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Harry's P.O.V

          Easter day we'd be going to Ginny's parents' house and it was the first time Albus would be seeing the whole family in eight months. He had already seen Molly a few times since the first time he went to the café. He was so excited when he got home that day; he was literally bouncing up and down telling us he saw his grandmother. He also mentioned that Scorpius left a tip that was more than the actual amount. This made him really happy that he found someone who treated his family well.

            My phone started to ring so I pulled it out of my trouser pocket.

             "Hello?" I answered.

            "He was sentenced today." Chris' voice rang out.

            "I know." I replied. "How long?"

            "Are you sitting?"

            "Should I be?" I asked and I felt Ginny embrace me from behind. 

            "Harry since he was the son of a detective and a teacher, they want to make sure he really doesn't do this to anyone else. He was given life without parole." He told me and I let a surprised sob.

            "Yeah?" I sniveled.

            "Yeah. He won't be getting out Harry. You don't have to worry about him anymore." He told me and I swallowed hard. Ginny hugged me tighter and I wiped my eyes.

            "Thank you Chris, for everything." I told him.

            "It wasn't just me Harry. But you are very welcome. Have a good Easter, okay? Give Albus and your wife my regards." He told me and I took a deep breath.

            "I will and same goes to you. Bye Chris."

            "Bye Harry." We hung up and I turned so Ginny was hugging me from the front.

            "What's the verdict?" She asked me. She gently placed her head on my shoulder and I ran a hand through her red locks.

            "Life without parole." I told her and she looked up.

            "What?" She gasped.

            "He's gone. Out of our lives forever." I told her and she threw her arms around me. She kissed me and I smiled kissing her back.

            "Um." We heard so we pulled apart. James was standing in the doorway of our bedroom.

            "James, he's got life. He won't be getting out." Ginny told him and he blinked at us a few times before smiling widely.

            "Seriously?" He asked and I nodded.

            "Seriously." I told him and he ran over to us. He hugged us tightly and then kissed both of our cheeks.

            "That's amazing!" He shouted. "I'll go tell Scorpius. He's been bullocks crazy all morning." He told us and then scampered out of our room. We laughed and intertwined our hands leaving to go find Albus.

            He was in his room dressed nicely in a pink button down with a striped pink tie. His pants were a black dress pants and his shoes were a subtle dark brown

            "Aww look at my handsome man." Ginny cooed and Albus flushed.

            "I feel w-weird." He told us. "I-I'm not used to d-dress clothes." He told us and Ginny chuckled.

            "Well you look handsome. Are you sure you're up to going?" She asked sitting next to him on the bed. He rested his head against her shoulder and she ran a hand through his hair.

            "Yes. I miss e-everybody." He explained.

            "And if you get overwhelmed?" I asked.

            "I-I come find one of you and t-tell you." He rolled his eyes. He looked down at his hand and fiddled with his thumbs. "D-do you think I'll be o-okay?" He asked.

            "We do Albus." Ginny told him. "You're ready for this."

            "C-can I see S-Scorpius later?" He asked and I smiled.

            "Yes you're allowed to." I told him and then kissed his head.  "Don't be scared Albus, everyone will be respectful enough not to ask you too many questions."  He smiled up at me.

            "Thanks dad." He told me and I ruffled his hair.

            "Are you ready now? We should get going." I asked him and he hopped up.

            "Yes I am." He smiled.

            "Wait Albus." Ginny pulled him back down and put her arms around him.

            "Yeah?" He looked perplexed.

            "They sentenced Mister Bridges today." I told him and he visibly tensed. Ginny soothingly stroked a hand in hair. "He'll be put away for good Albus, he won't be getting out." We told him and tears filled his eyes.

            "Really?" He gasped out.

            "Yes really. You don't have to worry anymore love, you're truly safe." I told him and he let the tears fall freely. I knew it was tears of relief, grief and happiness so I started to cry myself. Ginny hugged him tightly and he let out a few sobs on her. He slowly contained himself and we wiped his eyes.

            "Are you alright Albus?" Ginny asked and he gulped.

            "Yes." He looked up and smiled with teary eyes. She wiped away the remaining tears again. "I'm safe now. I'm more than alright, I'm brilliant." He told us with a lack of stuttering.  I smiled and Ginny kissed his cheek.

