The story of my life thus far

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Okay my superhero story is a bit more confusing than most. Let's just say I was born completely normal and I didn't show signs of being different until I was around 4 or at least that's what I was told on the day I went into the system for being 'different.' I never really saw myself as different or peculiar compared to the other kids but sadly no one ever does.

My few years of school were really easy compared to the years after that. Starting in third grade I started to get picked on for all the things I did. Like going the opposite direction if a certain person came towards me or just leaving during anything that had to do with music because it hurt my ears. I was called a freak for being the way I was.

I had to deal with that teasing for two years until I was transferred. Thank goodness because I was at the point where I wanted to stay at the my foster home even though I was ignored most of the time. Now I'm in a small town called Phillips living with my fosters.

Okay enough about my origins and horrible live thus far but go into something a bit more exciting. Maybe how I handle switching schools and foster parents or how I found out just how different I am. I'm not talking about a fast matabolism or something along those lines but something super.

Okay this is the first official chapter of my first book hope you enjoyed. Please review and have a nice day ~Sarah

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