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Harry's P.O.V

Albus woke up around noon and from the moment he did, he went ballistic. First he panicked because he was in a bed. He then threw himself on the floor. When I tried telling him it was okay, he flinched and cowered into a ball. Then he moved to the corner of his room and started to rock back and forth. He hadn't said a word since we found him. Just cried out and whimpered when anyone went near him. Ginny had to go to a different room because it was too hard on her. She just wanted Albus, the fun loving child he once was, back.

"Albus, come on." He was concerned so I kneeled next to him. He curled into a tight ball and started to sniffle. "It's okay Albus, it'll be okay." I assured. I reached out and touched his hair. He jerked back and cried out. My throat started to constrict and I had to hold back the tears. "Please come out Albus." I begged. He shook his head from what I saw and started to tremble. I was going to kill who ever who made my child this way very slowly.

"Oh sorry, is this a bad time?" The familiar voice asked. I looked and it was Scorpius. Just as I was going to answer, Albus' head snapped up. He saw Scorpius and whimpered out. "Hey there Albus, what's going on bud?" Scorpius spoke softly. Albus, faster than lightening, crawled to Scorpius and hugged his legs. He buried his face into his thighs and let out a sigh. "Albus you need to get back into bed." Scorpius told him and from what I saw, Albus' hands tightened on him. I saw Scorpius wince slightly but he threaded his fingers in Albus' locks. His hair had grown out immensely. His was just about down to his shoulders and was very messy.

"He's scared." I told Scorpius.

"Hey Albus, there's no need to be scared. How about I pick you up and put you back in bed?" He asked but Albus didn't relent. Scorpius sighed and placed his hands on Albus' shoulders. Albus cried out but when Scorpius left them there, Albus stood up and allowed Scorpius to lift him. Scorpius lifted him bridal style and then walked over to the bed where he placed him down. Albus hid his face and held Scorpius' hand in his under his body. "Has he spoken at all?"

"No." I sighed and rested back in a chair. "No even a word. Not no, yes, help... nothing." I told him and then closed my eyes. "The doctors told me that they can't keep him sedated because they don't what's wrong with his mental status." I explained to Scorpius. "It's nice of you to come. It seems like he enjoys your company." I told him with a small smile. Albus shifted closer to Scorpius who reached out and gently ran a hand through the locks again.
"He'll talk sooner or later." Scorpius assured me and I nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Well I was thinking about it. And I wasn't exactly sure how far away the gas station was." He told me. "So how far away were you?"

"It was a few towns over. We had about half an hour to get home." I told him. "I know what you're thinking, we had cops checking the area. And no, we were the only ones at the gas station." I explained to him and he looked down at Albus. I couldn't see but it looked like Albus had looked up. Scorpius smiled softly at Albus.

"Well he came out of the woods so wherever he was, he needed to be near or in the woods."

"They have cops checking the area now. I'm sure you'll be questioned soon." I told him and he sighed. He looked back down at Albus then to me.

"Um." He said awkwardly. "What will I have to say?"

"Just what happened." I clarified. "But you're a minor so you can have a parent in there with you if you want."

"Good." He smiled and nodded. "Then that makes me feel a bit better." He let out a breath of relief. Albus let out a whimper so Scorpius turned to him and then gasped. "Oh Albus." He cooed softly, "He wet himself." He told me and I hopped up.

"I'll get a nurse." He nodded and I left the room. I ran a hand through my hair and walked up to the nurse's station.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh Mister Potter, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Err... well Albus wet himself. I don't know if this is a nurse issue but-"

"It's okay, we can take care of it." She told me and sent a nurse to his room. "How is he doing today?"

"Not very well." I shook my head. "He hasn't improved much."

"It's gonna take some time." She sighed sadly. "You can take him home tomorrow. And familiarize him. It seems he needs that to reacquaint himself." A loud cry sounded from Albus' room so I bolted. He was now on Scorpius' lap, trembling, as the nurse was trying to get him to let her change his gown.

"Shh Albus, I just want to give you a new gown and boxers. Yours are dirty." The nurse with red hair coaxed. Albus shook his head hard and gripped Scorpius' harder.

"Ma'am please." Scorpius started. "Leave the clean clothes on the bed. I'll try to get him to change."

"I don't think-"

"Ma'am! He has a death grip on me and he's frightened!" Scorpius shouted and Albus let out a whimper. "I will get him to change." He told her and she rolled her eyes.

