I'll save you...

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Chresta's body fell limp on the floor, gasping for air as the bullet dug into his ribs, another click sounding soon after. "Oh, sorry Pa, seems I missed... But don't worry I'lL sAvE yOu. AnD mA aNd My GrAnDpArEnTs ToO" He giggled, shooting again, this time hitting his father through the head, dusting him. "I did it~" He giggled, turning his head to face the terrified Fuego "ArEn'T yOu PrOuD oF mE mA?~" He giggled, loading up the gun yet again and taking aim "I'lL sAvE yOu~ JuSt LiKe I sAvEd Pa~"


"Zahel, put the gun down, please..." Fuego begged, breathing heavily in fear, just barely noticing the hole the bullet had made in the wall right beside his skull "Ma," Zahel began, lifting his gun to reload it "DoN't YoU wAnT tO bE sAvEd?" "SAVED FROM WHAT?!" Fuego bursted out, tears in his sockets, hearing the small click of the gun being reloaded "WhY, tHeM, oF cOuRsE" Zahel looked... Confused as he took aim "WHO THEM?!" "ThEy'Re BeHiNd YoU.."

He turned around to look, only to feel a burning pain in the back of his skull, the bullet penetrating it easily...

ByE, bYe, Ma. SeE yOu NeXt ReSeT.

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