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For the last two days, we have been wrapped up at Mark's office, planning things and getting my statements written. Mark's attitude has still been cold towards me, but I don't mind because I know he is not doing it on purpose. He is just concerned about his daughter and I know it's natural. I care about Nicole just as much as he does, so I can understand what he is going through.

It's Wednesday afternoon as I help Charlotte and Francis in decorating the Christmas tree. I feel more comfortable being around them now. Since I have been spending a lot of time with them in the last two days, I have started to grow fond of them. And I have even realized that apart from getting into silly fights with each other, they are pretty cool kids. It's fun to have them around. But they get overenthusiastic sometimes for no reason, which might drive you crazy. Anyway, I find them still good. Charlotte seems to be sensible compared to Francis. And she even reminds me of Millie. It makes me sad when I think about Millie. I haven't spoken to her in a long time. I wish I could just call her, but I know I can't. I hope she is doing fine.

Everything seems to be going fine except for one thing. It's the thing that has been troubling me since Sunday. I wonder why Richard hasn't tried calling me in these three days. I know I had informed him before I left for San Diego just to make everything look normal, but it's always his habit to check up on me when I am out. I just hope he isn't suspicious about our plan. Max told me that if something doesn't feel right there, then he would inform me. I haven't received anything from him, so I assume everything is okay.

I take my phone out to check if just in case I've missed anything. I frown when I see a missed call from Colby. I remember getting his call on the day I arrived here. Why do I have so many missed calls from him? Why is he calling me? Maybe Richard has told him to check on me? Or he is planning to get to me? It would be still risky to pick up his calls. I better not do that. I am not sure if I should trust Colby. After all, he belongs from Richard's family. I don't know why but I feel something is not right. I get on alert and remind myself that we need to be quick before all this blows up.

As I am lost in my thoughts, I hear someone say. "Christopher, can you teach me some shoulder workouts? I mean I like your body." I raise an eyebrow at Francis, and he shrugs uncomfortably. "Hey, don't get me wrong. I know you are my sister's boyfriend, and also, I am fucking straight." He shakes his head. "I am just saying you have a great physique."

"You are not bad yourself," I say, looking at his lean but fit body. I am not bulkier either, but I have fairly more muscles than him. But I think he just looks fine for his age.

"Yeah, but I feel like something is missing. Maybe a bit of muscle."

"Why don't you hit a gym?" I say as I reach to hang a bell on the tree. "I am sure your dad goes to one."

"He doesn't let me go with him because he thinks I have better things to do than try to impress girls with my swoon-worthy body." I give him a weird look. "I mean he thinks I should focus my attention on studies more if I am serious about being a lawyer."

I arch a brow at him in amazement and say. "I didn't peg you as someone who would want to be a lawyer."

"And I didn't peg you to be someone working in an insurance company." He jokes, but I clench my jaw and look away from him. My reason for being angry doesn't have to do with what he said. I am just frustrated with myself for making Nicole lie to her family. I wish my life wasn't a burden like it has turned now.

Francis speaks, and I look back at him. "Hey, Christopher. I am sorry for how I behaved on the day you arrived." He sighs apologetically and adds. "You actually are a nice guy."

"That's fine, kid." I smile.

His eyes grow big with excitement as he asks. "So it means you'd help me in working out?"

"I'll see." I shrug.

"Thanks, man." He says, raising his hand to put on my shoulder, but I give him a side-eye and he lets it drop to his side awkwardly.

"It's okay. We are cool." He throws his hands up in surrender, and I chuckle.

Before I can say anything, Charlotte interrupts us. "Christopher...I need a minute with you." She says and then looks at Francis. "Get out of our way, weirdo."

"Shut up, you fat pumpkin!" He says glaring and leaves. I shake my head in frustration. These two are really dramatic.

After Francis leaves, Charlotte pulls me to the corner and hisses. "So what have you planned for tomorrow?"

"For tomorrow?" I question her, a bit confused.

"Duh....don't tell me you forgot." She sighs and then whines in a low tone. "It's Nicole's birthday."

