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Albus' P.O.V

          "Albus, tell us about the day you escaped?" Chris asked and I snuggled into Scorpius' chest.

            "I need to go out tonight baby boy. You stay good." Dom told me before leaving. I had been curled up on the mattress. Everything seemed to bleed into one day and one night. I didn't know how long I was there or how long I'd be there. As Dom started the car, I saw the headlights of his car. I waited for the car to pull away and then some time. I needed to get out. I didn't want to be hurt anymore. I was positioned under the small window so I hopped up. I placed my hands on the window and broke it with my knuckles. I bounced a few times on the mattress and with a small burst of energy I pulled myself through the window. I shivered at the chill but I started to walk. I stumbled and tumbled a lot but I got through. I started to run and much to my dismay, I hit something that made me hit the ground. I cried out because I was scared that it was Dom so I closed my eyes.

            "I-it tu-turned o-out to o-only b-be S-Scor-Scorpius." I explained. "H-he t-took m-me b-back ho-home."

            "And why were you so attached to him?"

            "H-his v-voice w-was g-gentle. A-and h-he pr-promised to... to t-take me h-home a-and h-he d-did." I told him and then turned to Scorpius. He smiled at me before giving me an Eskimo kiss.

            "Albus?" I turned back over to Chris.


            "Did you try escaping before?" He asked and I nodded. I put up three fingers. "Three times?"

            "H-he c-caught m-me e-each time." I explained. "S-said o-our t-time tog-gether was s-special."

            "Did he punish you?"

            "Y-yes." I answered. "H-he...H-he." I stuttered and Scorpius put his hand on mine. I took a few deep breaths. "He raped and tortured me." I explained without stuttering. Scorpius placed his forehead against my arm.

            "Okay." Chris recorded and Scorpius put his arms around me. "I want to ask one more question and then we'll be done."


            "Were you aware he had been following you around for weeks?" He asked and I looked at him.

            "F-following m-me?"

            "He admitted to stalking you." He told me and I shook my head. I buried my face into Scorpius' chest and let out a sob. He had been following me around for some time and I was too stupid to see him. Scorpius' hand raked through my hair. "Okay, we got everything we need. Thank you." He said and Scorpius went to lift me up.  I clung to him and he said thank you to Chris. We walked out and I heard my father come towards me.

            "P-please l-let m-me d-down." I told Scorpius who did. I hugged my father and he ran a hand through my hair.

            "Your mother left some time ago and let me know that if you're up to it, she made us leftovers. Scorpius, your parents are in the lobby." 

            "Thank you." Scorpius told him.

            "A-are y-you c-coming h-home w-with us?" I asked and he looked as if he was thinking, he placed his forehead against mine.

            "I want to be with you so badly but I need to be with my parents for a bit." He told me and I gently pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back and then nuzzled his nose against mine.

            "I understand." I told him and he smiled at my lack of stuttering. 

            "I'll come cuddle with you later tonight."

            "I-I'll be w-waiting." He hugged me tightly and then kissed my cheek.

            "I love you Albus."

            "I love you too." I told him and then he disappeared away. I looked at my father and he smiled down at me.

            "I'm so proud of you Albus." He told me. "You're so strong."

            "I l-learned f-from th-the b-best." I grinned up at him and his eyes filled with tears. He hugged him tightly and he ran a hand through my hair. We ended the embrace and then we started to walk off. As we started to walk off, a figure caught my eye and I gulped.

            Coming back from the bathroom in chains was Dom. My father tried to shield me away but I was too fast. I pushed passed the police and knocked the chained man down.  He groaned in pain as I straddled him.  I took a deep breath and glared at him.

            "Who's the baby boy now?" I hissed. I sucker punched him so hard that he lost consciousness.  I was pulled off of him as one of the policemen shook Dom awake. He groaned and my father quickly shuffled me out. He held me close to him and then let out a soft laugh. I looked up at him and he was chuckled.

            "W-what?" I asked and he shook his head.

            "That was one hell of a punch." He told me and I blushed looking down at my hand.

            "I-it h-hurt my h-hand."  He smiled again and walked over to the car.

            "We can put ice on it at home." He told me and then we got into the car. He looked over to me and laughed again. "Good for you Albus. Good for you."

Scorpius' P.O.V

          After we got into the car, I embarrassingly burst into tears once more. My father pulled over so mother could climb into the back with me and console me. She had rocked me for minutes and told me it was going to be okay. I knew that it was but I wanted to have the reassurance.

