Burn Up! It's hot-Blooded Cure Sunny!!

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Miyuki's POV

I was at home after I had met Candy and became Cure Happy earlier in the day. And now I was at home because like Sora had gone home after the fight, I really hope that Sora is okay though. She seemed disheveled when she was leaving, I should ask if she feels any better tomorrow.

And now I was in my room with Candy. "Now to do this properly. I'm Hoshizora Miyuki." I say to Candy politely. "I'm Candy!" Candy responds. "Pleased to meet you!" We say together as we bow to each other.

I then hear a weird rumbling noise. "What was that?" I ask looking up from the floor. Candy looks up at me as well. "That was the sound of my stomach. At times like this...the Cure Decor really comes in handy! The Cure Decor has mysterious powers!" Candy says as she stands up holding the strawberry decor we had gotten earlier from me defeating the Akanbe.

"Miyuki, take out the Smile Pact." Candy says and I think. "The Smile Pact?" I say in confusion. Then I remember the compact from earlier. I then pull out the Smile Pact. "You mean this? Err, what do I...?" I say holding up the compact and looking down at it.

Candy once again holds up the Cure Decor. "Put the Decor into the Smile Pact." Candy says as I take the Strawberry Decor from her. "I see." I say as I place the Strawberry Decor into the Smile Pact.

The Smile Pact lights up. "Let's go! Strawberry!" And it conjurers up a giant strawberry. I was honestly confused but Candy just started eating the strawberry. "Didn't you say the Cure Decors are for saving your world?" I ask as Candy somehow manages to eat the entire strawberry despite it being twice her size.

"That's right. They're really precious. On top of that, the only ones who can collect them all are the six Precure." Candy says. Wait, there are more than one Precure?! "The six Precure? There are other Precure?! Amazing!" I say as I throw my hands up in joy. Which ends up causing me to fall backwards, hitting my head on my carpet.

"I'd be worried if it were just you. Hurry up and find the other Precure." Candy says as I continue dealing with the pain in the back of my head. When I realize what she said, I feel kind of hurt. "How could you talk to me like that?" I say crossing my arms and pouting.

Sora's POV


It was the next day after the crazy stuff that happened yesterday and the girls in our gym class were about to play volleyball. I already knew that Akane and her team were at an advantage though. I was on a team with Reika, Nao, and some other girls, while Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi were on the other team. As soon as the teams were chosen, I had a feeling we were going to lose.

"Right! Time to show you how it's done!" Akane says to everyone before we start the game, she can be like this with this game. She just really enjoys volleyball.

Easy to say that once we started the game I could see that I was right, Akane was dominating. And even with Nao's athleticism, we had a hard time keeping up. "She's fast!" Nao says to me halfway through the game. "Yeah, Akane is really good." I reply as we get back to playing.

We continued to play, and eventually Yayoi hit the ball and it headed towards Miyuki. "Pass it, Hoshizora!" Akane says as Miyuki freezes up eventually putting out her hands to hit the ball. Only for the ball to hit her in the face. "Nice!" Akane says as the ball flies into the air.

"Block it!" Nao says as the ball flies our way, Reika and I nod. "Yeah." We reply in unison as the three of us jump up to block the incoming volleyball. "If you think you can block it, go ahead and try! Hino Special Attack!" Akane says as she hits the ball and it flies between Reika and Nao, landing on the ground before any of our team could stop it.

"She beat us." Nao says and I just shrug. "What do you expect from the candidate for the volleyball club's ace attacker?" Reika says with a smile. "Yeah, but almost no one can beat Akane in volleyball." I say in response as I stretch out my arms.

Akane lands with a smile. "Yeah!" Akane says as Miyuki collapses on the court. Yayoi and I ran over to check on her. "Hoshizora!" Yayoi says in concern. "You gonna be ok, Miyuki? You took a pretty hard hit." I say as I kneel down next to the pink haired girl. Akane came to join us a minute later. "Hey, are you still alive?" Akane asks and Miyuki gives us two thumbs up.

"Somehow." Miyuki says with a sound of tiredness in her voice. "That was pretty good, that face strike!" Akane says and I slap her on the back. "Akane, that is not the thing to be focusing on." I say as I look back down at Miyuki. We both help her to sit up.

"Same with your whimpering receive." Akane says to Yayoi. "I wouldn't say she was whimpering." I say as Yayoi pouts. "I wasn't crying." Yayoi says in response.

