She's Born! The Perfect Smile, Cure Happy!!

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Sora's POV

Everything began on what seemed like a perfectly normal day. I was trying to finish putting my hair up in a side ponytail when I heard a loud banging on the bathroom door.

It was clear to me that it was my half likable and half annoying older sister, Miku. "Sora are you done in there? You've been in the bathroom for twenty minutes!" Miku yells as she continues to bang on the bathroom door. How do I put this? Miku is not a morning person, and I am. So most of our mornings are like this.

"I'll be out in a minute, just calm down!" I yell back as I finish up. I manage to finish within the next minute. And I leave the bathroom with Miku still waiting at the door. "Can you at least try to go faster next time?" Miku asks and I nod. "I can try my best, but don't count on it." I say as I head down to the kitchen and grab my school bag, swinging it onto my shoulder.

"Ok so let's hope for a miracle filled day." I say as I pull up my hair and use a bit of hairspray before opening the bathroom. "There, I'm done. Sorry if I was taking too long but you need to loosen up a little." I add poking Miku in the arm.

Miku sighs as she walks into the bathroom before turning to me. "Sora, can you at least try to go faster next time?" Miku says and I silently nod. She seemed satisfied with me nodding because she closed the door. add as I grab some toast from the counter and quickly eat it.

"Sora, you ready to go now?" Miku says as she walks down the stairs having finished up in the bathroom. Yeah even though Miku isn't a morning person, she still is able to get ready very quickly. I have yet to find out how she does it easily.

"Yeah I'm ready, I was just waiting on you." I reply as I open the front door.

Miku grabs an apple and we head out to school.


So we made it to school after five minutes and Miku hugged me as we walked inside. "Sora, just want to let you know that I was overheard from your teacher that your class is getting a new student today. It's a girl named Hoshizora Miyuki, if I remember right. Thought you might wanna know." Miku says with a smile.

"Well I just hope she is nice. I can't wait to meet this Miyuki girl. I'll see you at lunch." I say happily, what? I enjoy making new friends and maybe throwing welcome parties. I enjoy these things, don't question it.

Miku hugs me before turning to go to her classroom. "Bye Sora, don't hurt the girl." Miku says as she walks off. Did she really think I'd hurt Miyuki? Does she think I'm that irresponsible?

"Bye sis." I say as I walk off to my classroom and sit down in my chair next to the back corner. I was one of the first people there since it was still five minutes until class started.

Since I was bored I decided to pull out a journal from my bag. The journal had a set of songs that I had written, which is something I also enjoy doing in my free time. While I was humming and writing, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I look up to see it is Hino Akane, a friend of mine who loves volleyball and helps out at the okonomiyaki restaurant her family owns. She also is really good at getting people to laugh and is extremely passionate about whatever she is doing.

"Hey Sora! You listening?" Akane says as she keeps tapping me on the shoulder until I respond to her. At least I think that's why she was doing it.

"Oh hey, Akane. How are you?" I say as I quietly shove my journal back into my bag before anyone sees it. Even though Akane is my closest friend, I still like to keep my music to myself.

"I'm great. What about you?" Akane says happily as I smile at her. If I need someone to raise my spirits, Akane is the person I ask. She is just so fun to be around. I also enjoy watching her volleyball matches, I may not like playing sports but I enjoy watching my friends play.

"I'm good, have things at the restaurant been well?" I ask politely as Akane sits down in her seat.

Akane smiles back at me when I say that. "It's doing well, you're still coming over for lunch on Saturday right?" Akane asks and I nod. I enjoy going to Akane's family okonomiyaki shop, especially since they make my okonomiyaki so that I don't have an allergic reaction to shellfish.

The school bell rings and our teacher, Sasaki Namie comes in to start the lesson. "Well it's time for class to start, we can finish this conversation in a little bit." I say with a small smile.

I think about the Miyuki girl that Miku told me about, and I don't see any one new ones in the class. Plus the only open seat in the room is next to mine, so I would notice if she was her. I hope that she is just late, it's a little sad that she is late on her first day of class. Lets just hope for the miracle that she manages to make it to class.

My thoughts were cut off by a girl with pink pigtails, that I didn't recognize running through the classroom door. I'm gonna guess that is Miyuki, yeah definitely Miyuki. It's a hope filled miracle that she made it.

"I'm sorry that I'm late!" Miyuki says as she catches her breath and Sasaki Sensei helps her over. This girl appears to have been through something this morning.

