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nothing really excited happened after lunch, as the crew departed for their classes when the bell rang.

but, choir was truly something for jeongin amd seungmin.


"alright, so it seems like we have a new student! can you please introduce yourself to the class?" ms. kang asked, diverting everyone's attention to seungmin who was now standing up in front of his seat. jeongin sat beside seungmin, and gave him a look of reassurance.

"hi~ my name's seungmin, and although i'm a hybrid i hope to fit in with this class!"

the teacher nodded with a smile. "it's nice to meet you seungmin! you're also a hybrid too, that's cool~ the other hybrids we have in this class are jeongin and woojin, maybe you guys can become friends?"

seungmin looked at jeongin with a raised eyebrow, with jeongin just shrugging as a response. "oh, thanks!" he replied, the teacher once again nodded at his response.

the rest after that wasn't really interesting. the class was doing vocal warmups using the solfage scale, before practicing the song choices the chamber choir had for their upcoming competition.

*flashback ended lol*

since choir was seungmin and jeongin's last class, the two walked together towards the school gates, as they waited for the others to catch up. woojin tagged along, as they were all paired up with each other in class.

"jeongin, i never knew you were a hybrid!" seungmin said with awe. jeongin's presence made it seem that he was just a normal human being.

"i get that alot! maybe it's because i always wear a beanie and a loose sweater," jeongin giggled, before taking both his beanie and his sweater off and stuffing them in his bag. seungmin and woojin's eyes widened in excitement as they saw his fluffy ginger ears and pointy tail.

"wahh, you're a fox hybrid!" woojin exclaimed along with seungmin. jeongin just laughed at their reaction. it was kind of rare to know a fox hybrid, seeing as though there were a lot more cat and dog hybrids out there.

a couple minutes of fanboying later hyunjin, minho and felix came out from the dance room (the performance arts block was by the entrance). the moment they arrived at the school gates, their eyes widened.

"hey— waiT JEONGIN, YOU'RE A HYBRID TOO?" felix gasped dramatically, fawning over jeongin's ears and tail. jeongin just winced at the outburst, as he was sensitive to loud noises.

"lixie... too loud..." jeongin muttered, hiding behind woojin. woojin just stood there unamused.

"sorry bubs, i was just so surprised! how come you never told us?"

"well you never asked about why i was wearing a beanie everyday, sooo..." jeongin replied, earning a playful punch from felix.

hyunjin, oblivious to what was going on, was having a conversation with seungmin and woojin about how their day went. it went fine, as nothing major really happened to them.

it was somehow normal, until minho had been tackled to the floor by an outraged oversized squirrel.

"YAH HYUNG, YOU FORGOT TO WAIT FOR ME! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" jisung screeched angrily, even though he was joking.

hyunjin looked over to felix and sighed, before they tried to separate the two away from eachother. woojin, seungmin, and jeongin just stood there unamused again.

"hey dumbass, can we try to be normal for once and just walk like any other human being?" hyunjin asked while rolling his eyes, dragging jisung by his ear.

"well damn, what's the point in me being extra then?"

hyunjin just scoffed at jisung's idiocy and continued to make him suffer.

• (time skip to the café)

"soooo, what would you guys like to order?" jisung questioned, tapping his nails loudly on the wooden table they were sat at. the guys were sat at a window booth that could fit the six of them, without any of them having to get squished and/or having to sit somewhere else.

"jisung, we would be answering with our orders if your nails weren't viscously tappiNG THE FUCKING TABLE TOO LOUD—" hyunjin complained, getting cut off as seungmin (who was sat next to hyunjin) flicked the back of hyunjin's neck.

"well damn okay, i'm sorry! it's a habbit."

"oh yeah? well so is making out with—"

"you better shut the fuck up before you're getting your ass beat, hyunjin." jisung threatened as he glared at hyunjin. both jisung and minho were embarrassed, as hyunjin was pretty much like their annoying brother that pestered them. hyunjin just giggled and put seungmin's hand in front of him as defense.

"you got one more time hyunjin and i will actually bite—"

"are you guys ready to order?" a waitress asked, cutting off seungmin's sentence.

"ah yes, i'll take (insert a long ass list of 6 boba/tea/coffee drinks you like, as well as 6 pastries/desserts you enjoy) please," woojin said while smiling. the waitress just nodded with a smile back, before going into the kitchen to prepare the order.

"someone collect woojin, we have a smooth talker." jisung said laughing. woojin just rolled his eyes in response.

"anyways! that's not why i invited you all here. hyunjin, spill dat tea~" jisung spoke again, diverting everyone's attention to hyunjin.

hyunjin sighed, before explaining what happened during the school day.


...and that's how i started falling more in love with seungmin. i swear, if anyone hurts this gem i will beat their asses to a pulp. no one touches my babies. and by 'babies', i mean seungmin and kkami!" hyunjin said, finishing off his love story with a threat.

"well damn, i didn't know you were that whipped. and you said you didn't— okay why am i the one getting hurt this time by your one and only?" jisung whined, as seungmin flicked the back of jisung's neck.

"hey, it's what soft lovers do." hyunjin said, as seungmin giggled and rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder.


word count: 989

not enough gay ik, but i'll prolly continue doing more at the café or when they get to hyunjin's apartment— oh am i foreshadowing something

thanks for reading btw!!!! i didn't think anyone would read this uwu

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