"The sporty Hino, the gentle Kise, and the caring Murasakino..." Miyuki says nodding before she claps her hands together. "That's it!" Miyuki says with resolve. "What's what?" Akane asks in confusion. Miyuki turns to look at Akane. "I want you three..." Miyuki says pointing at the three of us. Easy to say we were confused.

We went to the courtyard for lunch and sat down in a shaded section of the area. "...to be Precure with me." Miyuki says with almost literal stars in her eyes. "Pre..." Akane says. "...Cure?" Yayoi finishes and I also speak up. "Precure? What's that?" I ask in confusion. "That's right! Precure! Let's do it! Come on! Come on! Please!" Miyuki says as she tackles Akane in a hug.

"What the heck? What's a Precure?" Akane asks through the hug. "Yeah, you haven't even told us what a Precure is." I add as I attempt to pull Miyuki off Akane. "We'll have so much fun doing it together!" Miyuki adds, not letting go. Next thing I know, that Candy thing from yesterday hits Miyuki into the face. Thus sending her flying backwards. Does this have to do with what happened to us yesterday?

Miyuki rolled away and left the other three of us dumbfounded. "What just happened?" I ask in confusion. "Wanna follow her?" Akane asks. Me and Yayoi agree, with Yayoi being more reluctant.

We reach where Miyuki landed and Akane tickles her sides. Miyuki turns around and jumps back in fright. "Hino?!" Miyuki says, trying to calm down. "You just hid a sheep plushie, didn't you?" Akane says, I'm guessing she meant Candy. "Sheep?! I'm not a sheep!" Candy says from peeking out from behind Miyuki, she seemed offended. Miyuki immediately tries to make Candy be quiet.

Candy's appearance confuses Akane and Yayoi with me already knowing so I didn't care as much. "What was that? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?" Akane says as she tries to see Candy while Miyuki tries to hide her. "N-Nothing at all!" Miyuki says.

Akane eventually gives up. "Oh, never mind. Oh, yeah, about that Crepure, thing. I'll pass. The volleyball club is giving me enough to think about right now. I've gotta become their ace attacker!" Akane says standing up with determination for that last part. She was so serious about getting that spot.

Miyuki turns around to face us once again with a probably fake smile on her face. "No worries! No worries! Besides, being ace attacker would be pretty impressive." Miyuki says. "Yeah, Akane has wanted this spot since she joined the volleyball club." I add patting Akane on the back.

"Oh, want to come with Sora and see me in my full glory?" Akane asks with a smirk on her face. "Can I? I want to go!" Miyuki says and I nod. "Yeah, we'll be happy to have you there. It's really fun to watch." I answer as lunch break ends and we get ready to head back to class.


It was the end of the day and me and Miyuki were on the bleachers watching Akane's volleyball practice. Which was about to start. "Go for it, Hino!" Miyuki says with her fist in the air. "Yeah! You're gonna do great, Akane!" I say joining her.

The game started, Akane wasn't doing too well, she was missing a lot. I don't think she was focusing at all. And this sudden performance drop clearly confused Miyuki. "Huh?" Miyuki says in confusion. We then heard some girls talking next to us.

"Is Hino the current ace?" One of them asks. "Hmm, is she now? I reckon Yuka's the ace." The other one says as we look at the court to see two girls high fiving, and I could only guess the one with the ponytail is Yuka. Miyuki and I then looked at Akane and she seemed down.

The game ended and we got ready to leave school to go our separate ways home. I offered to Akane to hang out but she said no and I told her I would be there for her if she needed it. Akane said thank you and I headed out.

"You ready to go Miku, don't you have kendo today?" I ask over my shoulder as I change shoes and grab my bag. Miku was also changing her shoes and nodded. "Yeah, our leader told us to take the day off. I objected but ultimately agreed after awhile." Miku says as she grabs her bag and we head to the school entrance.

"Oh ok, well I'm happy we are able to walk home together for once." I say as we walk. Due to her being in the kendo club, Miku would always leave school later than me. So we don't walk home together very often.

Miku smiled at me as we continued home. "Me too, Sora. By the way I heard about what happened in the volleyball club's practice earlier. Is Hino Akane alright? I overheard from some of the other members that she seemed down afterwards." Miku sadly asks. That question made me feel bad. I should've stayed with Akane no matter what she said.