Sasaki Sensei begins to introduce Miyuki. "So, now I'll introduce the new transfer student. Okay, Hoshizora, introduce yourself." Sasaki Sensei says notioning for Miyuki to start. She seemed very nervous.

"Yes!" Miyuki says as she looks around at our class, before going silent. Yeah she is definitely nervous with introductions type.

"We're waiting! Introduce yourself!" Akane says as she waves her hand at Miyuki to get her attention.

This snapped Miyuki back to reality. "O-Okay! Err, I'm Hoshizora Miyuki. Um...I...err...anyway, I'm p-pleased to meet you!" Miyuki says stuttering, before she bows to the class. I feel bad for her, joining a new school after the start of the school year can be hard for her. So I decided to make her feel better.

"You're doing great. Keep it up!" I say as I stand up from my seat. I hope that helped her be more confident.

Akane stands up right after me. "Is that it? No! Where's the punchline? Alright! I'll do the introduction for you!" Akane says pointing at Miyuki. I don't like where this is going, but I also wanna see where this goes.

Akane makes her way to the front of the classroom to stand next to Miyuki, and gives the class her thinking face. Yeah, I don't know if I like where this is going. "Hmm, let's see. You look like a real airhead, but deep down you're really focused." Akane says as Miyuki starts to freak out.

Yeah, maybe this wasn't a good idea. "And you've got a little brother who loves looking at the stars. His name is... let's see... Hoshizora Mitaro!" Akane adds and I internally wonder. Was that meant to be a pun on Miyuki's name? Because it was meant to be one, then I liked it.

I think that almost everyone else liked it too, because nearly everyone broke out laughing. Well everyone except for Midorikawa Nao and Aoki Reika. Which if I'm being honest, makes a lot of sense.

Nao has a strong sense of justice and has no tolerance for wrongdoers. She is an older sister-type, she is popular even with the other girls in our class. Which makes sense since she has five younger siblings. Despite being tough most of the time, Nao also has a feminine side, and loves cute things. She is also a member of our school soccer team, so like with Akane's volleyball I go to the games.

Meanwhile Reika has an elegant demeanor, and is an awe-inspiring yet kind. She is the vice-head of the student council, so she is very reliable. Though Reika does not get angry at other's carelessness, she can be the most frightening one of all when she does get angry. And along with that Reika is part of the archery team and she is also the best student in our year.

"Yeah! They liked it! They liked it! Okay, next up-" Akane says before being cut off by Nao. This was very much like Nao, she always was helpful in these situations.

"Akane! This isn't Hoshizora, is it?" Nao says as she leans down on her right arm before Reika cuts into the conversation.

"That's right! Besides, introductions are something you should do for yourself." Reika adds in her normal calm tone. She was always the peacemaker in our class. That is one of the things I like so much about her.

Akane seemingly caught on to the situation as she awkwardly rubs the back of her head. "Okay, okay! I'll take the opportunity to introduce these two." Akane says as she gestures towards Nao and Reika.

"Over there is Midorikawa Nao. She's good at sports, but she's soft-hearted and has a real sense of duty." Wow this is going surprisingly well. "She's kinda like a gangster girl, don't you think?" Akane adds. I stand corrected. "G-Gangster?" Nao and Miyuki say in confusion. Seems I wasn't the only one who was confused. We didn't get much time to think about it before Akane continued.

"That young lady there is Aoki Reika. She's class rep and vice president of the student council. She's a top student and all the boys think she's a real hottie, too!" Akane says and Reika looks confused by it. Definitely the last part. "Hottie?" Reika says in confusion. Looks like I was right.

"And I'm Hino Akane! I moved from Osaka last year, so I know exactly what it's like to be the new student." Akane says dramatically. Hehe, she has always been so cool in the worst times.

"Okay, that's enough. Thanks, Hino. Now, back to your seat." Sasaki Sensei says as Akane laughs as she runs back to her seat.

"That's all folks! Thank you! Thank you! Merci beaucoup!" Akane says as she high fives some of our classmates before walking back to her seat and I pat her on the back.

"That was really something Akane." I say as Kise Yayoi whispers something to Miyuki and Akane notices.