            "I'm happy to hear that love, I am."


Scorpius' P.O.V

          My family and I were invited to Albus' grandparents' house for dessert on Easter. She told me that we were going to be a surprise so we couldn't tell Albus we were coming. Harry and Ginny didn't even know so my parents thought it would be a nice gesture to go.  We had had a quiet dinner by ourselves because my parents thought it would be good for me to be with just them. Considering I spent all my time with Albus'.

            When we pulled up to the big house, my stomach tied into a knot. I was meeting Albus' whole family... for the first time. We got out and silently walked to the door. We knocked on the door and it swung open revealing Molly.

            "Ah you're here!" She pulled me into a hug.

            "Nice to see you again Molly." I laughed. "These are my parents. Astoria and Draco Malfoy."  I introduced. Molly let me go and shook their hands.

            "It's very nice to finally meet you. Your son is just a treat and he was raised very well." She told them and my mother smiled widely.

            "Thank you ma'am. I baked you this banana bread." My mother handed her the food and Molly looked shocked.

            "Thank you so much." She beamed. "Please come in. Everyone is split up but Albus is sitting with his cousins in the living room." She grabbed my hand and led me inside. She handed the bread to another redheaded man directing him to put it on the table with the other desserts. It was smallish inside but definitely spacious. My parents followed us in and from what I heard was stopped by Albus' grandpa. She brought me into the living room and there Albus was smiling away chatting with Rose.           

            "Albus, I have a surprise for you." Molly spoke softly. Albus looked up and his eyes fell on me. I swallowed hard but his face lit up even more.

            "Scorpius!" He piped and leaped up. He ran into my arms and I hugged him tightly.

            "Hi there darling." I cooed and he kissed my lips. There was a round of 'awes' so I blushed. When he pulled away, he smiled.

            "Hi there." He chuckled. "Are you gonna sit with us?"                     

            "I'd be delighted." I told him and then he grabbed me by the hand. I sat down first so he could plop on my lap. Molly smiled and then left the room as I turned to Rose.

            "Hello Rose, it's nice to meet you." I told her and she grinned.

            "You too Scorpius." She turned to a little red headed boy. "This is my brother Hugo."

            "It's nice to meet you." I nodded my head to him and he grinned.

            "You too. I've heard so many good things about you." He winked at me and I felt my face flush. The other kids in the room laughed as did Albus. He snuggled into my chest and introduced everyone in the room to me. An older girl they called Vic, a few other redheads, and a boy whose hair was blue. He wasn't a cousin but Harry's godchild. As dessert was being served, I noticed my parents talking with Harry and Ginny along with a woman with purplish hair. She was Teddy's mother. I took a seat next to a man with longish hair and he was next to Teddy's biological father who happened to be just the sperm donor. He was listening to what Harry was talking about.

             I was alone because Albus told me he wanted to get us the food so I told him I'd save us a seat.

            "I'm Harry's dad." The man next to me told me. I looked at him and he was smiling.

            "Oh it's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "Um you're his biological dad?" I inquired.
             "You're a smart one." He barked out a laugh. "I'm his godfather but when his parents died, my husband and I took him in." He pointed to the man next to him. He glanced over to me, grinned and then turned his attention back to Harry. 

            "Well it's nice to formally meet you. I wasn't aware Harry was orphaned." I frowned slightly.

            "Don't worry about it. We made sure he had a good life anyway." He said so I smiled. "What I really wanted to tell you was-" He started but I cut him off.

            "If you're gonna say thank you, you're welcome. The best thing I did was find Albus."  I explained and he grinned. He leaned in closer to my ear.

            "Harry called us heartbroken when he couldn't find Albus. Remus and I had never in our lives heard him so desperate. No one here ever expected someone in our family to be kidnapped. You've done us all a great gesture, more so than you probably understand, so it's our pleasure to accept you into our family with open arms." He told me and I smiled.

            "Thank you sir." He pulled me into a side hug and I hugged him back.

            "I'm back." Albus announced. I looked up and he had two plates full of different desserts. I smiled at him and stood up. I gently pressed my lips against his and kissed me back. When I pulled away I said,

            "Yes Albus, you're back for good."

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