Shit! How did I forget? I guess I am really stressed with the things going around. But I remember now tomorrow is Christmas eve and also Nicole's birthday. "Actually...I..." I begin to speak, but Charlotte cuts me off.

She gestures dramatically and then places her hands over her hips. "How could you? It would be her first birthday with you, right?"

I simply nod, knowing that she wouldn't let me speak, anyway. Kids these days are a real headache.

She taps her chin thoughtfully and then says. "Okay, I have a plan. We would make sure to get her favorite chocolate cake ready for her by dinner." She looks at the kitchen, and I see Nicole talking to her mother while she helps her. "Why don't you take her out for lunch while we prepare it? It would be a nice surprise."

I think about her idea for a moment and then suggest. "Nicole loves beaches. Maybe a lunch date on beachside would do?"

"Sounds perfect." Charlotte grins joyfully.

I take a glance back at Nicole and say. "Perfect, just like her."


We get back to my hotel room at night. Even though I have insisted to Nicole that she doesn't have to bother herself to drop me at my hotel, she doesn't listen. It's been a usual thing for her to accompany me all the way and stay here for some time before going back to her home. Honestly, I don't complain because I love having her around. But I am just worried about her safety at night. I plan to argue against her protest and let her drive home tonight.

I get inside my room and head to have a place on the bed. Nicole walks over to sit next to me on the bed, but I pull her into my lap. I thought it would surprise her, but she just looks normal as she sits on me, straddling my hips. A pleasant smile graces her lips, making my heart beat faster than I thought it ever could. God! Why is she so beautiful? I let my eyes wander over her face for a moment and then look into her eyes. "I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there for me. Thank you for everything, Cole." I say slowly.

"You don't need to thank me." She places her hand over my cheek and says. "I would always be there for you no matter what happens."

Her smile fades suddenly as she looks down, and I frown. I put my thumb under her chin and make her look at me. "What happened?" I ask her.

"I am sorry about how rude my dad has been to you. I don't know why he is behaving so." She smiles faintly and looks at me with her creased eyebrows. "I just hope you understand he is indeed trying to help."

"I know, and I am fine." I smile and lead my thumb up to caress her cheek. "He is just being protective of his precious daughter," I say amusedly, and she rolls her eyes. My cute Nicole.

"I...I wanted to ask you something." She says after a moment, and I witness a bit of hesitation in her eyes as she adjusts herself on my lap. "I don't know if you are comfortable talking about it..."

"Ask it, Cole," I simply say, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Do you remember where you were after you woke up from the coma?" She asks slowly, looking at me.

I clench my jaw when I hear her question. It was surely an unexpected one. I feel anger rush through my body when again I think about Richard and what he narrated. I wish Nicole wouldn't have brought it now, but I know she is just asking to help me. I close my eyes and try to go back in time. I feel completely disappointed when I open my eyes and answer her. "I was too disturbed to notice my surroundings at that time. I think I was in a hospital, maybe in Boston."

"Do you think we can get something from there?" She holds onto my shoulders and asks curiously.

"I don't think Richard would be stupid enough to have had my surgery done there. I guess it would have taken place in some hospital in Cantabria. Probably where I had been rushed after the accident. I don't think it would be of any help to investigate in Boston. He would have just brought me there after I got into a coma. It still wouldn't prove anything."

"And the doctors that were looking after you later?" She asks hopefully.

I look at Nicole, and I know she is asking about the doctors that were drugging me. "I was too desperate to get back my memories that I never cared to dig in it. I was such a fool. I don't know why I trusted Richard too much? Never in my worst nightmare, I thought he would do so." I look towards the window, trying to suppress the pain and anger I am feeling right now.

"I was too consumed in finding my own identity that I didn't realize I was the one losing it in the process." I take a deep breath and look back at Nicole. She gazes at me with a worried look on her face as I continue. "We never went to the hospital later. Whenever I had those appointments, the doctors were already present at Richard's house or at the warehouses where we worked." I look down, feeling like an idiot for not asking the details of the doctors he brought. How could I be so reckless? But even if he did tell me, would he be careless enough to let them slip from his hands? Surely not. He has money and power and what couldn't he be able to achieve with them.

