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Third Person P.O.V

          It was Scorpius' birthday and he was turning eighteen years old. To say he excited was a lie. He in fact didn't like his birthday at all. He never had anyone to celebrate it due to his lack of friends and now that he had friends to celebrate it with, he was apprehensive and overwhelmed.

            The Potter's would be coming over, all of them, and his parents' family along with his uncle Severus.

            Speaking of Potter's, Albus and he were really good. They weren't officially together but it seemed that way. They would share hugs and kisses and cuddle pretending they were the only ones that existed.  He was doing was really well, Albus was. His speaking had improved a great deal and he only stuttered when he was nervous.

            The party was going to be casual so Scorpius dressed in black skinny jeans and a nice but casual silver shirt. It really made his eyes pop.

            "Oh you look so handsome my little man." Astoria cooed. She fussed over his hair and straightened his hair before he swatted her hands away.        

            "Thanks mum." He smiled. "Er... when is everyone getting here?" He asked.

            "I told them to come at noon." She told him. That left him with an hour to kill so Scorpius offered to help his mother. "No, you can sit here and let me do all the work. I can't believe my baby is 18." She sniffled. Draco walked into the room dressed nicely and he saw his wife crying. He sighed and hugged her.

            "Your mother has been crying for a solid week. She is worried that now you're a man, you're gonna leave us." He told Scorpius.

            "Don't worry mum, I'll be around until school ends. I plan on traveling next year." He explained and Draco laughed as Astoria let out a soft sob.

            "And whose money would you be doing this on?" Draco asked and Scorpius scowled slightly.

            "I was thinking of your money." He told his father. "Or grandfather and grandmother, they'll always pay for things." He smirked and Draco rolled his eyes.

            "They would do that for their only grandchild. Where would you plan on going?"

            "Hmm I don't know." Scorpius shrugged. "Maybe America."

            "And what about Albus?" His father asked and Scorpius blushed.

            "What about him?" He countered.

            "I mean, it's obvious that you to are together. I've seen you... kissing him. What are you going to do? He's dependent on you."

            "Well... um..." Scorpius stuttered and then swallowed. "Maybe we are together but I could still leave and see him when I get back. He'll be less dependent on me than he is now." Scorpius explained and Draco merely rolled his eyes.

            "Whatever." He kissed his wife's head as she sniffled.  "I think it's a good idea you travel anyway but visit us sometime yeah?"

            "Well of course." Scorpius smirked. "After I go traveling, I'll go to uni and I have to have somewhere to go during holiday." Scorpius smirked earning another eye roll from his father.

            "Well you're always welcome here." Astoria flitted over him again and Scorpius smiled. He pulled his mother into a tight hug.

            "Relax mum, I'll always be your son and I'm not going anywhere." He told her and she let out another sob.

            "I love you so much." She told him and he kissed her cheek.   

            "I love you too mum." There was a knocking at the door so they pulled away.  "I'll get it." He told his mother and walked over to the door. He opened in and was engulfed in a big hug by his favorite raven haired boy.

            "Happy birthday." The boy said and Scorpius smiled.

            "Aww thank you." Scorpius kissed his head. He pulled away and Scorpius grabbed his hand. James hugged Scorpius next then Lily. Ginny and Harry hugged him together. They handed him four gifts and Scorpius thanked them. They walked into the kitchen where Astoria and Draco greeted Ginny and Harry with open arms. They all sat at the table as Scorpius put away his gifts. The four of them sat in the living room entertaining themselves awaiting for the other's arrival. Once everyone did and the caterer came, everyone grabbed themselves some food and sat around the kitchen.

            Soft chatter was ringing throughout the kitchen about the birthday boy. Astoria and Draco decided to share some embarrassing stories of Scorpius when he was younger. Like the time he cried because he wanted to keep his pacifier as an almost five year old. Or how he peed himself at Disney world because he saw a scary character.

            "And for the first three years of his life, we couldn't even sleep alone. Scorpius constantly wanted to share our bed." Astoria laughed and everyone, with the exclusion of Scorpius, laughed.  Draco had left the table to get the mail and when he got back, he smiled.

