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"It's about Christopher Harris."

My eyes grow wide in disbelief when my dad says that. " do you know?" I stutter, looking a bit shocked.

He looks into my eyes, and then his lips curve up into a sad smile. "You really thought I wouldn't be suspicious after how abruptly you kicked me out when I showed up at your door."

I wince and close my eyes, realizing how bad it sounds now coming from my father's mouth. I know I have hurt him with my words, but his actions in the past have certainly caused more pain to me than what I did.

He speaks again when I look back at him. "You thought I wouldn't be concerned about how my daughter was doing and where she was living." His vision shifts briefly from my face and settles on the ajar door behind me. A look of worry stretches over his face as he walks past me to close it. He then grabs my arm and pulls me away from it towards his desk.

"It took me 2 weeks to know about him. I know everything, and I am planning to take him down. That's why I have been calling you since then." He purses his lips and then lets out a sigh of relief. "You were ignoring my calls, and it was bothering me. I am so glad now that you are here and you are safe." He places his arms over my shoulders and then scans my face worriedly. "I knew something was wrong. You should have told me earlier. How did you get here? When did you get here? He doesn't know about this, right?" He keeps throwing questions at me with a baffled expression on his face. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

I sigh and look at him. "Dad, he is here."

"What?" He questions in shock and drops his hands from my shoulder.

"I brought him with me."

"Are you serious?" He asks in astonishment, and I nod.

"Let me explain everything to you..."

"Do you know what you are saying?" My father raises his voice, and I can see anger taking over his face now. It's strange that he looks really pissed. No matter how rude I have been to him in the past, he never got angry with me. "He is a criminal, Nicole, and you brought him here to our house. Have you lost it?"

"He is not who you think he is. He is not a criminal, dad." I say, feeling a bit offended by how he is reacting.

"Now you are going to defend him? I don't know what is going on." He scoffs.

Before he could speak any further, I state to him boldly. "I am with Christopher..."

From the look of bewilderment on my dad's face, I know he understood what I exactly meant.

He takes a step back and stares at me in distress. "Do you hear yourself? You don't know what you are doing." He then shakes his head in disappointment and whispers. "I knew letting you on your own was a bad idea."

"Dad, I am a grown-up woman capable of making decisions for myself. I am undoubtedly aware of what I am doing." I snap at him angrily, crossing my arms over my chest. "And who are you to judge me when you yourself haven't made such great decisions in your life? At least, I know I would never do something that would disappoint my family."

The room grows silent after I say that, and my dad looks down, feeling ashamed by the accusation I've made against him. I knew it wouldn't be easy for me to convince my dad, but this just seems tougher than what I imagined. It was never on my mind to remind my father of what he did, but what he just said brought all the ugly memories back into my head. I was here just to get help for Christopher, but it seems like we are now drifting away from the topic. I instantly remind myself that it's not the time to dig up the wounds of our broken relationship and fight with my dad. I need him and I can't just blow my only chance at getting help for Christopher.

"Let me speak," I whisper when my eyes meet his again as he lifts his head.

"Nicole..." He tries to protest, but I cut him off.

"You would understand everything if you'll listen to me.." I look at him and plead. "Please, just listen to me."

He sighs, and then finally gives up.

I look at my dad expectantly after telling him everything about Christopher. He appears conflicted in his thoughts as he glances out of the window. Meanwhile, I fiddle with my fingers nervously, hoping that he would believe me and sympathize with Christopher.

"Do you think I'd believe all this?" He asks, turning around and my jaw drops in shock.

"You have to..." I say strongly, considering how delusional he is being right now.

"And how do you know he isn't lying to you?" He questions.

"What does that mean?" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. When he doesn't say anything, I exhale in frustration. "Come on, dad, He is ready to disclose everything. He would give all the information about the bases that their gang has across the country. His operating spots, links, dealers, and every single thing about Richard and the Cobra. Do you think he would be a fool to risk everything like that?"

"That's exactly my point. You wouldn't know if he is trying to be a victim to solve his own purpose. What if he wants to get Richard out of his way? What if he is using you as his escape?"

"I know him. He isn't a liar. He is the one who has been deceived and manipulated. You can't even imagine what he had been through, but I can." I say angrily, looking at my dad. "I have seen how much it has affected him. He is suffering, dad." I sigh. " He just wants to leave everything behind. Please help him get out of this."

"Whatever you are asking me to do is impossible. It would be like a shot in the dark. We don't have any evidence to prove what Richard has done and above everything you are saying that guy doesn't even remember what happened to him." He looks at me and huffs in irritation. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Richard is sadistic. He was drugging Christopher so that he wouldn't get his memory back. He planned everything wisely to trap him. Everything went according to his will. And these three years have bought him enough time to destroy all traces." I stand in front of him now and look into his eyes, trying to convince him. "He is ready to confess everything and help you in taking down Richard. In return, you just have to let him get his freedom."

"This is crazy, Nicole. I can't do that...It wouldn't take long for my department to get to know about him once I'll go on it." He shakes his head in denial and declares. "What you are asking me to do is just impossible."

He then turns away from me, looking out of the window. I stare at his back in disbelief after hearing his blunt rejection. I thought my dad was the last hope that I had at getting help for Christopher. Now that he has denied it, I feel utterly devastated. I don't know what to do? I run a hand through my hair in frustration and look back to see him still facing the other side.

I take a deep breath and step forward before speaking. "Remember, you said you would do anything to get me to forgive you," I say slowly, and my dad turns to look at me.

