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hyunjin and seungmin arrived at school on time, despite having to go to the front office to get seungmin his schedule and uniform (not to mention their breakfast almost burning the apartment down).

to make things easier, seungmin had almost every class with hyunjin (which meant that hyunjin had to actually try harder in math in order for seungmin to understand). seungmin didn't have dance though; he had choir. hyunjin was able to relax because even though they didn't have the same elective hyunjin's close friend, jeongin was in choir so maybe he could ask jeongin to look out for seungmin.

the two walked hand in hand towards their first period class, which earned them a couple glares and a few shocked gazes. although seungmin was slightly intimidated, he just ignored the students eyeing him down and focused on himself and hyunjin.

hyunjin's grip on seungmin's hand got a little bit stronger, a signal that meant that seungmin shouldn't worry because he had him.

arriving at their english class, hyunjin designated seungmin to a seat that was next to his. however, someone had sat there first— and it wasn't someone hyunjin wanted to see first thing in the morning.

"hey hyunjin~ how are you?" chaeun asked, her voice filled with toxicity as she only wanted to talk to hyunjin.

" you mind getting out of that seat for me?" he said, completely ignoring chaeun's request.

"that's not your seat though, it doesn't have your name on it-"

"it's for my friend, he's a new student here. he would rather much sit next to me than by one of your other assholes for friends, mind you." hyunjin retorted. he was getting sick of that fake bitch.

"oh, is the seat for that hybrid mutt that's right by you? there's no way you're gay, even for him."

hyunjin glared at her and clenched his fists. "what the fuck did you just call seungmin?"

"i said what i said he was; a mutt!"

hyunjin was beyond furious. even though he met seungmin just a couple days ago, seungmin meant the world to him, and he wasn't going to let someone bring seungmin down just because he was a hybrid.

"i dare you to say that in-front of seungmin. if you do, i'm going to tell the headmaster that you've been harassing other students. you wouldn't damage your school record, would you?" hyunjin threatened, anger laced in each and every word he spoke.

chaeun stood there, shocked. the headmaster was her father— and there was no way she was getting her school record damaged. she wasn't going to let anyone stop her from becoming a general surgeon.

"i-i won't. but the next time i talk to you, you better not have him next to your side!"

as chaeun walked to her desk defeated, hyunjin ushered seungmin to the seat next to him and held both of seungmin's hands as he was trying to calm himself down.

"hyunjin, y-you didn't have to do that..." seungmin sighed, surprised by the fact that he didn't cry about someone insulting him for being a hybrid.

maybe hyunjin's stubbornness rubbed off on seungmin.

"i had to, because nobody hurts you! you're so precious to be attacked!" hyunjin yelled, causing other students in the class to look back at him. seungmin was way beyond embarrassed, but he was more than grateful for someone sticking up to him.

"but—" seungmin had gotten cut off by the teacher walking in. he sighed and decided to just go on with the class, even if it meant introducing himself.

it was now lunchtime, and the two were sitting down at a spare table in the cafeteria. they were waiting for jisung and minho, and possibly some other friends that seungmin wasn't aware of.

hyunjin had spotted jisung and decided to wave at him so that he would notice, and jisung eventually did as he saw hyunjin's tall figure waving his hands excitedly and walked towards it.

"hey hyunjin, how was seungmin's first day of school?" jisung questioned rather excitedly, seeing as hyunjin and seungmin were holding hands more often.

"i don't want to talk about it jisung-"

jisung cut hyunjin off. "of course you do! i'm your best friend, you should tell me all the tea-"

"if the tea means seungmin being bullied because he was a hybrid, then there's that." hyunjin replied bluntly. he wasn't really in the mood, but he knew that jisung would most likely annoy him and try to cheer him up.

"oh.." was all jisung said. he knew this would happen because the exact same thing happened to minho, but minho had stood up for himself.

"yeah, let's just talk about this after school ends, i'm in the mood for boba," hyunjin replied, yawning as he fell asleep in english.

"oop, i guess there's more tea to talk about—"

"shut the fuck up jisung."

they ate in silence, jisung randomly blurting random words and phrases. whenever it happened, minho was always giggling, and hyunjin was in a slightly better mood.

this awkward silence was put to an end when two more boys came to the table. the blonde haired boy and smiley braces boy introduced themselves as felix and jeongin. seungmin had given them a small welcome, knowing that they were probably going to talk more later.

"so seungmin-hyung, what class do you have next?" jeongin asked. seungmin was about to answer, when hyunjin spoke first.

"seungmin has choir next, and i want you to be with him at all times jeongin. if he gets hurt again i will—"

"okay okay, we get it lover boy. you're whipped for seungmin, and you don't want anything or anyone hurting him. i got you hyungie!" jeongin chirped, finally having someone he can become friends with in his class.

throughout his childhood, jeongin was lonely. he would always envy kids who had people to play with, and that's when his confidence started to decrease. if it wasn't for hyunjin and jisung asking him where their 'pet rock' was, jeongin would've been more depressed than he was today.

he also has felix by his side, as the two of them found their way to each other through felix becoming the new transfer student last semester.

hyunjin had almost finished his lunch, when he decided to feed seungmin the remains of his lunch. "minnie!"


"say ahh~"

seungmin cringed, while the others just laughed. he compelled though, and open his mouth so that he could finish drinking his orange juice.

"you're such a cutie!" hyunjin exclaimed, sighing as imaginary bubble hearts were floating around him. once again, seungmin was cringing. even though he liked hyunjin making his heart go bboom bboom, hyunjin began to do it more often.

hyunjin might as well confess to seungmin. hyunjin knows damn well that he's a homosexual.


word count: 1144

i'm going to skip to after school in the next chapter, because i can't wait for the big gay that happens uwu!

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