!!! She ran to the house with tears in her eyes screaming.....she screamed, AAAAHHHHHH!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH TINKY-WINKY!! she almost the reached the house and screamed, DIPSY HELP!!!! HELP ME LAA-LAA!!!! then she saw Dipsy's decapitated body unaware of the presence of the white haired boy (Walton) (the white haired boy was in the control room and saw the whole thing and said in a shocked tone, oh could this....*realized*..something must've been wrong with the custards) and an imunne Laa-Laa had escaped (Laa-Laa ran off and threw up a little bit of the custard and didn't stop as she thought, why did you do this Tinky-Winky I thought we were your friends)....she ran outta the house and ran as far away as she could possibly can but....when she stopped by a tree where she was last scene....death came upon frost on a flower....

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