I close my eyes for a brief moment before I get sure of what I am going to say. I then look into his eyes and finally say. "I am ready to forgive you if you'd help him." My dad just stares at me without saying a word and I feel like the last chance that I got slipping out of my hand.

"Please, dad. I love him." I choke on a sob and say, running out of my desperation.

Dad looks at me and his eyes look tired now. "Fine." He announces in a defeated tone, and I focus my attention back on him. He then closes his eyes and lets out a tormented breath. "But I need to have a word with him first. I'll text you the address of my other office. Bring him there tomorrow. I'll see what we can do." I wipe my eyes, smiling and glance at him, not believing what he just said.

"Thank you," I say after a moment and embrace him into a sudden hug. I thought it would be awkward to hug him after a long time, but it just feels normal when he puts his arms around me and hugs me back. I feel like I had almost forgotten how good it felt to be held by my father like this.

After we pull back, my father says. "And yeah, he can't stay here." I don't know why I feel disappointed even after knowing that we don't have an extra room in our house to accommodate Christopher. And for obvious, my dad wouldn't let him spend the night in my room, even if we swore to do nothing.

As if catching up on my sad expression, my dad tries to reason. "Not that I don't like him but just because it would be dangerous." He looks at me and adds. "For him."

I can understand what he is trying to say. "Thank you again." I nod and utter before I turn to head towards the door.

"Nicole, wait!" I hear my dad call me when I reach for the doorknob. When I turn around to look at him, I see him already walking behind his desk. He leans over and pulls out something from his drawer as I watch him curiously. When he comes and stands in front of me, I notice what's there in his hand. I recognize that it's the same gold bracelet that he had given to me as a graduation gift. It looks beautiful with small pearls in between. And I feel sad when I realize how rudely I refused to accept it and insulted my father in front of everyone by throwing it back on his face.

A tear rolls down my cheek when he puts it around my wrist and smiles. "It looks good on you."


We check into a nearby hotel in the evening after I've had the conversation with my dad. I skipped the dinner at home thinking that I wouldn't be hungry but it just proved to be a wrong judgment. Because as soon as we got into the room, I started feeling hungry. I was too tired to head out to eat, so instead, we went on to order room service. I don't know I didn't do any massive work today yet I feel tired. I guess the whole conversation with my dad happened to be more exhausting than any other work that I could have done.

After finishing dinner I sit on the bed, and Christopher gets into the shower. I look down at the bracelet around my wrist and smile.

"That's a nice present. It looks beautiful on you." Christopher's voice rings in, and I shift my head to look at him. I can't help but admire his naked chest as he walks out of the bathroom in his sweatpants.

"Thank you." I smile and say.

Christopher walks over to the other side and I look at him in confusion when he lies down.

"Ummm...I think I should go." I say, standing up from the bed. I know I can't stay here. I have to go back home.

"Stay with me," Christopher says, patting the space next to him as I look at him. He seems to sense the hesitation on my face as he adds. "Just a little longer."


I get under the covers and lie next to him. Christopher puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I smile and place my head over his shoulder as I trail my fingers over his hard chest. My eyes close involuntarily as I snuggle closure to him, soaking in the warmth of his body.

After a minute, I feel his body vibrate as he speaks. "Cole?"


"You should have let me speak to him."

"You are going to meet him tomorrow," I say to him without opening my eyes.

"Cole, you know what I mean."

I frown and tilt my head to look at him. From the expression on his face, I know he is having the same awful idea that he suggested to me on the plane. "I know what you mean, and that's exactly why I didn't let you speak to him first. Why can't you just drop that thought?"

"It's the best option to do. I should surrender for the crimes I have committed in the last three years..." He shakes his head and says. "I just can't keep running forever."

I sigh and look into his eyes. "No, you are not going to do anything stupid. It wasn't your fault, Christopher. You never meant to do any of it. Whatever you did was because Richard manipulated you to do so."

Christopher chooses to keep quiet, and it frustrates me. "Promise me you would never think of doing it. At least for me?" He just nods without looking at me, making me frown. I gently place my hand over his cheek and make him look at me. "Say it."

"I promise." He sighs tiredly. "It just...It doesn't feel right."

"Stop overthinking, Christopher. It's going to be fine." I say. "We'll get through this."

It just pains me to see how sad he is at this moment. I wish I could do something to cheer him up. I look around the room, trying to find a reason, and then my eyes fall on the night view of the city gleaming through the window.

I turn to look at Christopher and ask. "Have you been here before? I mean in San Diego?"

"I don't remember." He states, trying to recall.

I sit up and grin excitedly, getting an idea. "Perfect. It's Sunday tomorrow. Maybe I could use some time to show you around. How does that sound?"

"Are you sure you are not joking?" He turns to face me, lying on my side, and supports his head on a propped-up elbow to look at me. His eyes still look sad, but I could grasp the slight amusement in his tone.

"Of course, I am not."

"I thought we were going to meet your father tomorrow?" He asks thoughtfully.

"We are going to meet him in the evening." I scoff and say. "What are you going to do all day? Stay locked up in this hotel room?"

"I wouldn't mind that as long as you are here to keep me company." He says with a twinkle in his eyes.

I look at him and for a minute I begin to consider how good that idea sounds. But then I shake my head and say. "How sweet, but I am not going to let you ruin my plans. We are gonna head out and grab some fresh air." I don't intend to, but it comes out of my mouth, more like an order, making Christopher raise his eyebrows in surprise.

He studies my face for a minute and says playfully. "Yes, ma'am." And for the first time, I see a genuine smile on his face, since he revealed everything to me.

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