Yayoi is a little bit of a crybaby, and is actually quite a strong girl at heart. She is good at sympathizing with others, and will always keep a promise. Although Yayoi excels at drawing manga, she rarely ever shows anyone her work due to her shy nature. I only know about it because of Miku telling me after seeing her doing it one day on the school roof during lunch. Yayoi is also part of the home economics club at school.

"That girl's Kise Yayoi! She's a total crybaby. If you tease her even a little bit, she bursts into tears." Akane says while shaking her head before Yayoi stands up. "D-Don't say things like that! I've only cried...three times, you know!" Yayoi says as the class bursts out laughing as she sits down.

Thinking that it would be a good chance to talk, I stand up as well. "It's nothing to be ashamed of Yayoi, expressing your feelings is perfectly natural. Everyone has to let out their tears every now and then." I say with a smile. I always want to try and be supportive of Yayoi when this happens.

"And finally that is Murasakino Sora, she is the girl that you go to if you need support in any way. Though she can be a bit quiet at times when people do things to her, especially when they have to do with her hobbies." Akane says as I laugh under my breath. Though the last part confused me a little. "What do you mean by that last part?" I ask Akane, though I don't get an answer.

"Thanks, everyone! I'm not nervous anymore, thanks to your help." Miyuki says as everyone notices and quiets down. "I'll start again. I'm Hoshizora Miyuki. I love picture books. Ever since I was little, I've always read them a lot. I think it's wonderful how stories in picture books always have a happy ending, so I look for that kind of happiness in every day." Miyuki says with a little bow in the middle.

"What do you mean? As in, what does happiness mean to you?" Akane asks as she rests her head on both of her hands. "That's a good question. What does happiness mean to you Miyuki?" I ask peeking out from the back row.

"Err, it's hard to explain in words...but if everyone around here had a kind of twinkle...and were really, it's an "Everybody's ultra happy!" kind of thing!" Miyuki says and I smile at her words.

"And everybody's ultra happy kind of thing? I like it, it sounds pleasant." I say with a smile on my face. "I'm not sure I totally get it." Akane says. "But, I think we kind of do." Reika adds.

"So, on that note, I'm pleased to meet you!" Miyuki says as she bows to the class once more. I begin to clap and everyone else follows closely behind me. "Now, then, Hoshizora will sit..." Sasaki Sensei says as Akane waves. "Me! Me! There's a free desk behind me!" Akane says happily. "You're right. Hoshizora will sit over there." Sasaki Sensei adds.

"Okay!" Miyuki says as she takes her bag in her hand and walks back to the open desk behind Akane and next to me with a big cheery smile on her angelic face. Akane continued to wave as Miyuki reached the desk. "Pleased to meet you, Hino." Miyuki says as she sits down. "Same! Pleased to meet you!" Akane replies as I tap Miyuki on the shoulder.

"We are happy to have you as a part of Class 2-2 at our school, Miyuki. I'm sure that we are all happy to have you in our family." I add with a smile. "Thanks, Murasakino. I'm happy to be a part of the class." Miyuki says as the three of us turn to face the front of the classroom.

"Alright, time to start homeroom." Sasaki Sensei says as we start class and I smile. I was right about my hopes. Miyuki is so nice, it's a true miracle.


So it was the end of the day and I was packing up to go tell Miku I was headed to the school library to find a book for the week, while she was in the kendo club for the next hour.

"Going home already? How about I show you around the school?" Akane asks Miyuki who was still packing up. "Thanks. But you must have club activities. I'll be ok by myself." Miyuki says happily.

Miyuki gets up to leave. "Okay, well, see you tomorrow!" Akane says as she waves to Miyuki as she leaves. "Bye, Miyuki. Have a good afternoon." I add also waving as I stand up. "Yeah, goodbye!" Miyuki says as she leaves the classroom. "Bye bye." Akane adds waving one last time.

"I'll see you later Akane, Miku wants me to check in with her before I head to the library." I say as I give Akane a hug. "Ok, see you tomorrow Sora!" Akane says as I let go and also leave the classroom.

I head over to the area used for third year classes and activities to find Miku before she leaves class. Eventually I made it to her classroom after a lot of stairs. I walk into the room to find Miku packing up her things at her desk in the front left corner.

"Hey Miku, how were your classes?" I ask as I hand her a book she had resting next to her. "Oh, they were good Sora. Are you sure that you aren't going to join a club this year?" Miku asks as she finishes putting things into her bag and stands up.