"How was I supposed to be suspicious about a person I trusted the most?" I shake my head, feeling frustrated with myself. "I never thought he would be conspiring against me. I wish I would have known earlier. I wish I would have been cautious about his true intentions."

When I look back at Nicole, I give her a small smile and say. "You know I would have still kept believing him if you wouldn't have questioned me about him on our first date. I must thank you for that." She smiles at me and then puts her arms around me to hug me.

"If you want, we can visit a psychiatrist tomorrow?" I hear her muffled voice as she presses her lips against my neck and asks.

"I am not going to remember anything overnight, Nicole. We need time for it. And we wouldn't get it until we have the threat called Richard over our head." I say, running my fingers over her back as I hold her.

"Right." She agrees. We don't speak for a while and the room grows silent. It feels peaceful to hold her close to me. Having her body pressed against mine is the best thing that I could ever ask for. Her presence calms my aching soul and makes me wonder what I wouldn't do to keep her with me forever.

After a moment, when she pulls back, I ask her. "It's going to be your birthday in few minutes. Are you excited?"

"I guess I stopped getting excited about birthdays after I turned eighteen." She says, looking thoughtful, and I quirk an eyebrow at her. "I think that's when you get to realize that you are no longer a kid."

"So you are not excited at all?" I pout, feeling a bit hurt by what she said. I squeeze her waist gently and ask. "Not even after knowing that I'd be here to celebrate it with you?"

"Of course, your presence makes everything special for me." She says instantly, and I roll my eyes.

"You are just saying it to keep my heart," I say, looking to the other side.

But Nicole places her hand over my cheek and turns my face to look at her. "No. I mean it." I look at the sincerity in her blue eyes as she says.

"Sure, I believe you." I purse my lips, making her laugh.

Nicole then puts a loose strand behind her ear and looks at me. "I wanted to ask you this before, but I don't know how I forgot...When do you celebrate your birthday?" She asks then, and I could see a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"I don't," I state. Nicole frowns at my response. I sigh and chuckle dryly and look away. "I am glad I don't remember it."

"I didn't intend to upset you," Nicole says, biting her lip nervously as she senses the dip in my tone. "I am sorry."

"You don't have to be," I say. "It's a funny thing that all these years I went on bragging about being a brutal mafia leader not even realizing how fucked up my actual identity was." I shake my head in disappointment. "I was so pathetic."

"Hey, don't you dare say that?" Nicole interrupts, with a hint of annoyance in her tone. When I look back into her eyes, she sighs deeply. "Whatever happened to you was terrible, but you can't keep torturing yourself by repeating it again and again in your head. You have to move on."

She searches through my face, and her eyes gleam brightly as she offers me a heartwarming smile. "You mean everything to me, Christopher. And I would never let anything come in between us. We are stronger together and we are gonna fight through this together. I am sure that Richard is going to fucking suffer for what he did to you. He is fucking destined to rot in prison." She spits angrily.

She closes her eyes for a brief moment and then opens them to focus her gaze on me. "It's my birthday tomorrow. I just want one thing from you, Christopher. I want you to be happy. I want to see you smile. Will you do that for me?" She says, cupping my cheeks. I look into her pleading eyes and nod, answering her question, and her face lits with joy. I let my eyes travel over her beautiful face and then drop them down to her lips. Without wasting any time, I press my lips against her. I tighten my grip around her waist as I kiss her slowly. It's a short kiss, but powerful enough to ignite the fire in me. When I pull back, I rest my forehead against her. Nicole breathes heavily as she looks into my eyes. When I am with Nicole, I tend to forget everything.

"Nicole..." I whisper. "I want you..."

She seems a bit taken aback as she babbles with her eyes growing wide. "I thought you weren't ready...I mean.. you...I...god, I don't know what I am saying."

