♕Skull X fearful!fem!Reader♕

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Requested by Blurry__fxce

Sorry if it'll might be bad.....
But I still tried my best :) Thx and enjoy!


"Y/N? What's wrong? Your shaking again" FF/N suddenly said and sounded pretty concerned.

I almost chocked my milk out, which I just wanted to drink but luckily I swallowed it back into my stomach.

I didn't except such a question today but so slowly I became mofe and more scared, that she/he would find out my weakness.

Yes, I owned one and that wasn't something funny at all. I had it since the beginning of my childhood. It's a huge burden and it didn't decrease even a little bit the past few years.

I had fear. A lot of fear, and this from litarelly everything, which looks scary from my sight on.
I shit my pants while others don't give a single fuck, what I find scary as well.

I really hate this about myself and after several attempts of trying to get rid of that, I knew I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life.

Many squids and octolings noticed this very fast and because of that, nobody wanted to be friends with me.
Nobody wanted to, except one, namely FF/N.

With her I live now since almost one year under one ceiling and I never regretted it. I saw her as my first friend and because of my fear of losing them, I decided not to tell her about my problem.

Actually she would be a great girlfriend, but the only problem was, that we were both straight. After one week we got used to this situation and were both okay with only being friends. It had so many attractive male inklings and octolings anyways, so I doubted to not find anyone in the next few years.

Well, anyways... back to the past.

I was shaking because of only one reason. I'll finally fight against somone, with whom I wished to face since several weeks ago.

And that's the purple team, with Skull.

I actually heard about him only good stuff and was pretty excited for the first meet up, but as FF/N told me, that he's very gloomy, I became a lot of anxiety.
Already at this time my friend got suspicious thoughts and was worried about me.

I actually wanted to hold it as a secret, but since I'll meet Skull soon, I had to tell her now.

I placed my glass of milk onto the table and sighed big at the first place. My friend still looked at me and had her patience in control.

"Okay, this may sound very random, but I have a secret to tell you" I said gentle, while I begun to sweat like crazy.

"What is it?" she asked and smiled, that I'd feel more comfortable. Luckily this was very helpful and so I decided, to say it simple, just like this.

"I'm fearful. I'm scared of... almost everything. It doesn't matter how gloomy and badass they look, I'm getting scared really quickly, especially, when my enemies make special appearance. I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you this earlier but I was scared, that you would tell it the other inhabitants of inkopolis" I confessed and was afterwards a bit facilitated.

I actually thought my best friend would yell at me instantly, but no, she did something else, which surprised me and thus, scared me as well.

She began to laugh really loudly and almost couldn't control her tears of joy. Apparently it was rather funny, what kind of bad disadvantage I owned and this made me sad. I never knew she would laugh me out, but today it happened.

This, the very first time.

But then as she calmed down, she started to explain why her reaction was like this and that's why I kept being silent.

"Haha, oh Y/N. I'm not surprised at all, because it was so obvious. It's completely okay, I'll protect you. That's exactly what friends are here for" FF/N spoke and wipped her last tears of joy out of her face.

"Huh? It was?" I asked with big eyes back, after I drunk the rest of my glass of milk. She just nodded and looked at me up and down like crazy after she stood up with me from the table.

"Hmm, you should make yourself ready for the battle against the purple team. I'm gonna cheer for you and your team" she beamed and pushed me towards my own room with all the gear I got through my whole life.
"Go, go, go... it's soon starting and trust me, it wasn't that easy to persuade them, fighting against a team they don't know. I mean, your team is good and all, but not in their sights. As far as we know, they don't like to play against losers" she shrugged next to my door, while I was changing clothes.

It was apparently very obvious, because I didn't say a single word after the confession yet, but she did, like a real talking machine.

"You're lucky that I did this since you have a crush on him" she winked and smirked at the same time.

I legit dropped my favorite piece of clothe on the ground as if I had no control to my body anymore and just blushed really hard.

"Crush? On who? What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked sweating and was shaking really hard again. This time I wasn't scared though, but just embarrassed as hell. And, I was very confused, because I had a crush on no one currently, right?

"Skull of course, you like him, right?" she smirked even more and looked through my head. All what she found was a confused brain but of course she didn't believe my feelings.

"You definitely have a crush on him. No doubts" my friend added and let me enough space between our faces again, which made me calm down. She was really close by me with her head, as she smirked and damn was I scared of a sudden kiss by accident. She wouldn't like it either, so I was happy, that she went away.

I gave up and didn't say a comment anymore. I just concentrated on the soon coming battle and put my gear on, like always. I took one of my favorite weapons and dashed out of my room. Then I headed towards the exit of our house and waited for my friend.

After a long time waiting and lost my patience and searched after her.
"FF/N! We should go or we'll be late. Otherwise I just go alone since you didn't want to participate of whatever reason" I yelled through the house but kind, because I didn't want to make her angry.

Again some seconds later, I heard some steps and as she stood next to me out of nowhere, I flinched.

