♕Prince X flirty!fem!Reader♕

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IMAGINE: You're a girl, who decided to chase after Prince, who wants to do everything, that your Prince will love you back ...

-> This was requested by splatoon_lover_. I hope it's ... "decent". Have you guys fun by reading it~

♕ ♕ ♕ 

Prince's POV

Another battle of Team Emperor was imminent again. We got ready and put on our outfit. Eging Jr. and N-Pacer were already out, but my big brother was so nice and patiently waited in front of me until I had the outfit, shoes and everything on. "Come on Prince, let's show 'em who's the real champion" the Emperor grinned, handing me my Enperry Dualies, which were extremely clean and then we were ready. We both strolled outside and then walked all four of us in a row towards the Inkopolis Square, where the Battle will take place.
As we walked, we recognized a few Inklings who were following and quite liked us. They cheered for us, but after a short while I recognized an Inkling girl staring at me all the time. At first I was relatively insecure and moved constantly. The Emperor didn't understand what I was doing and stopped. "Can you please stop with that?" my brother grumbled and stared at me. I nodded shyly and then walked on normally. I tried to ignore the girl but somehow it didn't work. With my movements, I was able to find out if she really just looked at me, and as I headed a bit away from the group, I unobtrusively looked over at her. In fact, now I could see clearly that she was aiming for me. She looked cute but that didn't matter. Her eyes were quite scary and she looked like she was going to grab me as her partner at any moment. But then we turned off, because we were already here, where we should go. 

The Inkopolis Square.

As we stood in front of the square, all the noise in there stopped in one fell swoop, as always. Everyone looked at us and loved it immidiately. We're just as famous as no one else and I always believe in Emperor's promise. 

*We are and will remain the champions* 

He's probably right, because even our own designed outfit has no one else, that means it's unique. Well, everybody's afraid of us since we all know that we defeated someone with 99.9% inked area. This is a mature feat and before that, many inklings and octolings thought it's impossible. But as that happened, the whole city was quiet and everyone thought we were the best team.

Lose ... we don't know, but there are people who want to prove the opposite and challenge us constantly with a lot of self-confidence. However, when the battle starts, all four of them look at us as if they were full of pants. A little secret is that we always want to have fun and play mostly at the beginning with the opponents. But then, when time is running out and we are behind, we immediately become serious and the opponents are instantly repressed. Nobody expects that from us and we surprise the challengers again and again. It's actually stupid that when the team loses, they don't share information about us with other inklings, but keep it to themselves. After all, that would be a beginning to defeat us slowly, dominating our tactics, which are always the same.
First fun, which turns slowly serious. We also talk sometimes and make them all salty. If they're salty, it's more a challenge for us, not kindergarten. But I have to say that all these challanges haven't been so hard so far. 

Anyway ... it can still change. As we reached the middle, four inklings approached us.

"Well, if this isn't Team Emperor, guess who has challenged you" a male voice behind us yelled. We all turned around and saw the wannabe hero, Rider, who proudly showed us his dynamo roller reflecting the sun. He grinned and his team members crossed their arms. Looks like we have to fight this Rider again.
"No ... don't think WE fight you guys, because ... THEY are the real opponents" Rider said just like this and made room for four further Inklings. 

A boy with retro-specs ... another one with goggles. A girl with a hat and the last had headphones. Blue tentacles ... stupid grin ... that can only be one team.

I glanced to the Emperor, who didn't pay any attention to them and rather looked at me. As I looked at the one boy, I saw the Inkling girl behind him again. She was the same from before and stared at me again so funny.

Terrified, I hid behind the Emperor. He didn't care what was going on, but put his hand on my shoulder. With that I felt safe and I knew ... that I was sure about that. The King will always protect me and I think he would do anything for his little brother if I would be in trouble. But I'm not ... not yet and we're going to compete against this blue team.

"HEY, let's get started and have fun" the guy said, who get called Goggles, if I'm not mistaken.

I tried to remember and as I realized who these guys are, I pushed my brother away. 

"One moment ... we'll be right back" I stuttered, and he let me do it, watching all the puzzled faces, why I reacted that way. They just didn't check it. I hustled him to the Grizzco AG, by a wall where no one was, because it was closed. He glared at me.
"Do you know who they are?" I asked desperately and yes, I was a little bit scared because they are unpredictable. The Emperor shook his head. "No, but that's not so important either, they look weak, let's play with them a bit at the beginning, as usual" he smiled and stroked my cheek. Oh man, the Emperor is just the best brother you can imagine...
"But you know ... that they defeated the S4?" I asked, stopping him with this phrase because he was about to go away. 

