Chapter 2: Finding the Imposters

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Mario, Meggy, and F.L.U.D.D. were let free by the police Piantas, as they gave the couple a few rules.

Police Pianta 1: Your first job's to get rid of all that ugliness. And remember, we'll be watching you, pals. We'll know if you two start slacking off.

The police Piantas walked away, as Mario and Meggy ran over to the mess, with F.L.U.D.D. on Mario's back.

Meggy: This is ridiculous. Why do we have to do community service on our honeymoon?

Mario: Don't worry, Meggy. Things will be alright soon. We'll have our alone time once the entire island is clean of all the dirtiness.

Meggy: Okay, Mario.

They arrived at the giant goop at the edge of the island as F.L.U.D.D. started spraying water at it.

Mario: Good job, F.L.U.D.D.

Another goop monster came out of the goop.

Meggy: Another one?

Mario: Yep. *sigh* Do it, F.L.U.D.D.

F.L.U.D.D. sprayed the monster away with water in 15 seconds. After the monster disappeared, a giant statue of a Pianta came up from the ground, along with two unexpected guests.

Meggy: Mario, look! On the statue's head!

The mysterious guests are revealed to be the shadow versions of Mario and Meggy that Meggy saw earlier.

Police Pianta 2: Oh my god! Look over there!

Police Pianta 1: The real culprits. My god, we made a huge mistake! These are doppelgangers, and we arrested the real couple! We are so fired!

Mario: Are those... shadowy versions of the two of us?

Meggy: Those two... ruined our honeymoon!

Mario: Mario's gonna f*cking murder those two fakers!

Shadow Mario and Meggy started running away from the real Mario and Meggy, leaving a trail of icky goop running behind them. Once they started to chase the shadows, they were stopped by the police Piantas about to apologize.

Police Pianta 1: We... have an apology to make.

Mario: But we have horrible clones to chase!

Police Pianta 1: But this is more important. Before we tell you our apology, state your business here at Isle Delfino.

Meggy: We're going on our honeymoon here for three weeks.

Police Pianta 2: Ooh, nice. We are truly sorry for arresting you two. We get clones and originals mixed up.

Mario: You mean this kind of mixup happened before?

Police Pianta 1: *sigh* Yes it did. The IDPD (Isle Delfino Police Department) will help you clean the island up. All you two need to do is collect enough Shine Sprites to brighten up the island again and arrest the true culprits behind this entire mess.

Police Pianta 2: Your F.L.U.D.D. will be great help through your little adventure. After this entire mess is over, all of our citizens will give you the 3 week honeymoon you two truly deserve.

Meggy: Thank you so much!

Mario: You can count on me and Meggy, Piantas. We'll collect enough Shine Sprites and end Shadow Mario and Meggy's lives.

Meggy: Mark our words. Isle Delfino will be safe.

Mario: Unemployment line is that way, officers. Come back here, imposters!

Mario and Meggy started to chase Shadow Mario and Meggy in circles, and after a few minutes, they caught up with the imposters.

Shadow Mario: Ow ow ow OW! Not fair! Completely unfair!

Shadow Meggy: Oh, this is so embarrassing. Getting caught by a fat guy.

Shadow Mario: You shouldn't be allowed to use tools like that!

Shadow Mario and Meggy escaped and started to make their way towards the statue.

Mario: Hey! Come back here!

Meggy: You two aren't gonna get away with this!

Shadow Mario and Meggy made a portal in the shape of an M with their special paintbrushes and they jumped in.

Meggy: What the... they can jump in that?

Mario: Come on, Meggy. I bet we can go in there too.

Mario and Meggy ran to the portal and started to make their way towards Bianca Hills.

Sorry this chapter was a little short. I'm doing the "Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy" idea of basing chapters on levels of the game. Bianco Hills will be the focus of the next chapter. See you all there.

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