Chapter 3: Bianco Hills

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Mario, Meggy, and F.L.U.D.D. arrived at Bianco Hills with their number one target being their shadow doppelgangers. The first thing they saw there was a slide. Well, it's actually the same kind of ground but it's downhill and filled with water.

Meggy: Those imposters will pay for delaying our honeymoon time.

Mario: Come on, Meggy. I think this little adventure might be fun. Look right there, Meggy. There's a slide.

Meggy: Well, I guess this adventure will be kinda fun.

Mario: Slide down with me, Meggy!

Meggy: Wait for me, Mario!

They were laughing and having fun while sliding down, but Meggy realized that they were about to land in water.

Mario: Oh shit! I got you, Meggy!

Mario grabbed Meggy, while F.L.U.D.D. started to get an idea.

F.L.U.D.D.: Let me handle this.

F.L.U.D.D. turned his nozzle into the Hover Nozzle and saved Mario and Meggy from possibly drowning.

Meggy: Thank you so much, F.L.U.D.D.! You're quite a lifesaver.

F.L.U.D.D.: No problem, lovers.

They started exploring through Bianco Hills.

Meggy: I know we have imposters to catch, but, can we explore this place, since we're on a honeymoon?

Mario: Sure, Meggy. What could go wrong?

They were walking all around Bianco Hills and relaxing together, trying to ignore all of the trouble around them.

They're having fun going all over this place, as they came across red graffiti art shaped in an M. F.L.U.D.D. sprayed water on it and out popped a Blue Coin.

Meggy: What is this blue thing?

F.L.U.D.D.: That is a Blue Coin. Collect ten of these things and then visit the boathouse to get a Shine Sprite.

Mario: Nice.

They picked up the Blue Coin, as they went back to exploring through Bianco Hills, but they were stopped by more goop. F.L.U.D.D. went ahead and sprayed all of the goop in front of them.

Mario: Thanks, F.L.U.D.D. You truly know the ways to help us out.

F.L.U.D.D.: No problem.

He continued to spray all of the goop, but another goop monster came out.

Meggy: Seriously? Another one?

Though it took a little longer to spray it out, F.L.U.D.D. got rid of the monster, as a big uphill piece of ground came out, along with a Shine Sprite at the top. They grabbed it and celebrated, as after returning to Delfino Plaza and coming back here, they saw something huge on top of the windmill of Bianco Hills.

Mario: Meggy, look up there.

Meggy: It kinda looks like... a fat giant Piranha Plant with arms and legs.

Mario laughed at Meggy's description, which made Meggy smile and laugh a little with him.

They started making their way towards the windmill, but once they got to the bridge, they saw it's out.

F.L.U.D.D.: The bridge is out! Mario, use my Hover Nozzle to cross large gaps!

Meggy: But what about me?

Mario: Grab onto me, Meggy.

Meggy grabbed onto Mario by the chest, as F.L.U.D.D. hovered and helped Mario and Meggy over the bridge.

Meggy: F.L.U.D.D. is so perfect. I just wanna keep him after our honeymoon.

They continued their way up the side of the windmill, while cleaning up the goop and avoiding other plants along the way. They then made it to the top and were now face-to-face with Petey Piranha.


Petey Piranha then roared, but suddenly, the roof of the windmill was starting to crack and break. It later broke, as Petey Piranha, Mario and Meggy started to fall inside. Mario landed under Meggy to save her from injury.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario.

Mario did a thumbs up slowly because he was hurt, as Petey Piranha was now looking for a fight, and Mario and Meggy were up to it.

Mario: Looks like there are more evildoers than we thought there will be.

Meggy: Let's get rid of this piranha freak!

Petey Piranha roared again, but F.L.U.D.D. started shooting water inside his mouth, fattening him, as he fell over, giving Mario and Meggy a chance to stomp on his stomach. They did this two more times, and Petey Piranha fell over, turned into goop, and disappeared into the floor.

Mario: Holy crap, he's gone.

A Shine Sprite appeared.

Meggy: So this really is gonna be like our space adventure, but instead of collecting Power Stars, we collect these Shines here.

Mario: I guess we're gonna be collecting a lot of these, Meggy.

They collected the Shine Sprite, both knowing that their long journey of collecting Shine Sprites has just begun.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. The focus of the next chapter is gonna be Ricco Harbor. See you later.

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