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This chapter might make you angry/annoyed. Nothing bad happens but I don't know how you'll react to the end.

Harry's P.O.V

          "Harry." Someone in my office spoke. I looked up from the computer and Chris was in the doorway.

            "Did you find something?" I asked and he shook his head.

            "We ran the sketch you gave us. We didn't find any leads so we were possibly thinking of running the sketch on the news. Hopefully-"

            "No." I shook my head. "Don't run it on the news. The guy could see it and skip town." I explained and he sighed.

            "It's been three months Harry." He told me.

            "I'm aware."

            "Have you tried asking Albus?" He asked me and I nodded. "And what did he say?"

            "He does the same thing every time. He cries and yells then falls asleep from the crying. He's still not well."

            "I bet he isn't." He sighed sadly. "We're all trying our best Harry."

            "I know you are."

            "And we're working as hard as we can without any leads. We need a name or something."
             "I will try my best." I told him. My phone started ringing and it was Ginny. She only ever called in emergencies. "Hold on." I told the other detective.

            "Hello?" I answered.

            "He's gone!" She shouted.

            "What?" I hopped up. "What do you mean he's gone?"

            "I-I don't know. I assumed he was in his room and h-he wasn't when I went up there. I-I looked all around and then I-I went to see if he was a-at the Malfoy's but he wasn't there either." She told me and I cursed.

            "Okay. Okay, take a deep breath and I'll be home in ten." I told her. She sniffled but agreed. We hung up and I shook my head. "I need to go."

            "Sure. Go ahead." He told me and I rushed home. I rushed home and ran through the door. Ginny was sitting on the couch sobbing her eyes out.

            "Hey." I ran over to her and she embraced me tightly.

            "I-I don't know where h-he could be." She told me. I rubbed her back as she cried.

            "Did you check under everything?" I asked. "You know he likes to hide when he's scared."

            "I-I looked under all dark and small spaces. Astoria did too at her house. She told me she'd contact Scorpius to ask if he's seen him." She explained and I hugged her tightly. We stayed there until she collected herself.  "We can't go through this again."

            "We won't." I promised.  "Come on, maybe he got out of the house and is wondering around." I pulled her up and she put on her shoes. She placed a jacket on her body and we opened the door. To our surprise, Scorpius had his hand raised like he was about to knock. And he had the certain raven haired boy we were looking for.

            "Albus!" Ginny shouted. She pulled the boy into an embrace and hugged him tightly. "Oh hunny you worried me so much."

            "S-sorry." Albus apologized. "I-I wa...w-wanted t-to t-take a w-walk." He told us and snuggled into Ginny's embrace.

            "Oh just tell me next time love." Ginny brought the boy back in school and I looked at Scorpius.

            "He was wandering around the school. Someone told me they saw him so I found him. He's unharmed and he just wanted to get some fresh air."

            "We're very glad to hear that." I sighed. "He really scared us."

            "I bet he did. He was so happy to see me." He blushed and smiled a bit. "I told him he couldn't just wander around. Not after what happened."

            "How did he react to that?" I asked.

            "He agreed." Scorpius explained.

            "Did he say anything else about his kidnapping?" I asked and Scorpius scrunched up his face as he thought.

            "I'm not sure if it means anything but he called the person Dom." He told me and I felt my heart lurch.

            "Dom?" I repeated.

            "Yeah but he didn't really tell me. He fell asleep once and started to have a nightmare. He mumbled 'no Dom'. I've been meaning to tell you." He told me and I nodded.

            "Alright, thank you Scorpius."  I told him. "Do you need a ride back to school?"

            "You don't mind?" He asked awkwardly.

            "Not at all." I smiled. I looked back into the house and Ginny was a cuddling with Albus on the couch. His head on her lap.

            "Gin, I'm gonna take Scorpius back to school."

            "And you'll be back?" She asked and I nodded.

            "I'll call work and tell them I'll see them tomorrow."  She nodded in response so we walked to my car. It was like a two second drive but Scorpius thanked me profusely. I drove back home and Albus ran to me.

            "C-can w-we w-watch a f-film?" He asked and I smiled.

            "Sure, we can eat popcorn, drink some hot chocolate and then watch whatever you want."

            "T-thank you." He hugged me tightly. "I-I l-love y-you." He told me and I got choked up. He could never utter that sentence. It was always 'love you'. I smiled and kissed his head.

            "I love you too Albus. I love you too."

Scorpius' P.O.V

          After school, James and I went to his house. I explained to my mum that Albus was okay. She told me that it was good news and for me to come home after we I had dinner at their house. We walked into James' house and the trio was sitting on the couch, Ginny and Harry were sleeping as Albus was sketching.