            "Scorpius this if for you." He handed Scorpius the envelope. He opened it slowly and then gasped. It was his motorbike license.

            "What is it?" His grandfather asked.

            "It's my license." He told her. "Can I go out riding?" He asked. He had tons of practice so he was eager to ride.

            "Yes you can."

            "Just around the block." Astoria added. Scorpius looked at Albus and smiled.

            "Wanna take a ride?" He asked and Albus blinked before looking at his parents. Harry swallowed before looking at Ginny. She knew that Albus was still recovering but Scorpius was trusted. She knew he wouldn't put him in any real danger.

            "Wear a helmet and hold on to Scorpius tightly." She advised and he smiled widely.

            "I will! Thank you." He chirped and the pair stood up as everyone followed them out. They walked into the garage where the bike was and Scorpius handed Albus a helmet. Before he put it on though, he pecked Scorpius' mouth.  Scorpius smiled and then put his helmet on and straddled the bike. Albus did the same and wrapped his arms around Scorpius' waist. Scorpius started the bike, revved the engine, and then started off. Everyone cheered as they passed and Scorpius smiled. Albus let out a sequel and laughed as Scorpius drove around the block. The wind was blowing on his face and he was with the boy who kept him safe. It was the first time in six months that Albus actually felt free.

Scorpius' P.O.V

            After going riding around for a while and letting everyone take a turn holding me waist, we retired to the house to sing Happy Birthday. I sat at the head of the table awkwardly as everyone stood and sang. We cut into the birthday cake and my dad shoved my face into my piece. I got pay back though when I threw the remaining icing that was on my face at him.  He laughed at me and then brought me in for a hug. We sat around the table, Albus on my lap, and ate cake. I fed Albus a few bites of my cake and he hummed in contentment.  Once we finished the cake, we called it a night and I thanked everyone for coming. I deiced I would open my gifts after Albus left because he decided to stay with me for a bit.
            We retired to my room after helping my parents clean up and cuddled in my bed.

            "I sketched you something." He told me as I was half asleep. I happened to have a long day and was in dire need of a nap.

            "Did you?" I hummed and stroked his locks.  "What did you draw me?" I asked and shakily took the parchment out of his pocket. He handed it to me and I unfolded it. It was a picture of a man. Very well drawn. He was cleanly shaven, hazel eyes and a warm smile. His brown hair was short and pushed to the side. I blinked at a few times before looking at him. "Who is this?" I asked and he visibly swallowed.

            "D-Dom." He told me and I looked at him.

            "This is the bastard that hurt you?" I growled and he whimpered. I dropped the sketch and hugged him tightly.  "I swear to you that I will never let him hurt you again."  I promised and he snuggled into my embrace.

            "I l-love you Scorpius." He told me and I smiled. I kissed his neck gently and then peppered kisses all the way up to his lips. He giggled and then kissed my mouth.

            "I love you more than this world Albus." I told him. "And I promise as long as you're with me, I will keep you safe."


            A few days later, I was sitting with Albus on his couch when Harry got home.

            "Oh hello guys." He greeted.

            "Hello Harry."

            "Hi dad." We said together.

            "Albus, I heard from your old school today." He told us and Albus tensed in my hold.

            "Did you?"

            "Yes and the advisor wants me to come in so I could tell him how you're doing." He told us. "I was gonna head over there now. Do you want to come?"

            "No." Albus said quickly.

            "I do." I spoke up and turned to him. "Come on, get out of the house for a bit."

            "N-no Sc-Scorpius." He spoke and I furrowed my brow. He only stuttered when he was nervous.

            "Okay." I assured. "Um can I go? I'd like to see your school." I asked. He blinked at me a few times before shrugging.

            "Okay." He told me and I kissed his lips before getting up.

            "I'll be back soon, okay?" I only got a nod in response. I looked at Harry and smiled. "Is it okay that I go?" I asked and he smiled.

            "Yes of course, let's go now before it gets dark." He told me and I nodded.

            "Okay. Bye Albus."

            "Bye Scorp and dad, I love you both."

            "We love you too." We said and then headed out to go see Albus' school.

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