"Haha, did I scare you? I'm sorry darling. Let's go, meeting your future husband" she said and teased me again.
Apparently she belonged to the shippers, because I never saw her like this before. Plus, the beg, that I want to battle him, was the first one, so yeah, it was really obvious, why she acted like that.

We walked next to eachother really close and already by the first step to outside I got tensed. To FF/N's words about my crush I didn't say anything and just ignored it, while I got embarrassed again. But why?

I didn't understand... but maybe I'll soon find it out. Maybe she was right but I was unsure. I rather thought of something else and that's what I did, after I was done, thinking about that.

My friend next to me watched me the whole time, thinking really deep and started to mumble, to get her attention.

"Are you thinking about him?" she asked and I already know, who she meant. After all, she didn't talk about anything else, but about Skull, to whom I apparently had a crush, according to my friend. Well, wrong thought, bi*ch~

"No... and please stop with that" I begged annoyed but didn't want to hurt her feelings at the same time, which was sadly impossible.
"Hm, okay" she then just said and decided to not talk to me anymore by looking insulted away.
That wasn't that sad tho, because we arrived at the inkopolis square anyways, where the battle will take place.

We were perfect in time and even too early as a plus, which pleased us both.

"They aren't here yet. Let's just wait" my friend suggested and handed me a picture from Skull and his team, just to calm me down, that I shouldn't have fear from them. While I took a look a look on this pic and shivered at the first glance, my friend sat herself on the ground. She seemed to be still tired, because it was very early but we may not be late at any cost.

We did it, and she wanted to rest, which was okay for me.

The shiver from before decreased and I started slowly to blush, from a small tint of pink, till a bright red shade over my whole face.

"Woah... is... is that Skull?" I asked to myself but loud enough that the girl on the floor heard me.
With a smirk she looked upwards to me and she nodded, without knowing, on who I even pointed.

It was Hachi, who made a dumb face ik the background.


No, FF/N would never believe that.

Of course it was the one guy with the skull bandana on his face. Who else? Paisley? Pff, I'm not lesbian. (If you really are irl, istg, I'd love you very much)

My friend stood up and then, I heard how a lot of inklings stepped aside and made a huge way free towards the exit of the inkopolis square. They threatened us like gods, but of course they made this not for us two, namely for team Skull?

Well, no...
My teammates arrived and as always, they looked very pissed with their badass weapons.

Our team was full of glasses wearer and we already won a lot of matches. From the three there is only one girl, who liked me very much, and that's why she gave me the title to be the leader of the team. To be honest, I never felt like being a leader, but even the two boys said that I made a really good job so far, that they never left.
I found this always special, not because the other girl of my team gave me the title, no, because so far, I've never told them about my disadvantage.

The disadvantage of being fearful.

"YOOO, Y/N" the two boys said from afar and greeted me. I waved to them and as always, the gal hugged me tightly. I petted her tentacles and greeted her as well. Then we talked a bit together, within my best friend who will watch and cheer for us, but then, as we fell into a finish of our conversation, they were finally in sight.

Our opponents, team purple, with a perfect S+ inkling as a leader.


Actually I saw him at the pic, but as they made the appearance in a really dark and gloomy way, I got scared and hid behind FF/N, but prevented, that my teammates would see that.
My friend smirked again, but more serious and hold my hand as a sign that she'd be here for me anytime.

That felt awesome and gave me the feeling, that she was indeed an almost perfect first friend.

I had my eyes on Skull and he had his on mine. The leaders stared at eachother and that makes it more interesting for all the random inklings and octolings, who admired the purple team from the side next to the shops. Of course they made that on Skull's team and not on mine, because my team wasn't that popular at all. I meant, we weren't even be able to participate at the championship for this year, but they did, even though another team won.

Somehow I blushed again, and felt it strongly on my cheeks.
His mouth was hidden from the bandana as I expected but I had instant fear from his weapon, the E-Liter 4K Scope, which wasn't his main, as big enough as my knowledge about him was.

With slow steps they came to us and knew in advance, that we were the team, who wanted to challenge them.
Skull's face changed, as he noticed my fear behind my friend and begun to chuckle, I guess.

The others weren't so creepy but he really was. The leader, of course...
The biggest fact, which scared me the most tho, was simply that he's in rank S+, which is the second highest rank in existence.

His bandana just made him more badass than he might be and at the same time I asked myself how he looked like without it. Probably even more scary, so it was better that he chose this headgear.

After some seconds, completely wasting their force into the creepiest appearance ever, they arrived by us and kept being silent, till my friend seriously made the first attempt, to make her dream ship into reality. Skull X Y/N.

"Uhm hey. Well, this girl behind me has a huge crush on you, but she's very scared of you. Can you be... a bit less creepier to her?" she asked and embarrassed me in front of him. I felt so bed as never before and wanted to slap her so hard.

Sadly, my force dropped to zero and I couldn't do anything anymore. I was like dead but still alive, as weird as this may sound.

