Rock, Paper, Scissors♪ It's Cure Peace!!

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Sora's POV

It was the next morning and I had changed into my uniform and pulled up my hair into my normal side ponytail. I also put my phone and the novel I was reading last night as well. As I walk down the stairs I remember what Miku had told me.

Just talk to Miyuki and Akane about how I am feeling and see if they are hiding something from me. But don't be too rude about it, let's just hope for a miracle on this one.

I placed my lunch that Miku had made for me and there was a note on it. I placed the lunch in my bag and pulled off the note. I read it and it said

Sora, I hope that you are ok without me for this morning. Because I had to head to school early to help set up a poster contest that the school is doing. I'll tell you more about it later. Luv u :)

I smile at the note and place it in my bag and grab my sweater before heading out to school. Let's just hope that Miyuki and Akane are really my true friends. I would be in such heavy despair if they weren't.


So it was lunch time and I hadn't been able to talk to Miyuki or Akane because they were too busy talking with each other before classes. I was now eating my lunch on the roof when I could hear Miyuki and Akane talking once again.

"Your mom's omelets are the best!" Akane says to Miyuki as she pulls out a pink compact mirror thing. "Now then...if I put the Rose Decor into the Smile Pact" Miyuki says as she places the rose thing from yesterday into the compact. It lights up in a similar way to the book at the library. "Let's go! Roses!" A small bouquet of roses then appears and my jaw drops. "These smell nice." Candy says as I stand up and place my unfinished lunch back into my bag.

I walk over behind them again. Maybe they will actually see me this time around. "They smell very refreshing, aren't they?" Miyuki says with happiness. "The Cure Decor can do stuff like that, too?" Akane asks excitedly. "The Cure Decor are treasures that can help save Märchenland." Candy says and I assume Märchenland is her world.

"Akane! Getting a hold of the Cure Decor is our mission as Precure!" Miyuki says, crossing her arms with a slightly sour expression. "Becoming a Precure one day before me has gone to your head, hasn't it?" Akane says, also crossing her arms but with a more smug look.

Miyuki laughs that off. "Anyway, apparently there are six Precure in total. Let's find them together!" Miyuki says standing up. Wait six? Hmm, interesting. I'll possibly ask her about that later. "Alright! You can depend on me!" Akane says lifting her fist into the air.

I decided to come out from my hiding spot. "Hey, what are you guys up to?" I ask pretending like I hadn't been up there all the whole time. Miyuki and Akane both notice me and Miyuki freaks out. "Oh hi Sora! We were just talking, right Akane?" Miyuki says freaking out. "Yeah! We were just talking up here while eating an omelette Miyuki's mom made!" Akane says slightly more calm but not by much.

"Uh, ok. Can I ask you guys something later? I have something I need to ask you both about." I say, nervously pulling at the sleeve of my sweater. "Oh course, Sora! We would love to. Right, Miyuki?" Akane says elbowing Miyuki in her side. "Will you stop that, Akane? It hurts. Yeah, we would love to. Why don't we come over to your house to hang out later? We can talk then." Miyuki says happily while rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, that works, let's do that this weekend. I can't wait." I say with a smile. Akane then notices something behind me, Miyuki and I turn around to see Yayoi doing something. I'm gonna guess that she is drawing, because that is what Miku told me she likes to do when she is alone.

We nod to each other and walk over to Yayoi. Akane and Miyuki peek over her shoulders and I walk around to the other side of the seat she was in. We could then see Yayoi was drawing in an anime art style. The drawing was pretty good, it looked very much like a true piece of manga.

Both Akane and Miyuki gasp happily. "That's amazing, Kise!" Miyuki says which startles Yayoi, I also back up out of her face. Yayoi then freaks out and covers up her sketchpad so we can't see it. "Don't look!" Yayoi says, still blocking her sketchpad from our view.

"That's really good!" Akane says happily. "Yeah, it's some of the best art I've seen. It's really well done." I say with a large smile on my face. Miyuki then nods as I walk back to stand next to Miyuki and Akane. "You mean it?"

Yayoi asks as she sits back up and turns to face the three of us. "No joke." Akane says as the three of us lean down for a better view. "Yeah, it's really beautiful." I say giving Yayoi a thumbs up. "Are they characters you made up yourself?" Miyuki asks in curiosity.

Yayoi turns even more to the three of us. "I like drawing pictures like this. But I guess it's a bit childish of me." Yayoi says no. Miyuki and I shake our heads no. "Not at all! I love picture books, myself!" Miyuki says with a smile. "It's ok to have your own interests despite what others think." I say pleasantly, after all that is how I think about my hobbies with music.

"I never knew you had this kind of talent." Akane says and Miyuki adds. "You should show everyone in class!" Akane nods, but I want to tell them no. Since if Yayoi likes to keep this to herself she has the right to. Yayoi seems to agree with me as she stands up and backs away. "Th-That would be embarrassing! They'll only make fun of me anyway. Don't tell anyone about this, alright, guys?" Yayoi says as she hugs her sketchpad tightly before running away.

I ran after her. After all, I want to help out my classmates in any way I can. That includes comforting them in times of need. I chase Yayoi down the stairs and I eventually catch up with her.

"Ahh! Murasakino! Why were you chasing me?" Yayoi says as we both stop running. I take Yayoi's hand with a smile. "Yayoi, I understand how you feel about wanting to keep your drawings a secret. I often do the same thing, with my talents for music." I say as Yayoi gains a confused expression. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Yayoi asks as I lead her to the music room since I know nobody is in there during lunch.

