♕fem!Reader X flirty!Prince♕

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IMAGINE: You're a girl, who wants some informations about some of the weapon families. Once you met the new seller, you slowly fell in love over time with ... him...

-> this was requested by kistune-sama, a.k.a. Chichim. I hope the cringe is real. Also, sorry, but I didn't want to take neko aswell :/

Note for this one Shot: Here the POV's will quite change alot, so be careful with reading :3

♕ ♕ ♕ 

Prince's POV

I'm instructed by the Emperor to always stop by the weapons shop to see if the Enperry Dualies are done with the repair. No matter what the state is, my brother always needs to know how far Sheldon is and thus can't continue fighting in the battlefield for example. If the Emperor can't fight, he's always on the verge of despair, sometimes wondering if someone else would work there, because in his opinion, it goes too long. I can understand it, but perfection takes time and no matter how many times I tell him, he doesn't really want to listen to me and continued to give up his insults.

I then stood again from Sheldon's shop and it started. I went in and they were there, the Enperry Dualies were nice and clean on the desk from Sheldon. I looked around the shop and saw the seller nowhere. But then he came out and looked at me annoyed while he gave me a key. "This repair was the hardest in my life, so I'll hand you over to the store for a break" he declared angrily and left the weapon store without giving me time to ask my dozens of questions in my head buzzing around. Sheldon just closed the door behind me and as I opened my hand, I realized that the key to the door was meant to be if I left the store. Great ... Now I was on my own and he just handed the store to someone who had no idea, aka I. I sighed, went behind the desk and tapped in my chair, which actually belonged to Sheldon and because he was so small, I sat pretty low. I turned it over and after a few tries I sat comfortably and smiled. I sat back and took it seriously while waiting for the first customer. I just took a deep breath and just thought it would come to an end soon. So I stayed cool ... and acted the way, how a normal seller would. Inwardly, I almost laughed because I always thought how stupid that sounds when I'm the gun seller. I just hope that the Emperor won't look for me, but I doubt very much that he will wait for me so long. I would have to bring back his Enperry Dualies but I just couldn't leave the store like that ...

I just stood in my cabin, with the dualies next to me, patiently waiting for the first inkling, who will soon rush in here and beg for a weapon. It didn't go long and the door opened. A green inkling came in, which stopped immediately shocked as he saw me and then left the store without any words. Yes, great, that was going on well. Prince, the gun seller doesn't seem to have arrived so well, and he never thought there would be an inkling in here, just a member of Team Emperor.

I waited for further and then someone forced the door wide open as if he knew nothing. This time I was shocked because, as expected, the Emperor stood in front of me. He looked at me, then at the Enperry Dualies and couldn't understand what was happening. I knew he needed an explanation and gave him the finished dualies. "Sheldon claimed that this weapon was the hardest to fix, that he was going to take a break and hand over the store to me because I was in the suburbs and well, now I'm here" I shrugged my shoulders and he looked if the dualies are correct and nothing was damaged. I looked at him silently and sweated. The feeling when the best inkling is in front of you and looking at something ... terrible. Even though he is my brother, a cold shiver still comes down my spine. He nodded and smiled. "Thit did the good Sheldon? Hm, well made, I have to admit" he said his opinion and I could only agree. "Then do your job until he comes back" he laughed and just walked away. I found that less funny but okay. Then there was nothing going on for a while, so I could just look out the window, what was going on in Inkopolis Square. Actually, there wasn't much going on and a high number of inklings  also didn't come. I then walked back behind the desk with a sigh and put my head on it. Twenty minutes passed and nobody came. It was pretty hot and at some point I sweated so much that I took off my Emperor outfit and fell asleep on the desk while sitting in the chair of Sheldon.

-A little later ...-

I slowly opened my eyes but still had my ear pressed against the desk as I looked to the side.
"Hello?" I suddenly heard a female voice which was so loud that I rammed my head against the desk in fright and then looked back and forth with a straight stance until I realized that a girl was standing in front of me. She looked pretty hot at the first glance, and as I looked to myself, I realized that I was wearing nothing.

"Oh ... uh ... uhm, sorry ... wait ... well, now! Hey~" I giggled nervously, as I put on my outfit as soon as possible, that I was wearing clothes again. "Hi ... uhm, actually I wanted to ask you if you could advise me, but may I first ask where Sheldon is?" she asked, and it was also weird to her that there was a random inkling behind the desk instead of Sheldon, the real weapon seller.

"Well, my brother had a gun brought here for repair and for Sheldon it was such a big challenge that he paused right after he finished and just gave me the job" I explained, trying to make a decent start.

{Y/N}'s POV

Actually, I just wanted to get some advice today on which weapon would be best, but instead of Sheldon, there was a normal inkling in the store, with yellow tentacles. Normal ... is a bit over the top because at first he didn't wear any clothes and slept at his work. I was a bit nervous talking to him because he looked somehow hot, but he was too, so I felt better over time. The reason why Sheldon wasn't there, he also said very nice but I thought it was a bit weird. Anyway ... I just let it be and came back to the store. "I understand ... well, can you show me a weapon daily? I want to give them a try and maybe buy it if I like it. Could you do that for me, please?" I asked begging and he looked at me, while scratching his head. I thought he would refuse, but he only smiled and nodded. "I'll try my best ... let me get by with the weapons until tomorrow, except for the Enperry Dualies, the Splatterscope and the Clash Blaster, I don't know all that well" he said shamefully and I thought that was very strange, why he enumerated only three specific weapons. I thought about it and then recognized the emblem on his outfit.