I laugh. "You are so cute when you are nervous." I know she is surprised because I have been a little distant from the thought of being with her for the past few days.

Her cheeks turn pink as she covers her face with her palms and shakes her head. "Now I am embarrassed too."

I smile, pulling her hands away from her face, and look into her eyes. She bites her lower lip slowly, and I could feel desire stirring up inside me. I put my hand behind her head and kiss her again. I push my tongue into her mouth as she parts her lips to kiss me back. She slips her arms under my shirt and trails her fingers over my back as we make out.

We pull away for a minute to catch our breaths. I watch her swollen lips quivering and then look back into her eyes. "Let me put it in other words, then. Cole, would you let me make love to you?" I whisper against her lips.

Her yearning eyes gaze at me. "It sounds so sexy when you say it that way." She says. She then presses a kiss over my jaw and then moves down to my neck, taking my breath away. Before she can go any further, I pull her back to look at me.

"You haven't answered my question." I search her eyes.

She frowns. "Do I even have to say it? I am all yours. Do whatever you want."

I smile in content and then tease her. "Watch your words, Cole. I might take it seriously."

"I would be more than happy if you'd... take me seriously." She says that seductively, sending bolts of voltage directly to my cock. My mouth goes dry watching her confidence now, and I wonder how quickly she went from being all shy to all sexy. Suddenly I feel too desperate. I pull her top instantly and admire the red bra that she is wearing when it comes into view. Fuck! She isn't even fully naked yet I could feel the strain in my jeans. I let my fingers trace her breasts through the fabric until her nipples get hard. She moans softly and closes her eyes and I reach towards the hook and unclasp her bra.

Her full breasts bounce in front of my eyes and I couldn't resist burying my face in between them. She smells divine as I kiss her, inhaling her sweet scent. My fingers leave feathery trails over her back with every kiss I plant over her chest. I could feel her getting aroused by how warm her skin feels against my hands. She grips my hair and arches her back, pleading for me to continue what I am doing. I smile and circle my tongue around her nipple and gently bite it, giving her what exactly she wants.

Her soft whimper turns me on as I keep her in place with one hand and my other hand reaches up to massage her left breast. She moans loudly and pulls me up for a kiss, desperately. I grin against her lips as I keep kneading her breasts with my hands. When we pull back, she plants her lips over my neck and kisses me. My breath hitches when she reaches down to roll her tongue over my chest, and I pull her closer to me. I pick her up and then place her on the bed. I feel my body burning with the need to have her.

Wrapping my fingers around her legs, I pull her, making them hang down on the bed. She props on her elbow and looks down at me as I kneel in front of her. Her chest heaves unevenly and the red marks over them let me take pride in what I have achieved. I keep my gaze on her as I take her ankle in my hand and kiss it. Her eyes grow darker with desire as I travel up her leg. Her breathing quickens, and she bites back a moan when my lips reach her inner thigh. She lets her back hit the mattress and grips the sheet as I plant a soft kiss over the top of her panties. I pull it off immediately, feeling impatient to savor her right at this moment. Fuck! My mouth water looking at her exposed glistening skin.

I let myself enjoy the view of having her completely naked for a moment before I kiss her down. Nicole doesn't look at me, but her moans are enough to let me know that my tongue is doing its magic. Her cheek presses against the bed as she bites her lip, throwing her head to the side. I smile in satisfaction, looking at the expression she is carrying right now. It's a mixture of pleasure, content, desperation, and love all at once.

As much as I am desperate to get inside her at this moment but I don't do it because I want to go slow and make this last longer. I want to kiss and touch every inch of her body and give her all the happiness that she deserves. I want to make her feel the passion that I have for her. So I spread her legs and bury my face deeper into her like a starving man.

"Oh, god! Chris!!!" She screams when I rub my thumb over her clit and plunge my tongue deeper and harder, overstimulating her. Her body shakes violently as my mouth and fingers work together on her. The room soon fills with the sound of my merciless kisses and her blissful moans. Her nails scratch my scalp as she cries loudly in pleasure, riding my mouth. I watch her beautiful eyes roll back as she orgasms in front of me. I smirk, licking her sweetness off my lips as her eyes meet mine. She watches me with hunger in her eyes as I peel my pants along with my underwear.