Skull stopped with his teammates on his side and glanced at me with together pinched eyes.
"You. Come here. Jump over your shadow and forget about your fears" he begged with a deep voice and then waited.
I shivered and looked back. Nobody of the four didn't laugh me out, but my teammates looked surprised at me, as I expected. The reaction with team purple surprised me hard though and therefore I had the braveness, to show myself completely.

"Don't worry, he won't bite" the other guy with the 18k Aviators said cool and tried to pump me, which was very nice of him. Over time I begun to like them more and more, which helped me a lot to overcome my fears.

"I smell boyfriend material. He cares for you, even though you just met him" I suddenly heard a whisper, which came from FF/N. I got red and wanted to whisper back.

"FF/N! Please! This is embarrassing, god damn it" I yelled with a turned head to her back but quietly.

She just giggled and looked away, as if nothing happened. She definitely wanted to tease me, because today I saw her almost as a complete new friend. Nothing from the old FF/N was seenable, except for a couple of things.

This I had to ignore tho, because I just wanted to leave a good impression as a leader like him.

Luckily she noticed that she got on my nerves pretty easily and let me be since now on.

"You made your first step. Come on, you can come now down to me" Skull said after a long delay and detected my blush. I got pushed by my friend behind me and with that it exist no back anymore.

But actually, I did it and lowkey couldn't believe it myself. With innerly thousands of sweat drops I was right in front of Skull, who's apparently a master in sniping, since he hold the E-Liter in his hands.

A charger user and S+?
I guess we'll be screwed...
But anyways

At least I made a big step out of the circle of fear with the help of actually everyone. My teammates were still shocked and surprised about this and I already knew that I owe them an explanation.

I sighed and looked at Skull again.

Afterwards the guy with the sunglasses whispered something to Skull and then he nodded, as he got away from Skull's ear.

He slowly removed his bandana and gave me the sweetest smile in history. Is was brighter and more gorgeous than anything else what I've seen in my life so far and I instantly fell in love with him. His power... was so great, that it blew my fears away, but so sure I wasn't though.

"You're speechless I see? That's perfect. Now you should feel better. Let's go" Skull smiled and only without the bandana I noticed, that he actually had no eyebrows. I found that pretty harsh and thought of a bad accident. I decided that I better won't ask, because I'd feel uncomfortable.

Sadly enough, I felt how my fear came back as he put his bandana on again and vanished inside the tower. My teammates and I followed him, including my best friend, who surprisingly didn't say anything after the last push.

We teleported to the stage Morey Towers and it was simple a turf war.

It was a mess and really really exhausting. My whole team had problems, turfing forward to the middle of the stage and therefore I lost the hope of winning this.

Indeed, after the last seconds, we got pushed back really badly and I never got a kill, because the range of Skull's weapon was just incredible huge. I underestimated it many times and realized, that chargers are really powerful by this stage. It was sadly bad luck, that we didn't get the other stage, which the coincidence offered around this time and so, we lost.

We lost against the purple team, but at least... I learned many things.

After I explained my whole fear history, my teammates had no time to stay and left, with my best friend together.

I was the only one who stayed by Skull's team and looked at him with a stretched out hand.

We gave eachother a GG with the hands and this was literally the best moment at this cool day.

He broke it up first and placed his hands in his pockets, while he got a lollipop into his mouth from the other boy.

"Y/N was it, right? I'll remember you. Next time you maybe have the chance to beat me, who knows. I had to struggle with my aim, because you guys were pretty fast on the way, which is very good. Keep it up, and later you guys can take out any kind of charger user, you can bet on that" Skull explained, who gave my team a compliment, which was just amazing. I felt honored but somehow listened to him only half.

I was still amazed of his awesome looking smile and found it so sad, that he hid it behind his headgear the whole time while the battle.

I kept looking at the middle of the skull and most likely wanted to kiss it at any second. I flighted against myself and wanted to hold me back, but then... I couldn't wait anymore.

I got scared but I dared it.

With much care I made a long step, that I touched his shoes and slowly pulled his bandana down his face, that his smile was seenable again. As it fell down his neck, I grabbed his cheeks and leaned down into a deep, cozy kiss.

My face got flushed and my heart almost exploded. Everyone around us never... ever expected such an act from me and even Skull was so surprised that he lowkey dropped his E-Liter at the ground.

This time, he was shaking and the even weirder was, that he didn't hesitate or pull me away. No, he accepted the kiss kindly.

I could not believe that, but I had one thing in my mind alone.

I loved him since I met him.
It was love at first sight with his smile and I was so happy, to see it again.

After I broke up the kiss gently, I started to hug him. He hugged me back and everyone was so happy to see both of us like that. Even Skull's teammates were smiling big and they had nothing against this.

This moment made me happy.

It was the highlight and I didn't regret it.

I never did after that, because this, was the start of our perfect relationship, between me and Skull.

Even though I was still fearful, he was okay with that. Especially, he knew something to decrease that for a long time and yeah, he loved me back.

It really confirmed, that love was more powerful than my fears and that was really something to admire.

After the hug and the confessions to eachother, we walked together at Skull's home and decided to celebrate that there, till the late midnight.

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