No ... I ... I was just thinking I was dreaming but it was the reality where I was right now. Prince personally stood in front of me. My smile from before turned into a broad beam and I looked away from the emblem, right into his honey yellow eyes. "Is everything okay with you?" he asked worriedly and looked around me. "Ahhhhhh, you are Prince, oh my god, man, can we be friends?" I asked almost screeching and was somehow fangirling around him.

"Oh ... heh, I'm glad you know me" he smiled and sweated. I think that I overrun him and think that it was time to let him be. His head was probably glowing hot and he was ... red? I had no idea what that meant and was unaware. I always walked a bit farther, then, as he continued to stand there, waved like a red light and finally left the shop. The door then get closed behind me, trying to keep inner calm as I left the Inkopolis Square. That was very exciting. I met Prince for the first time and could talk to him 1 to 1, which is something unique. Actually, I was relatively stupid that I didn't recognize his outfit so quickly, but at the end then. Better than never ... I still couldn't believe that I was in reality and can hardly wait for the next day. The excitement was there, even though we were already friends ... really strange.

Prince's POV

There she was gone. The unknown girl, which almost made me explode. She was actually fangirling and only ... about me. She didn't mention the Emperor or any other team member of Team Emperor, which I found very special. I rarely see people who just like the Emperor team only because of me. It was a rare case, that it was almost a honor. There was only one problem now. I think that I am in love with this girl and I have to find out if she feels the same way. Courage, just to ask her if she wants to live with me, just didn't go down and say that it's better to take another path, otherwise it would be really cringy. I thought about how I could figure it out and suddenly my brother came to my mind. The Emperor once showed me some tricks to capture a girl and there was something I could try.

To flirt.

It's time to change from tomorrow on, for a while, and I hope that she won't be too scared then that she'll disappear and think I'm too weird.

Time for the flirty Prince and I hope she will like it. I know her a bit too little and didn't even know her name, so I decided to start very gently tomorrow and was already looking forward to it. "Hello, I would like to have this gun here" then someone out of nowhere said with a low tone and knocked a golden dynamo roller on the table. I checked his level and showed him with a book, how much this nice piece costs. He gave me exactly that amount and left the shop satisfied with his huge share. Then it was time to close the store and I had enough time to gather all the information I needed to know everything needed to know each weapon. I was a beginner and I really needed that time. It was a bit rude of Sheldon to just hire me, but just running away and rejecting that would have been wrong. Anyway, that's the past and I couldn't  change that anymore. Apparently, it also makes my brother proud and you can learn a lot anyway, if by chance you get the chance to work here. I closed the shop so no one could walk in and had time for myself. I then went to the small room of Sheldon, where I had never been and admired it, because it had many different pieces of paper on the wall. Each of them showed a sketch of different weapons and some of them I've never seen before. He also had a small table and on it there were many papers with different sketches of all the weapons which are in Inkopolis. There was information about it everywhere. The exact rate of fire, the range, everything was displayed and therefore could easily distinguish or compare the weapons. I sat there and looked through everything, thinking in my head to the Emperor how flirty he was on it. I did two things at once and so far everything went as I wanted. I just hope ... that it stays that way and will sleep soon as soon as I'm through with everything.

-The next day-

My face was laid on the table and as I slowly opened my eyes, I hated myself for actually falling asleep watching the notes. Luckily I haven't opened the store yet and didn't really rush to the door. But as I opened it, I deeply regretted it because I probably won't see what I saw again in my life. A huge snake has formed in front of the shop and I believed that I should have opened the shop earlier. I swallowed, went straight in and finally was behind the desk. The one customer after the other came to me and I gave everything to satisfy the inkling or octoling and even apologized to everyone that it took so long. After I finished, I was pretty broken and couldn't go on. I almost fell asleep again but then I remembered this girl who didn't come today so far. It was understandable, because she was probably still asleep. Luckily I had enough time to think about how I could conquer her. I don't think flirting is that easy, but you can try it. I was in a good mood behind the desk and waited patiently for her or other customers to buy something or anything else. But no one came until I saw her from a distance, as {Y/N} came towards me. She had the same clothes on as yesterday, so I recognized her quite well. I got up, went to the entrance and closed the door behind her. In addition, I let the others know with a note that I was busy for a while and then went back behind the desk. Now it was time to relax and just be myself.

"Hi ... well, what do you want to do today?~" I asked as sweetly as possible and tried to keep eye contact. "Uhm, hi Prince, heh, I ... how about a charger?" she asked nervously and I felt that I exaggerated at the beginning. I nodded, winked at her and went to the rule where all the sniper had raced.