"Yeah, I like to do my own thing. Plus the politics around the major clubs is too much for me, I just enjoy helping out any of the clubs when they need help with anything." I say shrugging my shoulders as we leave the classroom.

Miku nods at my statement. "I get it, I just want what's best for you. But it's your decision in the end." Miku says as we walk down the huge number of stairs to the lockers and I hug Miku.

"I love you Miku, see you after kendo club. Have a good time." I say as I turn to head to the school library. "Ok, see you later, Sora." Miku says as I walk to the library and enter.

I looked around the shelves for five minutes and I was on the shelf next to the entrance, when the door reopened to reveal Miyuki. She looked bewildered, my guess is that she was getting a look around the school like Akane suggested.

Miyuki walks inside and glances around. "Is this the library?" Miyuki asks to the air as I walk over to her. "Hey, Miyuki. Are you taking a look around?" I ask and Miyuki nods.

"Oh hi, Murasakino. Yeah I was just looking around the school. But wow. A library without many people is kind of mysterious!" Miyuki says as she walks through the library looking back and forth with me close behind her.

We keep walking and we notice something, a book on the side shelf glowing with a pink light. We walked over to it and I read the title. It says Mysterious Doorway. "Huh? I've never seen this book before." I say as Miyuki looks too.

"What?" Miyuki says as she goes to grab the book. She pulls it out of the shelf to reveal the light was coming from behind the book. "What could this light be?" Miyuki asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know, but it's from inside the bookshelf. Try moving the books." I suggest and Miyuki slides the books near the light to the right and the light goes away. "Huh?" Miyuki says in confusion. The light then reappears on the next shelf down. "That's weird. Try again." I suggest still confused by this.

"Uh, ok." Miyuki says and we kneel down to the height of the shelf and Miyuki slides the books near the light to the left. It disappears once again. We both stand there confused as the light reappears on the above shelf once more. "This is incredibly weird." I say as Miyuki looks into the light between the books on the shelf. "Alright." Miyuki says as she takes the books on both sides of the light and slides them outwards.

The bookshelf then begins to up all over and we back up in confusion and fear. "What? What? What is this?!" Miyuki says in confusion. "I don't know! I've been in here dozens of times and this has never happened" I say in fright. This was genuinely making me really scared. Eventually the light from the shelf seemed to form a sort of door way. "What? The books are glowing!" Miyuki says and I nervously nod. "It would appear so. But why?" I say but we don't get an answer as Miyuki gets pulled into the light and I grab onto her hand going through with her.

We are pulled through this light that I think was a portal and when we get to what I can only assume is the other side. We are in another library. And both Miyuki and I get thrown onto the ground. I look up to see the library is all naturey.

"That hurts!" Miyuki yells out before she notices where we were. "It's another library, but I don't recognize it." I say as we both stand up from the hard ground. Miyuki looks around in complete awe and I am also amazed but also extremely confused. "Amazing! Where are we?" Miyuki says.

"A library, I think." I say as we walk with Miyuki staring at the ceiling. "How pretty! All the walls are lined with books. Fantastic!" Miyuki says as she runs over to look at one of the shelves. "Yeah, this is impressive. I've never seen so many books before in my life." I add.

"Huh? It's just like the book from before." Miyuki says as she reaches into her bag. I am immediately confused. "Wait, what book from before?" I ask politely. "A book flew into me this morning on my way to school." Miyuki says as she pulls a pink book from her bag and inserts it into the shelf.

When she does, the shelf glows pink once again and Miyuki drops the book in shock. "It's glowing again!" Miyuki says in surprise. "Yeah it is. This is such a weird day." I say as we hear something from the glowing piece of the bookshelf.

"Kuru!}" A high pitched voice says and Miyuki looks into the crack. "Kuru!}" We hear from the other side again and that makes Miyuki freak out. "Candy?!" Miyuki shouts out in confusion. "What? Candy?" I ask from behind her. "Wh-What's going on? Candy's on the other side!" Miyuki says and this just confuses me even more. Who the heck is Candy?

Miyuki then starts shoving her face into the shelf. "I can't s- Wh-What's going on?" Miyuki asks in a frenzy. "Let me try something, Miyuki. Let's hope this works. Maybe then, you will calm down." I say as I move Miyuki away from the bookshelf and slide the books left, right then outwards. Just like I though the bookshelf starts to light up in the shape of the doorway once again. "Again?" Miyuki asks and I nod. "Yep, just hold on to me." I say as Miyuki grabs my hand and I am pulled through the light once again.