"It's best. Thank you." I spoke up. The woman left the room and Scorpius put his face on Albus' head. He was whispering something softly to him that I couldn't hear but whatever it was, Albus' grip him loosened. Scorpius winced and then placed Albus on the bed.

"Do you need help?" Scorpius asked and Albus shook his head gently. He very slowly removed his gown and then I saw the mark from the night prior. Long gashes and bruises covered his back. His front was the same and when Scorpius saw, he grimaced. Albus put the new gown on and then Scorpius handed him the new boxers. Albus slowly removed his old one. He let out a whimper and Scorpius assured him it was okay, then he placed the new pair on. The old, soiled clothes remained on the floor as Albus grabbed Scorpius' hand and snuggled with it. "Would you like me to lie with you Albus?" Scorpius asked. Albus' made a sound and then pulled him towards him. Scorpius kicked off his shoes and then lied down. Albus climbed on Scorpius' front and snuggled his face into his chest.

Scorpius' P.O.V

"He's asleep." I told Harry who sighed. He rubbed a hand over his face.

"I don't know Scorpius." He said to me. "I don't know if it's because you found him but he's very attached to you."

"Most guys are." I said without thinking and he chuckled. "Sorry."

"Don't be." He told me. "I know we've known you for only a few days. And Albus not even a day, but I was wondering if you could coax him into..."


"No." He shook his head. "Just, being more comfortable with me, Ginny, and his siblings." He told me and I shrugged.

"I could try." His eyes filled with tears and some silently made their way down his face.

"Thank you."


"Come on Albus." I cooed to the boy but his grip on me wouldn't loosen. I groaned and wrapped my arms around him. He jerked but relaxed in my arms. Ginny and Harry were in Albus' room with me as I tried to get him to be okay with them. We tried getting him to be comfortable with them for over two hours. I dropped my voice to a whisper so only Albus can hear. "Albus, I would never let anything hurt you. I haven't so far, have I? We've only known each other for about a day but you trust me already and I'm so happy that you do. So listen to me when I say, they are your parents and I promise you they won't hurt you." I told him and he peered up from my chest. His green eyes blinked at me and I took away one of my arms and showed him my pinky. He blinked at it before taking it in his. I picked him up and gently placed him on Harry. Harry waited for Albus to make a move. It took several minutes but he hugged Harry. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and buried his face into his chest.

"I've missed you so much Albus." Harry started crying. He put his hands on his face and let out a few sobs. Ginny curled up to Harry and put her hand on Albus' hand. He flinched but allowed her.

"We're so happy you're home Albus." Ginny sobbed. "We love you so much." She told Albus who let out a small whimper. They stay in that position for some time before Albus fell asleep on Harry. Harry lifted him and gently placed him on the bed.

"He must have been really sleep deprived." I mentioned and Harry shook his head.

"The doctors said he must have slept very minimal in those three months." He told me. "Tomorrow we're giving him a psych evaluation and talk to him about what happened."
"Do you think that's a great idea?"

"It's better to do sooner than later." He told me and I nodded. There was a knock on the door and it was an officer of the law.

"Scorpius Malfoy?" He questioned and I gulped. I froze and just stared at him.

"How can I help you sir?" Harry answered for me.

"I just need to get the boy's side of the story. Your mother is outside." He told me and I blinked at him. Before I knew it, I was outside meeting my mum and then in a private room explaining everything to the officer. He would stop me to ask questions like what time and where it was. How did Albus look? Which direction he came from.

"And then I told him who I was. He didn't move so I picked him up and promised I'd take him home." I answered and he nodded.

"And once you got back?" He asked.

"Harry and Ginny were very shocked to see me with him. They went to take him from me but he threw a fit and held on to me tightly." I answered and he scribbled everything down.

"Thank you. You're done." He told me. Mum and I walked out.

"Say goodbye Scorpius, you have an early day tomorrow."

"I have to go to school?" I asked and mum nodded.

"Yes sweetheart." She kissed my head. "You can't put it on pause for someone you just met."

"Mum he-"

"I know he's the boy Scorpius." She cut him off. "But you need to attend school. If they allow it, you may go seem him when all your homework is finished." She told me and I nodded. I walked into his room and he was curled up in a ball still sleeping. I hugged his parent's goodbye and then stroke a hand through his hair.

"See you tomorrow Albus."
Guys my cousin found my account on here!!
But she says she likes my story Roommates so whatever.
Also I just got a job so I'll try to update this at the pace I have been, just be patient. Thank you!

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