♕Mask X caring!fem!Reader♕

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Requested by: RoseMirandaPerez

I did my best as always uwu....
Hope y'all will like it~



It was a beautiful day.
Nothing bad happened so far and there was no problem, which was in sight till the beginning of the midnight.

No one... but there, was sadly an exception, which would others see as a problem but I don't, because of many reasons.

The problem was an inkling with sickness.
And this inkling was Mask, who had a hay fever since he born, according to his words, which were told to me as I confessed my feelings for him.

I was shocked at the first place but meanwhile I didn't care anymore.

My love to him was more important and the fact that he's sick didn't hold me back to love him even more. No, not because of a sickness, which he couldn't prevent.

I care about him a lot and would do anything to make him feeling better.

I was currently laying on the floor and thought about some things, while Mask was in his room.

Outside, he's always forced to wear his gas mask, that his fever wouldn't make the situation worse but inside he had each time the chance to breathe freely, without the mask. Of course this is risky, but in my opinion he should have the chance to feel the air around him. I always felt bad for him that he never could be able to see everything brightly and instead had to wear this thick mask.


He's very happy to own me, because I care about him much.
He appreciated my help and started to love me back. Our relationship was complicated so far, but we got used to it over time.

"... Y/N?" someone asked from the floor above, who was Mask.
I jumped with my eyes open, because I kinda relaxed on the ground, but as I heard him, I dashed to him faster than a lightning.

"Y e s ?" I yelled in a questioning voice and slammed the door open to his room.

"I.. feel so lonely and, can we go outside?" he begged so sweet that it was literally impossible for me to reject his beg.

"Uhm, yeah sure sweetie" I smiled warm and sat next to him. He was about to be sick again and sneezed many times. He made such strange noises almost each minute. It sounded disgusting but I didn't care. I felt his pain and the hay fever was by him therefore really badly.

I let the door open and already went to the exit alone. There I waited for him and stared at his weapon then, the carbon roller deco or how he called it, the fucking machine.
I already fighted against him many times in private battles and I can tell, that he's really a great inkling. He desirved it, to be S+ but in my heart he'd be always the very best in rank X.

Suddenly, he tapped me on the shoulder, as I was thinking deep again.

"Hey. Are you admiring my weapon again?" Mask asked and made his tentacles.

"Yeah. It's a dangerous one, but now let's go outside and don't forget your headgear" I seriously said and was concerned, as always, that he would stay outside once without it. If this would ever be the case, I'd make each step to make him feeling better, no matter how difficult it would be.

He just means the world to me.
That's it.

I waited for him outside and after some seconds he stood next to me with the whole gear set, which he always wears, even in battles, with the mask of course.

"Huuuuhhhhh, with the mask it's way better, but it feels very uncomfortable" he moaned and had his position, while looking around. To many of inkopolis' inhabitants he looks very scary, but to me, he looks so cute, even tho I like him way more without the mask.

"What do you want to do?" I asked and let him enough time to think, after I nodded to his sentence from before, just to show that I heard him.

"Uhhhh, just walking around with you. I didn't do it today and my team as well as the S4 has no meeting today" Mask mumbled and showed his tired side.
That always looks very handsome on him. I loved this and he was aware of that.

I blushed slightly and smiled at the same time, while he offered his hand to me, as we walked into a random direction. Doing a walk with him was just the best and it seemed like I waited for this the whole day.

I hold his hand gently and enjoyed his closeness. I snuggled myself on his side and grabbed his arm. He didn't hesitate and pulled me closer to him, which was definitely a sign, that he liked that very much.

We started first very silent next to eachother but then I felt like talking and dared to speak to him, making a start into a lovely conversation between of us.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure... what is it?"

"I'm aware that this mask bothers you much but it's for the best. You know that. I still care about you though. I hope you understand. I love you very much" I explained and placed slightly a kiss on the front of Mask's mask.

He blushed and this through his mask. I giggled quitly and didn't bother him anymore with my feelings. I'll do it again tho, but for now Mask diserved a break.
Apparently this was too much for him, but I found that okay, since I made Mask happy with that.

"T-Thanks. I can't thank you enough and I love you as well, hyuk" he responded embarrassed and shyly looked away, which was again very cute too stare at.

Completely feeling loved, I rubbed my cheeck again his arm. Then he stood silent and made some space between of us, looking at me big, while holding both of my shoulders.

Completely surprised I watched him and never expected such a weird act from him. Then something happened, which blew my mind away.

We didn't walk so far yet, even though it was almost an hour ago since we started but yeah, it came... of which of I was scared of.

He pulled his mask off and placed it at the ground. Afterwards he pressed his lips on mine. We kissed eachother, what we've never done outside before. Each move was memorable of him and I couldn't do anything, but have to stay silent. I froze and was being speechless.