"The S4? ... hm,  that doesn't mean anything" he said and kept walking. Then I stopped him with my hand and turned him over to me. "No, this time we have to be serious. From the beginning" I suggested, but he only shook his head. "Come on Prince, this isn't  you, what I see in front of me ... we show them ... that there is a much higher league than the S4, namely we. We are the best and never lose" he said seriously and then let me go. He actually left me speechless and then he went to N-Pacer and Eging Jr., who smiled at him. I came after a short delay and stood next to them, making all four of us a line. The blue team did the same and stared at us with a grin again. 

"You've defeated the S4? Pff, that's nothing, what does that even mean? Correct, nothing!" he said deeply, sounding like the biggest badass inkling in the whole universe, just as I like him the most. Then we headed together into the tower. But I stood there alone for a moment and admired a few clothes on the shop window, which resembled our outfit. As I thought back to the battle, I turned around and wanted to join them.

Unfortunately, everyone was gone and I only saw a few normal inklings. No one stared at me and I really didn't know where my team had gone. But then I realized that it must be the inkopolis tower. Silly me, what else???

But before I wanted to go in, I was stopped by someone, who hold me back. I turned around immediately and got scared as I recognized the girl from earlier.
"Listen ... what do you want from me, you look at me all the time" I said angrily and wanted an explanation. She didn't expect this reaction from me and took a few steps back for now.

"Woah ... calm down ... I just wanted to know if you might have time" she smiled, looking deep into my eyes. Is she in love in me or something? Huh, whatever ...

It scared me a bit and just walked away. 

{Y/N}'s POV 

Well, first eye contact didn't work out. But I let Prince go and looked sadly after him. He went inside the tower and then I came up with an idea that I had to implement now or never. I rushed after him and could just as well enter. We teleported to a stage and on arrival I recognized immediately, which stage it was. 

Camp Triggerfish.

I stood directly behind Team Emperor and I immediately froze as I hid myself slowly without causing a single sound. Luckily they didn't notice me and they couldn't see that this stage now has nine inklings.

As I looked at Prince, I only want one. I want to love him and he should realize that he also loves me back. That is exactly my ultimate goal, what I want to achieve today. He is by far the sweetest guy of all and that's why I was staring at him all the time.

Flirting isn't that difficult, but Prince seemed to need time to understand. I then decided to try to recognize him, but at the same time, by no means, the others and slipped me along the side of the stage along the wall. Meanwhile, I also heard the start signal and the turf war, team Emperor against the blue team began. I couldn't believe that the blue team is serious about beating the champion, but ... anything can happen when the blue team gets involved. Well, but whoever wins wasn'treally important to me personally. Anyway, I went shortly down, because ink splashed around like never before. Afterwards I could see that after a minute everything was inked. Half the stage was blue and the other half was yellow, which became more and more with time. I had to be careful that no one will see me and whenever I dared to look, I was always staring at Prince ... my future Prince.

"Hm ... I'll get him soon" I thought relish and dripped from my tongue. Then it went on until I was about in the middle of the stage. Then I took a look and looked around. I saw the whole team in blue as they ran around separately, inking the ground while I saw the Emperor flying around with the inkjet. I couldn't see Prince yet, so I kept looking. At some point I discovered him and decided to only look at him during the whole battle. I put my arms on the ground and let myself hang on the edge of Camp Triggerfish that no one could see me. Of course somebody could see me, but the chances are small, because if somebody comes, I can let myself down onto the small platform below me and you would only recognize me if somebody looked down from the edge, which nobody would does, since anyway, each of the eight is too busy. I enjoyed the view and hoped for every moment that he will come to me. Unfortunately, all were on the other side at the moment and I had to wait lonely. I waited and the time was coming soon to an end.

"Shit, they'll leave the tower after that" I thought desperately, taking out a point sensor and will throw it to Prince, when he comes, if nobody else is around, which is perfect for me to pay attention to. I think then he will look around a bit, because he is the only one who is easily distractible since he is very fascinated by almost everything. 

Then I suddenly ducked and I was actually lucky. Prince pursued Goggles and apparently had trouble following him. I started grinning and took cover, that at least Goggles will hopefully not see me. Prince's team members were still busy on the other side and his older brother made him walk alone seriously. Very good~

Goggles laughed and made everything turning into blue, probably to get his special ability, because his tentacles didn't shimmer yet, unlike Prince's. He hasn't activated them yet and would like to wait a bit until the time is right in front of him. Both ran exactly into my direction and the splashes of color with blue came closer and closer. I went down and looked to the side. I waited until I could see only Goggles and suddenly it was time. I saw Prince, who walked on after Goggles and then I slightly came out again. I took my point sensor and threw it to him. 