            "Hey Albus." James greeted and he looked up. He perked up and ran over to us.

            "I-I m-missed y-you." He hugged me and I smiled ruffling his hair.

            "I missed you too. What did you do with the rest of the day?" I asked and he looked up. I let go of the embrace.

            "W-we w-watched a f-film." He told us.

            "And the old farts fell asleep?" James asked and Albus giggled.

            "A-an h-hour i-into it." He told us.

            "Well old people need their rest." James laughed. "Let's scare them shall we?" He asked and Albus nodded. James smirked and creeped over to his parents. He got real close to them and took a deep breath.

            "WE'RE HOME!" He shouted. They jumped up and much to his dismay, Harry used his tactics and wrestled James to the ground. I doubled over in laughter and Albus was just as bad as me.

            "James!" Harry yelled.

            "Let me up please." James begged.

            "You know better than to scare me like that. I could have really hurt you." Harry scolded. Albus and I leaned against each other to collect our giggles.

            "I didn't know you'd react like a maniac." James hissed and Harry sighed. He let James up.

            "Do not do that again." He scowled and James sighed.

            "I'm sorry." He told his father.  Albus giggled a bit more as James angrily walked back over to us.

            "I-it l-look like i-it b-backfired." Albus spoke and James glared.

            "Ah relax Jamesie." I cooed. "It was after all your fault."

            "Shut it Scorpius." He snapped and I merely smirked.

            "Albus dear." Ginny yawned. "We fell asleep, we're sorry."

            "I-it's okay." Albus told her. "I-I s-sketched."

            "Oh what did you sketch?" She asked and Albus blinked at her.

            "I-it's a s-surprise." Albus told her.

            "Will we be able to see it soon?" She asked and he grinned cheekily at her.

            "M-maybe." He told her and she smiled.

            "Fair enough. Are you hungry?" She asked us all. Albus shook his head but James and I nodded. "Alright, what do you want?"

            "Do you have a banana?" I asked and she nodded. I heard a tiny laugh next to me and I glared at James. He smirked and asked for an apple. Ginny left and returned with our food. We retired to James' room with me sitting in the arm chair in his room as Albus sat on my lap. James sat on his bed.

            "So we can play a card game if you want." James suggested.

            "I-I w-want to s-sketch." Albus told him.

            "Wait, I have a better idea." I suggested finishing my banana. They both looked at me.

            "What?" James asked.

            "Let's help Albus get over his stutter." I smiled and Albus looked up at me.

            "H-how w-would y-you do t...t-that?" He asked.

            "Practice." I told him and glanced up at James.

            "Good idea." James agreed. "Are you up for it Albus?" He asked and Albus blinked. He swallowed hard and nodded.

            "O-okay." He agreed. So we sat him on James' bed as we sat in chairs in front of him. We started on easy words like 'and' or ' like'. We had him repeat it a few time before he got it without a stutter. We cheered and he looked happy with himself.

            "Okay so now say James." I told him. His mouth looked as if it was working.

            "J-James." He spoke.

            "Okay good. Try again." James said softly.

            "J... James." He said and I smiled.

            "Okay one more time."

            "... James." He spoke confidently.

            "Ah you're doing so great!" I cheered. "Try my name now."

            "S... S-Scorpius." He said and I nodded.

            "Good start." I assured. "Try again."

             "Let's break it up." He nodded. "Scorp."

            "S-Scorp. Sc-scorp. Scorp." He nodded his head and then smiled.

            "Yes! Great!" I piped. "Scorp. Now try the other part. Ius."

            "Ius." He said with no problem.

            "Scorpius." James said all together.

            "Scorp...ius." He spoke. "Scorpius." He put it together.

            "Yes!" I cheered and rushed at him. I hugged him tightly and he laughed. He hugged me back just as tight and when we pulled away. He grinned up at me.

            "Scorpius." He said and I smiled widely.

            "Albus I'm so proud of you." I piped to him. He smiled at me and I leaned in. I placed my forehead against his. "I love you so much." I told him honestly. He smiled and next thing I knew, our lips were touching. Our lips moved in synch and my hands touches Albus' cheeks. I heard James mutter something like 'about time' but I ignored him. We pulled away and he grinning like mad. 

            "I love you too." He told me. "Scorpius."

Alright so I was thinking and I think we all know who the OG mpreg is... Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents (except for seahorses)

Also I hope all my Florida readers are safe and protected this storm, my thoughts are with you!

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