Chapter 10 (Sort-of Edited)

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"So do you guys have any pokemon?" Autumn asked the day after their planning.

"Yeah," Cody and Isabelle said in unison.

"Go, Ponyta!" Isabelle yelled.

"Go, Eevee!" Cody exclaimed.

Two pokemon popped out of their pokeballs in a flash of light. One was like Leafeon but just a normal type, while the other one was like a horse, but with flames as a mane and a tail.

"Come on out my friends!" Autumn let out all her pokemon.

"Wanna have a pokemon battle? You choose two of your pokemon to battle us." Cody asked. Eevee nodded. "Eevee, eevee!"

"Sure!" Autumn looked at her three pokemon. She gave Luxio a look before nodding to Tropius and Buneary.

"Buneary! Bun-bun!" Buneary smiled.

"Tropius." Tropius stomped her foot down.

"Ponyta, use Ember on Tropius!" Isabelle commanded.

"Tropius, dodge it and use Gust!" Autumn said.

A fireball burst out of Ponyta's mouth but before it could hit Tropius she used Gust and the fireball went out.

"Eevee, use Tackle on Buneary!" Cody shouted.

"Buneary dodge and use Pound!" Autumn ordered. 

Eevee charged forward, aiming for Buneary, and as Buneary was about to dodge and use Pound, Eevee sped up and hit Buneary, hard.

"Bun-bun!" Buneary cried as it was pushed backwards.

"Ponyta! Use Flame Wheel on Buneary!" Isabelle shouted, seeing her chance to defeat Buneary.

"Tropius, Whirlwind!" Autumn cried.

Ponyta raced forward before jumping up and throwing her mane around in a circle, creating a circle of fire. Tropius stepped in front of Buneary just in time and took some damage from the Flame Wheel, but managed to use Whirlwind and blow it out. Ponyta was blow back, looking dazzed.

"Eevee, use Sand Attack on Tropius!" Cody yelled.

"Tropius use Sweet Scent on both of them! Buneary try Pound on both of them!" Autumn said.

"Ponyta, use Flame Charge on Buneary!" Isabelle demanded. 

Tropius dodged the Sand Attack and used Sweet Scent. The air began to smell like flowers and rainbows around Ponyta and Eevee. Buneary charged forward, about to hit Eevee with her ears when she was shoved to the side by Ponyta as she charged forward. 

"Buneary!" Autumn said as Buneary held her arm delicately, a red mark showing up on it. "Tropius, use Stomp on Eevee and then use Air Slash on Ponyta."

Autumn raced over to Buneary and held her in her arms. Tropius shot forward and stomped on Eevee. Eevee flinched as Tropius flew forward, using the wind to slash at Ponyta.

"Ee-vee!" Eevee groaned as it stood up, wobbling a bit. 

"Ponyta!" Ponyta with stood the blows and glared at Tropius.

Suddenly, a dark shadow came above them. They looked up. Autumn and Isabelle screamed.

"DARKRAI!!!!!!!" it roared, using Haze and covering the place in black smoke.

The trio coughed as they saw something coming at them through the smoke.

"Ummmm, guys..." Cody yelped before a bunch of twined purple circles shot at them.

They screamed again before leaping behind a huge rock nearby. 

"What is that thing?!" Isabelle cried out, obvious fear in her squeaky voice.

Cody pulled out his Pokedex and pointed it through the mist carefully.

"Darkrai, the pitch-black pokemon. It can lure people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during the nights of the full moon." 

Autumn gasped. "A Darkrai! Those are almost legendary! We have got to get out of here!" 

Suddenly a wave of sleepiness fell over them. Bubbles popped in front of their eyes and stars fell from the sky. The scent of lavender filled the air and the ground felt like a soft cloud. 

"Or maybe take a small nap..." Cody mumbled, beginning to close his eyes.

"It's using Dark Void! It's going to give us nightmares, or worse!" Isabelle said, her eyelids feeling like they weighed a hundred pounds.

"We have got to stay awake!" Autumn exclaimed, shaking Cody back to reality. Suddenly she got an idea.

