Chapter 9

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"I think they would be underground, where others wouldn't be able to get into it easily," Autumn said to Molly as she worked in her office.

"I like your logic kid, but where would it be underground?" Molly replied, taking notes on a slip of paper at her desk.

"Probably near the edge of town. Can you see if there are any electric signals from underground with your computer? You might find some." Autumn answered.

"We have, but it seems like they have a way to mute it or something," Molly said, pulling up the thing on her computer. She clicked on the electrical signals, but it showed none except for some in the forest from electrical pokemon, but there wasn't even much of that.

"Hmm, let me try something," Autumn said. She grabbed Luxio and whispered something in his ear. "One, two, three!" Luxio let out a small spark onto the computer.

"Oh no!" Molly cried as the computer shut itself down.

"Wait," Autumn pressed the ON button and suddenly the computer popped back to life. It showed some major electrical signals coming from...underneath the road that went to Canalave City!

"Whoa! How did you know that would work?" Molly gasped.

"I did it on my computer every time my mom put a parental lock on anything. Luxio taught me." Autumn laughed. 

"I have got to tell the others!" Molly raced out of the room, pulling Autumn with her.

They entered the room for planning to attack.

"Everyone stop what you are doing! We have found Team Rogue's location!" Molly exclaimed.

The people sat up from their chairs, buzzing with life.

"How did you do it?" One person asked.

"It was all thanks to Autumn. Maybe she could become a detective or officer or at least volunteer sometimes. Like Isabelle or Cody." Molly said. She pulled Autumn over to the two volunteers.

"Hi, I'm Isabelle." Isabelle greeted her. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She wore a blue jacket and jeans with holes in them.

"I'm Cody." a guy with black hair and brown eyes stood next to Isabelle, and they looked so much alike Autumn guessed they were twins. Cody wore a blue jacket and jeans with holes in them.

"I'm Autumn," Autumn said. She had a hard time trusting them even though she knew they were good. She had been having trouble with friends lately...

"We should attack in a few weeks. We have the information that we need." a tall officer with a mustache said. Many others agreed.

"But Officer John, are you sure? We need to decide on a battle strategy." a short brown haired woman stated.

"We will figure it out. Autumn, would you like to join us?" Officer John questioned.

Autumn nodded. Luxio jumped into her arms. "Luxio!" he said.

"Let's do this," Officer John started.


"Uh, Boss. They hacked through our blocking and have found our location.." a Team Rogue member stuttered.

"It's time..." Boss growled. The dark room filled with whispers.

"Time to start the device?" the Team Rogue member asked.

"No, time for our secret weapon." Boss hissed. He pulled out a Pokeball from underneath his dark cloak.

Everyone in the room gasped before becoming silent.

Boss opened the Pokeball.

The room shook and some dirt fell on the people inside. The ground above them rumbled before suddenly...

"DARKRAI!!!!!!!" A pokemon of darkness and shadow-filled heart came out of the Pokeball in a black mist.

"Go, destroy this place, and make sure there are no survivors," Boss ordered, showing Darkrai an image of the officer and detective building.

"DARK-RAI!!!!!" it moaned before exiting the room. 

Boss laughed. "It's only a matter of time..."

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