"And?" I asked smiling, looking over my shoulder at her. "Well, preferably one with a little range" she said and I already had some ideas. I took a few, brought them over to the desk and asked the girl to come to me. "Here we have the squiffer, the sniper with the shortest range of all of them, otherwise we would still have the Bamboozler or the Goo Tuber. On the normal splat charger, the range is then greater and the E-liter 4k Scope is gigantic anyway" I explained with pride and showed her the whole selection. She was really surprised at how much there was and took her time to look closely at everything.

{Y/N}'s POV

I was thrilled how much Prince knew about the chargers and apparently he had really done a lot over the night, which pleased me.

"Tell me dear, what's your name?" Prince asked and as I repeated his question in my head, I dropped the squiffer that I was carrying in my hand and couldn't believe that he called me that. His gaze was different and it scared me a bit. But I stayed cool and decided to answer the question.

"Oh, I'm silly, I'm sorry I haven't said that yet, I'm {Y/N}" I smiled at him and then was serious again as I next picked up the Goo Tuber.

"{Y/N}. Hmmm, a pretty nice name ..." he admitted and I had to blush. "Thanks ... but no, please stop that" I begged and only became more red than before. It was almost a bit embarrassing and I didn't realize what that meant. "Oh ... I think it's a good one" Prince muttered insulted and tapped the desk while he rested his head in both of his hands. It looked pretty weird but also erotic and sweet at the same time. Meanwhile, I didn't know why I think so but I'm kind of in love with him. "Whatever ... I'm trying this splat charger" I said and took it. Prince nodded and gave me enough time to try the charger. I left the store and planned to do some turf wars. Let's see how well I can handle this nice thing ...

As I shot around with this charger, I thought about what I would try next and decided to take each species. Unfortunately I can only get away with the Splattershot Jr. and that's not much. Prince could also teach me how to play the Enperry Dualies, but well, if he will do that, that's the other question, and yes, I doubt it very much. After two laps I had enough and decided not to decide yet and after I finished with all, I'll take a new weapon that I will always play in the future. I ran back to the store and Prince was waiting for me, still in the same sexy position as before. I almost had a nosebleed because that was really hot ...

I shook my head and tried to think of the essential, but as he leaned over the desk and touched my cheek with a worried face, I froze, while dropping the splat charger. "Is everything alright?~" He asked with a slightly open mouth and also had his Enperry coat only half on so you could see his body. I felt like I was on the internet, looking for hot inkling guys but it all just happened in reality. I nodded and just couldn't talk. Prince then moved away from me and gave me a sweet smile. "Then it's good, have you decided?" he asked quite normally and I think he realized that he had to go down a tad.

"No, I'll need a few more days to try all kinds of weapons" I explained and said goodbye for today.

Prince's POV

Well that went off well. I was somehow proud of myself and she definitely needed time to get used to me. To the new and true Prince! After she left and I opened the shop for others again, a few came in and then I had to do my job again.

-A few days later ...-

{Y/N}'s POV

Meanwhile, a few days have passed and I have to say that I'm falling in love with Prince more and more, and he's falling in love with me as well. But why we didn't have the courage to tell each other? I just didn't know that and he ... didn't know it probably either. Love seemed to hide a lot of secrets and that's not easy. Courage ... you just can't buy that and we both didn't seem to have that. Today I had enough and will put an end to it all at once. That really killed me and I think it's time to jump over our shadow. I ran angrily to the store, violently opened the door and stared at Prince, who admired a few rollers. "Ah, hello {Y/N}. Hm, you look as good as ever~" he flattered and I automatically blushed again. "Uhh, thanks ... heh, uhmm Prince, we have to speak plain language!" I ordered with a sharp tone and pressed both hands on the desk. He sat on the chair and looked at me in confusion, why I suddenly was so aggressive. "What's going on, can't you still decide?" he asked and couldn't believe it that way. Wow, he was right, but I think I'll just go for the {F/W}, for sure. But I just let it go and took the main theme.

"One question ... do you love me?" I asked and became weak as this question made him blush, which, as far as I know, means a quiet yes. I smiled and started to whisper. "... I feel the same ..."

Then he got up from the chair and came to me. He touched my stomach with his finger and slowly stroked from bottom to top until he hit my chin. I stared at him as he looked down and began to laugh briefly. "Hey, you're the best thing I've come across" he said softly, with a soft tone I'd never heard before. Anyway, this sentence killed me and my heart was melted. I didn't feel my luck and was about to fall over. I didn't realize with so many emotions and feelings that I couldn't say anything anymore and I trembled too hard. "Oh, I have an antidote" he said and kissed me diagonally.


Wow It felt great and, indeed, it freed me from the pain inside and I was blown away. "Is that okay?~" he asked, licking my cheek for a moment. "Hm, the good taste of a blushing cheek" he chuckled and kissed me again. Unfortunately, someone came into the store just then, but as I realized that this was Sheldon, who had finished his time off and was staring at us in shock, I knew ... that we would soon have to go somewhere else. I was glad I had him and Prince ignored Sheldon because his love for me was just too strong. Shocked and quite quiet, but Sheldon left the store again. I thought that was a good action from him and therefore I and Prince had enough time to get up close and personal.

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