Prince's POV 

The battle was tougher than I thought and right now I was tracking Goggles, which caused me a lot of problems. I was concentrating, but suddenly something hit me.

"HUH?" I asked with wide eyes and looked behind me.

"PRINCE, DON'T GET CONFUSED" my big brother screamed, watching this on the other side of the stage so I could hear it. I nodded seriously, but this circle around me was very confusing. 

I'm afraid and had no choice but was forced to finish this fast. So I activated my special ability and shot my gun at Goggles, which he didn't see coming, because he was completely confused why it didn't go any further. The only way to flee would be to use the bridge, but it was behind us. The circle around me was still there, but I didn't let myself be distracted as my brother told me to. Then I flew back, since the time with the inkjet was over and I could finally splat Goggles. The Emperor gave me a thumbs up and then focused on himself again. I then colored everything in yellow and smiled. But then, something came flying towards me and I saw a head for a moment.

"What was that?" I asked annoyed and saw again this black circle around me. Wait ... I thought a bit and realized that it was a point sensor. I was seen by someone I couldn't see. I followed the line and was careful. I completely forgot the battle and actually distracted myself.

Then, as I was at the edge of the stage and looked down, I seriously wished that I wasn't there. I saw the girl below me who was watching me all the time and she looked at me with a seductive look. She wanted to hunt me and I knew nothing else than to get help.

"BROTHER, HELP" I screamed with full force that he could hopefully hear me. But she also had a plan...

She put her hands around my legs and pulled me down. But this wasn't really a good idea and my head hit the ground. I instantyl saw then black in front of my eyes and was K.O.

{Y/N}'s POV 

Great. It can only get worse and I made him KO, which I didn't want at all.

The good thing was that he couldn't scream anymore and as I took a look at the stage, it came to truce. The Emperor was running around desperately looking for Prince, while team blue helped team yellow. I stayed down and unobtrusively left the stage via teleportation. I picked him up and as we arrived at Inkopolis Square I carried him to Sean's Crusty Bucket. 

There I put him on a chair and I sat on the opposite side. Then I started to stare at him and it almost looked like he was sleeping. I decided to wait and at some point he started to twitch. Then I smiled and waved slightly towards him. 

"Hi" I grinned and he only shook his head.

"Wh-where am I?" he asked sleepily and his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

"You're here ... with me ..." I said sweetly and slid with the chair closer to him, that he finds no way out as before. With success nothing happened and he also didn't want to run away. Everything I saw was sweaty and it spread with time.
"Why are you sweating like that, huh?" I asked further and tapped his hot body, because he had no shirt on, but only his outfit, which has only unfairly Team Emperor. 


Prince couldn't say another word and got nervous. He couldn't call for help or get up. He could do nothing and then I took the chance. I knew the best thing was to release his feelings, so I took his hands down and kissed him. He dropped his hands and he closed his eyes. I waited a moment and still felt his body with my hand. The sweat went away slowly, as expected and he let the kiss be, which I thought unlikely.

Anyway, it felt good what it's like to feel the lips of champion's brother. It almost makes you feel like the King~ 

I broke away from him and looked with a sweet smile in his yellow eyes.

"Did you like it?~" I asked curiously, tapping my fingers on his shoulder. He was still speechless and slowly worried.

"Helloooo, are you still alive?" I asked weakly and my smile was no longer correct, as before. He nodded weakly and that made me happy. "Thank god, I thought so, I exaggerated" I jabbered overjoyedly, hugging him as my cheeks turned pink.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed it a lot, which he did too, because he also put his arms around my body, which I really liked.

"Do you love me? My hot Prince ..." I asked as I looked back into his glowing eyes. 

"I think ... yes, even if you were a bit annoying at the beginning, you have a great talent for flirting" he stammered a compliment to me, which he didn't realize, but that made me shine. "Come on ... let's show our awesome love to your brother" I laughed and took his hand. He hesitated for a moment, but finally came to the Inkopolis Tower with me. We looked up and we could see that the battle at Camp Triggerfish was still not over. Apparently they were still not finished with searching. Of course, because he was the whole time by me ... 

"Don't worry, I'll fix it~" I whispered in his ear and we teleported there. Hand in hand, we landed on Team Emperor's spawnpoint and as everyone who was already there, saw that we held hands and I was a completely different Inkling, all stopped. I looked at Prince and he worried me. Slowly, I got scared and walked slowly behind him. Then, an Inkling came towards us and as I knew that this was the Emperor himself, I thought only one thing.

"Well, we're doomed..." I whispered and we teleported back. The hunt started and I think they will run after us soon and want to find out who I am and why we love each other. But that doesn't itch me anymore, because my goal was achieved. I had fun racing for a while. In addition, it was even better next to Prince, who is now my boyfriend.

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