"I don't think so, I asked if she wanted to hang out and she said no. I just hope that she doesn't overwork herself, in an attempt to get stronger." I reply as we pass by a bridge and hear someone shout. "Hoshizora!" We both look to see Akane underneath the bridge and Miyuki falling down the hill.

"Oh no. Let's hope Miyuki didn't break anything. We should go make sure she is ok." I say and Miku nods following closely behind me. "Hey are you alright?" Akane says as she runs over to Miyuki. "Miyuki, are you ok?" I ask as me and Miku join Akane at Miyuki's side.

"I'm fine!" Miyuki says as she stands up and walks over to Akane. "That's good, you took quite the tumble Hoshizora." Miku says politely. "Yeah, it's a miracle that you didn't somehow break something." I add.

Miyuki gets up in Akane's face. "Never mind me, guys. Hino, cheer up!" Miyuki says and Akane gains a confused look on her face. "Huh?" The Murasakino siblings say together. "When you cry, your happiness disappears! Smile! Smile!" Miyuki says as a cheery grin forms on her face.

Akane still looks confused, and I don't blame her. It isn't like her to cry. "But...I wasn't crying..." Akane says and I smile. "But I saw teardrops on the ground." Miyuki says gesturing to the ground.

Miku smirks. "Oh, if I had to guess you were training under the bridge and what Hoshizora thought were tears was actually you sweating. Right?" Miku says in a matter of fact tone. "Yeah, Miku was right. That was sweat!" Akane says happily. "Sweat? Silly me. I could have sworn you were feeling down because of the match." Miyuki says apologizing.

I laugh under my breath thinking that I know what Akane was thinking. "I wasn't feeling down! Some extra training is all I need!" Akane says, raising her fist. "Hehe, so I was right. You were planning on training in order to get better. Just try not to over work yourself, Akane. I know you can do that sometimes." I say with slight concern in my voice.

"I know, Sora. You don't have to remind me." Akane says happily and Miyuki grabs Akane's fist with both hands. "In that case, I'll help you out!" Miyuki says and Akane turns away. Oh no, is this going where I think it is going. "I don't need anyone's help! At least that's what I'd normally say." Akane says with a smile as she turns back to Miyuki. "I stand corrected." I say quietly under my breath.

"I guess I'll take up the offer." Akane says and Miyuki raises her arms into the air with happiness. "Okay!" Miyuki says and I smile. "Sora, we should get home. Or do you want me to go on ahead?" Miku asks as she turns to leave. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up in a little bit." I say as I join Miyuki in helping Akane train.

"Ok, Sora. Just remember to be home within the next hour. I'll see you then, also I'm making Kare-Raisu for dinner." Miku says as she walks off. I love kare-raisu, it's so delicious. Plus we don't have to alter the recipe because of my allergies. Which is always a plus for me.

I walked back over Akane and Miyuki, where Miyuki and I helped Akane train under that bridge for nearly an hour. We then got ready to part ways once we were done. Miyuki ended up pulling Akane and I into a tight hug.

"You guys are such great friends, I am so happy to have found friends like you guys at a new school." Miyuki says as she lets go of us. "I am happy to be your friend too Miyuki." I say with a smile. "Thanks for helping me out guys, I'll see you both at school tomorrow. See you!" Akane says as she climbs back up the hill.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Miyuki. Hope that a miracle happens for you." I say as I give her one final hug then run back up the hill to head home for dinner. I wonder if mom and dad will be happy tonight.


It was the next day and it was time for Akane's volleyball match, lets just hope that she got enough sleep. I just can't wait for the game, Miyuki said she was going to be watching it with me again, which makes me smile. After All things are more fun when you share them with your friends and family.

We had sat down for the game and watched it begin. "Hino! Do your best!" Miyuki yells punching up into the air. "You got this Akane!" I say with a large smile. Akane looks up to wear, we are sitting with a smile and gives us a thumbs up.

The game was under way and it seems that Akane has got a game today, she was scoring points for her team left and right. It made me feel so happy that she was doing just as well if not better than what she wanted.

"Alright!" Akane says after scoring another point. "That's great, Hino!" Miyuki yells, waving her arms like crazy. "You're doing awesome, Akane!" I say as I feel a chill go down my spine. I look up to the top of the bleachers and my jaw drops.