Once we made it to the other side, we managed not to land on the ground this time. But we were the bookstop at the shopping center? This day is so weird. But I am starting to think this is just how things are going to be going from now on.

"Where are we? The bookshop at the shopping center? Wh-What's going on?" Miyuki says as she starts to freak out again. "Miyuki, we're in public. Calm down." I say as I try to make Miyuki calm down, with no success. "Candy! This way!" Miyuki says before sprinting off in a random direction. "We are so sorry for causing a scene." I say as I follow after her.

I managed to somehow catch up with Miyuki. And from what I could tell she was just saying the word "Candy" over and over again. She then looked up at the top of the buildings on her left. "Found you!" Miyuki says as she speeds up. "Found who?!" I try to ask but she seemingly didn't hear me.

We were running for another minute, when we stopped to breathe and something landed in Miyuki's hands. "Kuru~}" The creature says as her and Miyuki look at each other. "Candy!" Miyuki says and now I have just given up. This situation is so weird.

Candy(as Miyuki called her) freaks out when she sees Miyuki and tries to jump away but Miyuki just grabs her again. "Wait a minute!" MIyuki says as I walk to her side. Then Candy said the weirdest thing today. "Kuru~} A wolf has come from the sky" Candy says and I just stand there. "A wolf has come from the sky...please tell me I heard that right." I say in confusion.

"There's no way th-" Miyuki says as she turns around and looks into the sky before beginning to freak out again. "There really is something there!" Miyuki says and I turn to where she is looking, to see something dark blue almost black was in the sky. Somehow that wasn't the weirdest thing I have seen all day.

The thing in the air does something and the sky turns midnight blue with a full moon. I feel the negativity within my mind overpower me as I collapse to the ground. "Hoping for a miracle constantly is pointless anyway." I feel myself saying as I metaphorically black out. All I could make out in the world was Miyuki clutching Candy as she spoke with pure hope.


When I come to, the sky was back to normal, the weird blue thing in the sky was gone, other people were getting up from the ground, and Miyuki was standing proudly with Candy on her shoulder.

Did I miss something? Because I think I missed something. Oh well it's not worth worrying about anyway. "Thank goodness! The people of the town are smiling again! By the way, you have a lot of explaining to do." Miyuki says to Candy. "I want you to be a Precure and collect Cure Decors and then I want you to save my world!" Candy says jumping on the ground during the last part.

Save her world? What does she mean by that? I stand up next to Miyuki still rubbing my head. "You seem to be how did you put it? Ultra happy, yeah that's it. Did I miss something?" I ask politely. "No, everything's fine. I don't understand this at all." Miyuki says before getting happy again. "But it sounds interesting!" Miyuki says kneeling to Candy's height on the ground.

"Yeah I'm just gonna go now. So bye Miyuki, see you at school tomorrow." I say as I walk away back home, I hope that Miku wasn't too worried about me. As I walked away I could vaguely hear. "Goodbye, Sora." Miyuki says.


So I made it home and Miku was sitting on our front porch with her bag, was she waiting for me to come home? That or she forgot her key to the house. I walked over to Miku and she immediately pulled me into a hug. Well this was unexpected.

"Where were you, Sora? I was worried sick." Miku says still hugging me. Yeah, Miku is like this when she is worried. "I'm sorry Miku, I told Miyuki I would show her around after she asked me. I should've called you and told you that I would be home later." I apologize returning the hug. 

Miku eventually lets go of me and smiles. "It's ok, Sora. Just tell me next time, also what was Hoshizora Miyuki like?" Miku asks and I think. How would I describe Miyuki, well aside from a nice person?

"Let me think, she is a bright, energetic girl and she loves fairy tales. Miyuki can be scatterbrained and often gets flustered easily. She is optimistic and is fun to have around. Though she was quite nervous during her introduction. How was your kendo meeting, by the way?" I ask as I unlock the front door of our house.

We head inside of the house and hang up our bags on the wall. Then we sit down in the living room, what it's more comfortable than standing? "It was good, I wish that some of the other members took it more seriously though. I had a good time though." Miku says as she pulls my hair from it's ponytail.

"That's true, but as long as you enjoy doing it. You can keep up your happiness." I say with a smile. Huh, is Miyuki rubbing off on me? Oh well today had been a weird day but it tomorrow will be even greater.

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