She moves back on the bed and spreads her legs for me, making me realize that she is just as desperate as I am. But I am not gonna let her ruin our moment. I am still gonna take it slow and make her feel the real euphoria. She looks too breathless to say anything as I place myself between her thighs, trailing my finger over her side. I hold my breath, staring at her intense blue eyes, and bury myself in her at a slow, agonizing pace.

"Oh, Chris..." She moans, grabbing my shoulder, and that's when the clock ticks. We both turn to look at the clock. It's midnight, and I realize something. I turn back to look at Nicole and see her looking right into my eyes. Neither of us tries to make any moment as we hold each other's gaze for a minute.

"Happy birthday, beautiful," I breathe, looking into her eyes after some time, and then lean down to kiss her.

She wraps her arms around me and kisses me harder. "This is the best birthday present that I could ever have." She brushes her fingers over my cheek and grins. "Now please release me from this torture and start moving."

"As my Cole wishes." I grin and do as she said.

I start grinding my hips slowly against her, and she moans. She jerks her hips forward, taking all of me, and a moan escapes my lips. I press my lips in the crook of her neck and kiss her. I move my lips up her throat. I kiss my way through her jaw until I cover her mouth. I kiss her hungrily. And when I pull back to look at her, I watch her staring at me. Her blue eyes shine and I see them moistening. "I love you." She blows softly and I stop. My body becomes stiff.

"Why did you stop?" She whines immediately.

"Say it again," I growl. She doesn't know what she did to me by saying that.

"I love you..." She breathes a little confused, and I kiss her again.

"You have no idea how long I waited for those three words to roll out of your mouth," I reason as I move again. "Now that you have allowed me to taste it through your voice, I am not going to let you stop." She moans softly as I go down on her. "Keep saying it..." I command. Back when she said it to me for the first time, I was too disturbed to relish that moment. I was preoccupied with the thoughts that Richard inflicted on my mind. But right now things feel different. It feels like I am hearing it from her mouth for the first time, and I want to cherish every second of it. It just feels like a dream. Being with her makes this experience even more enjoyable and I have this strong urge to keep listening to her sweet declaration again and again. Everything just feels perfect at this very second. And I wish I could just hold this moment a little longer.

She throws her head up and smiles, biting her lower lip. "I love you." She says, and I pick up my pace. I thrust deeper into her as she moans again. Our bodies mold together beautifully as we dance in sync, with her breathy voice echoing in the background. "" Her words just fuel my movements more and I move faster over her, making her feel anything and everything all at once. "" she keeps repeating in between her moans as I kiss her entire body without stopping my movement. My lips seem to discover a new piece of her skin every time I go inside her. I grip the headboard, feeling to lose my control as my thrusts grow wilder with every moan of Nicole.

She wraps her legs around me and pulls me closer, bringing my lips back on hers. "I love you..." She tries to press her lips against mine, but she is too breathless. Our bodies shake uncontrollably as we reach our climax together. Fuck! That was fucking great!

I pull out of her and then collapse next to her after we are done. We both stare at the ceiling, trying to catch our breaths. I could still feel the sparks of the moment that we just shared. It was beyond describable. After a minute, I walk to the bathroom and get cleaned. I bring back some tissues and help Nicole to clean herself. I then slide next to her on the bed and pull her closer to me. She yawns and I get the indication that she is exhausted.

I press a kiss on her forehead and smile. "I love you so fucking much, Cole. And I promise to make you feel this love every second for the rest of my life."

Nicole rests her head over my shoulder. She smiles sleepily and kisses my chest. "I love you, Chris." My arms grip her closer when she says it again. Warmth fills my heart and I close my eyes, making a promise to myself that I'll never let her go when I have finally realized she is mine with all her heart and soul.

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