Chapter 4: Ricco Harbor

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Mario and Meggy left Bianco Hills and found themselves in another big goop-cleaning job.

Meggy: You know what to do, F.L.U.D.D.

F.L.U.D.D. started to spray the big pile of goop away, but yet another goop monster came out.

Mario: How many plant-looking goop monsters are there?!

F.L.U.D.D. did the usual and sprayed water on the monster, killing it, causing it to clear all the goop around this area, as a portal to another part Isle Defino opened up, Ricco Harbor.

Mario: You wanna just walk into this one? Just for the heck of it?

Meggy: Sure, Mario.

They both jumped in the portal and made their way to Ricco Harbor. Meggy looked at what's ahead of them and saw that it was an obstacle course above water.

Mario: Let's go, Meggy!

Meggy: I... I can't.

Mario: Oh...

Mario looked at the water.

Mario: ...right.

F.L.U.D.D.: Let me help her out. I'll help her avoid being in the water.

Meggy: Thank you, F.L.U.D.D.

Meggy put on F.L.U.D.D. as they and Mario started making their way through the obstacle course.

It started with a ramp leading towards a boat with a cage on it, then there was a platform being moved back and forth by a crane. F.L.U.D.D. made sure to help Meggy cross the larger gaps.

Then they moved on to the scariest part for Meggy. They have to cling onto a chain fence from the bottom, and the only thing below them was water. Meggy was scared that there might be a possibility that she might accidentally let go and fall in the water, possibly drowning herself, but Mario was there to help her.

Mario: Grab onto me, Meggy. Trust me on this. I promise you won't fall.

Meggy grabbed onto Mario by the back, as Mario climbed through the chain fence without anyone falling down.

Meggy: Thank you... so much, Mario.

Mario: You're welcome.

They went through the rest of the obstacle course, which was easy for them, as they made their way towards a few wide boxes, with a tentacle sticking out of one of them.

Meggy: Is that a white tentacle sticking out of one box?

Mario: I'm gonna pull it!

Mario pulled the tentacle as hard as he could, and it broke off.

Mario: Oh shit.

Meggy: Mario... what did you do?

Mario: I don't know! The tentacle just got pulled off!

Suddenly, a giant squid launched out of the boxes and back on the ground. It was a giant Blooper called Gooper Blooper.

Mario: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up!

Meggy: We gotta defeat this evil squid for causing all of his ink to spread into the water.

Mario: Okie dokie.

They began fighting Gooper Blooper. F.L.U.D.D. started to spray water on the giant Blooper, as it was about to hit him, Mario, and Meggy with its remaining tentacles, but they managed to dodge, with Mario jumping on one of them. He pulled it off of Gooper Blooper.

Meggy: Good work, Mario! I guess that's the way to defeat this guy.

F.L.U.D.D. sprayed some more water at Gooper Blooper, as its tentacles came back to the heroes, with Meggy jumping on one of them and pulling it off. They did this for the remaining tentacles, as there was only the still-alive Blooper to deal with.

Mario: Now how do we finish this guy off?

Meggy: I see a cork on its mouth.

Mario: Pull it off?

Meggy: Yeah, I guess it makes sense.

They both worked together to pull the cork hard, and it got pulled off, causing Gooper Blooper to get hurt and regrow its tentacles.

Mario: What?!

Meggy: How?

Mario: We still got more work to do?

Meggy: I guess so.

They sprayed water at Gooper Blooper pulled off its tentacles again, as there was only one thing left to do. They started pulling its mouth, as they let go at the farthest point, causing Gooper Blooper to be launched away.

Mario: That was quite a huge enemy to tackle.

Meggy: Yeah. That's a lot of work for one boss.

They collected the Shine Sprite that came out after defeating Gooper Blooper, as they went out of Ricco Harbor.

Mario: How about we take a quick break?

Meggy: Yeah. I've been through getting scared of water a lot today.

They went to the roof of a building and put F.L.U.D.D. down beside them. Mario has an announcement to give to her.

Mario: Hey Meggy.

Meggy: Yes, Mario?

Mario connected to the WiFi here and went onto SMG4's YouTube channel to show Meggy one thing.

"Joined Feb 13, 2009"

Mario: Happy 10 years, Meggy.

Meggy: Oh, how nice. I feel good for him. I bet that he is showing his old videos to the others to celebrate.

Mario: I think that he's gonna celebrate once we return home. I think he's gonna show them to Tari today because she's his girlfriend.

Mario opened up the first SMG4 video, "The cake is a lie".

Mario: How about we watch this, seeing as this is the now the tenth anniversary?

Meggy: Sure.

They watched the video to see how much things have evolved since that.

Mario: Yeah, I know, it's crap compared to our later videos, but remember that it was just the beginning.

Meggy: Yeah. I couldn't believe you were lied to about cake as well.

Mario: Peach is a mean person.

Meggy: I wish I was able to cook. Then I would give you the cake you deserved.

Mario: Aww, Meggy.

Mario kissed Meggy on the lips, as Meggy went with it and kissed back.

Mario: I love you so much, Meggy.

Meggy: I love you too, Mario.

Meggy (thoughts): Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I finally have just the thing to give him. I wish Isle Delfino has a cake shop.

They both continued to enjoy themselves and watch some more of SMG4's old videos. They still couldn't believe that SMG4's channel is finally ten years old, and they feel proud of that accomplishment.

The next chapter is something for Valentine's Day, so I hope you're excited as I am. Also, I hope you'll check out and love Infinitetheedge 's Mario X Meggy Valentine's story, which was submitted by me, once it comes out. See you later.

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