Then, he sneezed again, but right into the sleeve of his Purple Camo LS.
He was afterwards be able to put the mask on his face again and continued to breathe slightly.

I couldn't believe his moves, which came pretty quickly. Just after I kissed him on the mask, he HAD to exaggerated it massively with doing it again but on the lips. This time, I blushed and as I noticed his evil chuckle, I knew it was so to speak a revenge, but just some seconds after my turn. Pretty mean on the one hand, but on the other, I found it convenient to feel his lips. We rarely kiss eachother and to be honest, this one right here was the best one in my whole life so far.

I enjoyed it deeply and I will never forget this moment. It was the first time, that he did this move and I wanted so badly, that I cry out in tears. I hold them back though, because otherwise he would feel guilty. My goal was never to hurt him anyways, so I chose the correct decisions in my opinion.

"Didn't expect that, huuuuuuhhhh?" he asked crazy and played more like the Mask, who everyone knows on the battlefield.

"No.... not at all" I answered with a low voice and was still speechless, as if it happened some seconds ago. But it didn't, because I almost stood here frozen since felt a ton of time.

I actually regretted it afterwards kinda, because my first action leaded to his and his then in turn to pure silence between of us. After these random actions, out of love, we just walked awkwardly next to eachother, like a silly couple with zero knowledge about relationships.
It felt like this, but I just told myself that everything will be alright. After all, each single inkling and octoling needs sometimes their own private time.

This thought was now with the both of us, because no other word came out of my mouth, after I 'thanked' my boyfriend in a weird way, that he loved me back. He said nothing as well and it was just... ugh.

Soon, we arrived at home again, and so we just made a big tour with two stops.

Before we entered it, Mask turned to me  and gave me a thight hug.

He managed to make me speechless again but I didn't hold back to hug him back.

"That's... just a thanks, for caring about me so much. Thank you so much. It's been awhile since I thanked to you, so I thought it might be a good idea to do it again" Mask whispered and explained the whole scenario in such a short time.

I understood and closed my eyes.
But then he had to sneeze so hard, that his mask flew off and hit the ground.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked quickly, after picking the mask up.
"Y-yeah. I think it got worse" he mumbled unsure, but that sounded not good at all.

I brung him immediately into his room again, and asked like a maid, what he wanted. He said some things and I got the things for him. One after another, with even stuff, which would help against his hay fever. He didn't have to move an inch, because I brung him everything. This service appreciated my boyfriend really deeply and he just feels always so bad, that he could never give everything back, that it would be equal, with helping eachother more or less.
I didn't find that bad tho, because as soon as his fever will get decreased with the power, he could make everything for me as well. But actually, many things would be already possible to do... so I had no idea, why he never started.


After I was done, I sat on a chair, which was right in front of Mask's bed. We were apparently too much outside and this moment, where he was without the Mask belongs for sure to this problem. The best part was, that he just got sick, because his head was glowing really hot.

Some tears were flowing down my cheeks, because it was just horrible, that this happened. I wished so badly that he could be a normal inkling without any problems, but he had... sadly.

Even tho I thought Mask was sleeping, I heard how he slowly moved. As I looked up from the ground, I noticed his look to me.

F***... he saw it...

I looked away but then Mask stood up, leading me inside his bed. I let him move me and he made me speechless again. It was just amazing, how he can react and I was so amazed about the fact that he could surprise me ever again.

We layed next to eachother but with a large gap. I almost flew down the edge but I wanted to change that.

"Why were you slightly crying?" he asked so quietly that I hardly understood him.

"Nothing... important" I lied and turned myself around, that I showed Mask my back. He just sighed and then nothing happened anymore, until I dared to say the truth.

"I'm worried about you, that's all" I grumbled and turned myself back to him with a small smile.

"... you shouldn't be. I'm okay now. Thank you, again... Y/N" he added and smiled as well.

We were so close but the gap was too large for me. I took the initiative and slipped to him very close, that his eyes widened.

"Uhm, don't you want to be a tad away from me?" Mask asked but blushed at the same time very sweetly.

"No.. sweetheart" I responded chilled.

"Why?" he asked.

I thought long, how I could blow him away but then, nothing better came up to my mind, than that, what I'll soon say.

"Y/N? Tell me... why?" he asked again, and thought I didn't hear him.

"I love you. And this way more, than the amount of importance, that I don't want to get sick. I'd be sick... for loving you. I'd fall for you. I just... love you too much" I confessed with slow whispering.

His face flushed and as an answer he could only kiss my lips again. This time we were way longer connected and enjoyed that.

Afterwards, he just added something, before he fell asleep out of nothing.

"I love you... too, Y... /N.."

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