            After I got home and was fed, I took a well-deserved bath and then got some cozy PJ's on. I looked through my window and Albus was just getting on his pajamas. I hopped onto our bridge and crossed over. He silently watched me as I wordlessly crawled into bed. He got into bed next to me and then snuggled with me. I kissed him gently on the lip and he pressed against me, moving his lips in sync. When we finally pulled away, he smiled breathlessly.

            "Hey." I said.

            "H-hi." He told me and then nuzzled his face into my neck. I placed my chin on top of his head. "A-are you d-doing better?" He asked me.

            "I am, how are you?" I asked and I felt him swallow hard. I moved so I was looking him in the eyes. "What?" I asked

            "I hit him." He told me I blinked at him.

            "What?" I repeated.

            "He was c-coming back from the b-bathroom." He told me. "And I-I saw him so I ran o-over to him. I k-knocked him down and yelled at h-him. T-then I punched h-him unconscious." He finished and I stared at him before bursting into laughter. I barked out a laugh quite loudly that Albus slapped a hand over my mouth. "Why are y-you laughing?" He asked. I controlled my laughter and turned on my side. I looked him in the eyes grinning widely.

            "Because I am so proud of you for doing that. You stood up for yourself." I told him and he grinned. He nuzzled his nose against mine. "And it means now you can fully heal."

            "I want heal." He admitted quietly.

            "And you will."  I told him and then pressed a kiss against his chin. "Albus, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked and he smiled up at me.

            "I'd be d-delighted."


            With his parents' permission, I was allowed to take Albus out on my motorbike. I was gonna take him out on a date because he was finally ready to leave his house. So I planned a little outing to a nice little café near our houses. He held onto me tightly as we zoomed in the street and when we finally pulled up, I let him get off first then myself. There weren't a lot of people but it was Albus' first outing in a good six months. He swallowed hard so I grabbed his hand in reassurance. He gripped it tightly when we walked in and the hostess smiled at us.

            "Just two?" She asked.

            "Just two." I assured and she smiled. She took two menus and then told us to follow her. Albus was standing close to me so I wrapped an arm around him. We were seated next to the window and Albus had to let go of me so he could sit.

            "Your waitress is going to be Molly. Can I start you off with something to drink?" She asked.

            "I'll have an iced tea." I answered and she turned to Albus.

            "I-I'll h-have a c-coke."

            "You got it." She smiled and then walked away. I grabbed Albus' hand that was on the table.

            "If you get overwhelmed, we can leave." I told him but he shook his head no.

            "I-I'll b-be okay." He told me and I nodded. "I-I d-do w-want s-some bread though." He told me and I chuckled.

            "You got it." I told him. "Once the waitress comes over."  He smiled and nodded.

            "Albus?" We heard and we both looked up. A small plump redheaded woman was standing close to us.

            "Grandmum?" Albus squeaked. She let out a small sob and rushed over to us. Albus jumped up and embraced her.

            "Oh Albus dear. I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry." She wept and Albus let out a little snivel.

            "I-I've m-missed y-you too." He told her and I awkwardly kept sitting.

            "The hostess told me that it was the boy from the news here and I wanted to see if it was you. It was! How are you? I talked to your mother last night."

            "I-I'm doing g-great." He told her and then leaned up. He kissed her cheek and she wiped her eyes.

            "I'm happy to see that." She told him and then they looked over to me.

            "Grandmum, t-this i-is Scorpius." At the mention of my name, I stood up. I went to extend my hand but she grabbed me into a bone crushing hug.

            "Oh it's nice to finally meet you. I am so happy that you're in their lives and have brought us this great gift back to us. Thank you so much." She told me and I let out a soft laugh.

            "It's not a big deal." I told her and she kissed my cheek. She let me out of the death grip and smiled.

            "Well it is a big deal. I'm your server by the way."

            "Why do you work here?" Albus asked not stuttering and I smiled.

            "Just something to do. How did you get here anyway?"

            "On Scorpius' m-motorbike." He explained and she raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

            "Very good, I'll be back with your drinks."

            "Oh wait, ma'am." I stopped her and she smiled.

            "Call me Molly." She told me. "Yes?"

            "Can we get some bread?" I asked and she laughed.

            "Of course." She said and then walked off. We had sat down and Albus was smiling like crazy. I leaned over the table and pressed a kiss to his nose.

            "I'm glad you're happy love." I told him and he blushed. He didn't need to reply because I could tell that he was happy that he was happy as well.

Guys I met a guy named Dom at work yesterday near the dumpster haha

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