"Uh Miyuki...you might want to see this..." I say tapping Miyuki on the shoulder. "Huh? Murasakino, what is it?" Miyuki asks and I turn her to face the top of the bleachers. SHe sees it but it is too late. The sky once again goes dark blue with a full moon, and I along with the other students collapse. My negativity formed at releasing. "What is the point of cheering when it never makes a difference?" I say as I once again metaphorically black out


The sky was back to normal when I came to, and so was everyone else. Akane and Miyuki were sitting by the sidelines of the field, with smiles on their faces. Seriously, what do I keep missing?

I stand behind them once I come to, they don't seem to notice I was standing there though. So I listened to what they were saying. "I'm so glad everyone's back to normal! And what about this...?" Akane says as I see her holding up a small object that resembles a rose. Where did they get that?

"It's a Cure Decor! I want you to collect them all, and save my world." Candy says as I begin to feel deja vu. Didn't Candy mention that same thing after my blackout yesterday?

My thoughts are cut off by Akane. "I don't really get it...but I'll give it a shot! Even if you're a little lost sheep, I can't just leave you alone." Akane says and I internally laugh at that last part. "I'm no sheep!" Candy yells out in protest. "I'm with you. Being a Precure with you, Hino, makes me ultra happy!" Miyuki says with a big smile on her face.

Wait, wasn't the Precure that thing that Miyuki asked Akane, Yayoi and me about earlier? Yeah it was, why is Akane willing to do it now? She clearly didn't want to do it before. Once again before I could think further, Akane cut off my thoughts.

"Just call me Akane! We're...friends, right?" Akane asks and I feel tears dripping from my eyes. I don't know why, I should be happy for them but I just can't bring myself to be happy about this with all these clear secrets they are keeping from me.

I walk off before either of them see but the last thing I see Akane helping Miyuki up from the ground. Once I am far enough away from them I let out my tears, why did their friendship make me feel upset? Was it that they are hiding things from me? Or that I simply hope for the miracle that they are actually my friends too? I don't want to be leading me on.

There is a ring from my bag and I pull out my phone to see it is Miku. She wanted me to know she was done in the kendo club for the day and that she was ready to head home if I was. I texted her back saying I'd meet her at the entrance in five minutes.

I headed to my locker and changed my shoes into my out of school ones before taking my journal out of my bag and setting it in my locker for the night. Once I was done, I headed to the school entrance where Miku was waiting for me.

"Hey Sora, you ready to go?" Miku asks as I walk over to her. I sadly nod to her. "Is something wrong sis? You look like you have been crying." Miku asks and I nod once again. "Do you want to talk about it?" Miku asks and I sadly nod.

"Yeah, I want to talk about it. Miku, what do I do when I think my friends are keeping a massive secret from me?" I sadly ask as we continue to walk. Miku thinks for a moment. "Well it depends, I have an idea. Wait a little bit to see if they are hiding something, maybe ask to hang out with them. If they say no or are simply acting more and more suspicious then talk to me again. I can give you more advice then." Miku says as we reach our neighborhood.

I nod. "That's a good idea, but what if they just pretend I am not even there? What if they just ignore my existence and stop talking to me?" I ask. Miku stops walking and turns me to hug me, the hug is a gentle one but still a soft gesture. She lets go and we continue walking.

"Sora, you shouldn't worry what your friends think of you. Because if they were your true friends then they would be there for you. Even when you think they don't care about you, if they are your true friends then they will always care about you." Miku says as we reach our house and I unlock the door.

I smile at my sister as we head inside the house and I take off my sweater setting it on the back of the couch. "I'll be back down for dinner in a little bit. I just want to be alone right now." I say as I head up the stairs to my room and close the door behind me.

"What will I do? I don't want for Akane and Miyuki to be hiding things from me, why won't they tell me what they are hiding?" I rant to myself as I bang my head on my desk, I look up from where I was releasing my inner turmoil and I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

It was a single playing card with a purple back with two yellow swirls on a diagonal line. "How did this get here?" I say as I lift up the card and turn it around to reveal a joker card. "Interesting." I say pulling out my phone and taking a photo of both sides before setting my phone on my desk.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out a fantasy novel reading it. I made it through two chapters before hearing something from downstairs. "Sora, dinner is ready! Come on down in a minute!" Miku yells from down stairs and I set my book down, placing the playing card in the book as a bookmark. "I'm coming!" I yell before walking down for dinner.

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