"Go, Luxio!" Autumn said, pulling out a Pokeball. "Luxio, use Shock Wave on us!" 

Luxio didn't hesitate. Suddenly, Autumn was jolted back awake. She didn't feel tired anymore. But she really did hurt.

"Bun-buneary." Buneary moaned. 

"Oh no! We have to get to a pokemon center! Quick!" Autumn said, standing up.

"Wait! I have some burn ointment in my bag!" Isabelle quickly pulled out her bag and shuffled through it. After a while, she pulled out a bottle of clear ointment. "Just put it on her burn and she should feel better right away!" 

"Thanks!" Autumn hurriedly put some on Buneary and after a second she was back to normal. "Buneary! Tropius! Return!" 

"What are we going to do?!!" Cody questioned, beginning to panic. 

"We could try and battle it!" Isabelle suggested.

"It's the best shot we have!" Autumn agreed. "Just be careful!"

The trio raced out from behind the rock. Darkrai was about to use another move on the building when it spotted them.

It had a long, big strip of white hair that covered its whole head. It had a dark black body and something that looked like a necklace of red, pointy teeth around its neck. It floated above the ground, and it had two deep, blue eyes. Anger held a deep place within the dark eyes, rage that had been chained down there for a long time. 

"DARKRAI!!" Darkrai growled as it began to glow a darker purple color before a burst of purple wind burst out onto the trio.

"AHHHHHH!!!" the three trainers screamed as the gust blew them and their pokemon back. 

"DARKRAI!!!" Darkrai was about to use another move when Autumn shouted, "Go Luxio! Use Wild Charge!"

Luxio began to spark with energy and electricity before it charged toward Darkrai.

Darkrai roared again before using Hypnosis. Luxio stopped in mid-air and looked shocked as it fell to the ground.

"Luxio!" Autumn cried as she slid on her knees and caught him. 

Suddenly, black smoke began to fog the air as Darkrai used Haze.

"Eevee, use Helping Hand on Luxio!" Cody yelled. Eevee sniffed the air trying to find him as the air was clouded in mist but all she could do was cough and search in vain.

"Cody! Isabelle!!" Autumn yelled.

"DARKRAI!!!!!" Darkrai suddenly stopped and began to glow purple again. But it was a darker purple, and its eyes seemed to be in a different place. Luxio began to shiver and yelp every so often.

"NO! Darkrai STOP!!!" Autumn screamed as Luxio began to howl in his sleep as nightmares clouded his vision.

Luxio looked around. Autumn was walking towards him. "Luxio!" He smiled and leaped into her arms. Suddenly she fell to the ground. She curled up into a ball before jumping back up, with her face unlike Luxio had ever seen before. She was angry at him.

"'ve been a horrible pokemon!" Autumn began to pop up everywhere, walking like a zombie towards him. 

"Now you will pay!" All the Autumn's began closing in on him.

"LUXIO!!!! LUXIO LUXIO LUXIO!!!!" Luxio yelped for help, but in the desert of dreams he was in, no one heard his cries.

"Luxio! Luxio wake up!" Autumn yelled in his ear as a tear fell down her face. 

Darkrai laughed before turning to her.

"NO! NOTHING IN THIS WORLD WILL EVER TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY LUXIO!!!" Autumn screamed, refusing to go to sleep.

"...LUXIO!!!!!!!" Autumn's voice burst into Luxio's mind, making him snap awake.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" The evil Autumn's drifted away into the purple mist. 

"Luxio!" Autumn grinned and hugged him.

"DARKRAI!!!!!!!!" Darkrai roared and the black mist cleared. 

Isabelle, Ponyta, Cody, and Eevee suddenly snapped out of their nightmare-ish sleep and looked at Autumn.

"Autumn!" They all joined in a group hug before facing Darkrai with determination.

Darkrai looked astonished. Suddenly, a flash of green light hit the fog. Darkrai roared as light flashed purple and green, almost like at a concert. Suddenly, the Darkrai was gone, and in it's place was a small book.

A journal.


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