I pick up a violin from the corner of the room off of its stand. "I secretly like to play violin and sing when I am alone. And like you I don't like to tell people about it, but when I do show them I feel really good. You don't have to do the same with your art, but it's just some advice." I say as I put the violin down and we walk out of the room.

"Thank you Murasakino, but I don't think that I can show anyone without getting embarrassed. But it made me feel good that I'm not the only one who hides her talent." Yayoi says as we walk back to the classroom for the second half of the day.


Once class had begun, Reika was at the front of the classroom with a male student that I know is also on the student council for an announcement. It must be about the poster contest that Miku mentioned in her note this morning.

"Quiet everyone! There's not much time left before the Clean School Grounds Week poster competition. Is there anyone who'll draw the poster of our class?" Reika asks and I cast my gaze at Yayoi, I know that she wouldn't want to do it but she would be good at it.

"Who cares who does it?" The boy next to Nao says. "You do it, then!" Nao says to the boy. Hehe this is why I like her. "No way!" The boy says. We are all still looking at each other as Sasaki Sensei claps from the front of the classroom. "If we don't decide today, it won't get done in time." Sasaki Sensei says politely.

"How about some nominations?" Reika suggests to the class. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Miyuki smiles and I immediately realize that she is gonna do something dumb when she casts her gaze at Yayoi. Oh no, Miyuki's doing something dumb!

"Yes! Yes!" Miyuki yells raising her hand. "Yes, Hoshizora?" Reika asks politely as Miyuki stands up from her desk. "I think Kise would do a good job!" Miyuki says before sitting down. The entire class shifts their gaze to Yayoi mostly in confusion. Once Yayoi realizes what Miyuki said she freaks out.

Akane raises her hand. "I think so, too!" Akane says and I smile at them being so supportive of Yayoi. Yayoi turns to look at the two girls with a worried expression on her face. She clearly wasn't ready to be put on the spot like that.

"Are there any other suggestions?" Reika asks as Yayoi quickly looks around the room for someone to say something. I would suggest someone else but I want for Yayoi to do this too, especially since she seems to be the best artist in our class. "Kise, would you do it for us?" Reika asks compassionately with a small smile.

Yayoi stays silent for a minute before happily sighing softly. "Yes!" Yayoi says and I smile along with Miyuki and Akane. "Okay, then we'll leave it in Kise's hands." Reika says and the class all clap from Yayoi. I was so proud of her for taking this opportunity, maybe my advice worked after all.

After that class went on as usual. We reached the end of the class and once nearly everyone was out of the room on their break, Miyuki, Akane and I walked over to Yayoi and stood at her desk.

Yayoi looked confused as she looked at Miyuki. "Hoshizora, why did you nominate me?" Yayoi asks and Miyuki places her arms behind her back. "Why not? You're good at drawing aren't you?" Miyuki says as Akane leans on Yayoi's desk. "I'm dead sure you'd win!" Akane says and Yayoi looks down.

"You wouldn't say that if you knew the real situation." Yayoi says and Miyuki and Akane say huh. I immediately realize that Yayoi means the other people competing. "This is about the other competitors, isn't it?" I ask politely and Yayoi nods.

Yayoi grabs her bag and leads us to the art room. I see this being bad. We looked inside to see someone painting a random design on a canvas while other students watched. "Art...goes kaboom!" The artist says and the other students inside ooh in amazement. I personally don't get it, his art isn't really that good in my opinion.

"Soga is president of the art club. He's a genius who has won the contest before." Yayoi whispers to the three of us as we watch from the doorway. I still don't see what is so impressive, but Miyuki and Akane seem in awe.

We then go to one of the first year classrooms to see a girl with a beret and glasses drawing something on the chalkboard, also with people watching. "As for Mikawa, she's the school's talent when it comes to drawing girls manga." Yayoi says as I catch a glimpse at the drawing and I have to say that unlike with Soga I really like it.

Finally we head to a window over the courtyard and see a boy with straight brown hair with a pencil, a girl standing by a tree and a group of girls standing behind the first girl. "Then there's Narushima. He's really popular for making girls look beautiful in portraits." Yayoi says as we look down at the group.

Like with the Soga, I don't get it. Do these girls really like the drawings or are they just into it because they like to look at drawings of themselves? "You're making Mariko look so cute." "Oh, how wonderful." "Draw me, too, Narushima!" Yeah I think it's the latter choice.

"That sure is some close competition." Akane says holding the back of her head. Yayoi turns away from the window. "There's no way someone like me could win!" Yayoi says and Miyuki turns to her. "It's a shame to give up before you've even started! Why not just give it your best shot?" Miyuki says, clapping her hands together.

"Yayoi, remember what I told you. Showing people your art can make you feel good, so in my book it doesn't matter if you win or lose. As long as you give it your best and enjoy doing it." I say as I smile and put my hand over my heart.

"But I'm a crybaby, and I'm no good at anything, and I can't take the pressure." Yayoi says and I grab her shoulder in a caring manner. Yayoi looks sad and Akane raises up one of her arms. "I'm sorry, Yayoi. I get the feeling we've forced you into doing something you don't want to do. I'll go tell Reika you're not doing it." Akane says and the other three of us look at her in confusion.

"Back in a second!" Akane says as she runs off. "Wait, Akane!" Miyuki says and Akane stops. "You know, Kise, there's something I read in a book once. Pictures are mirrors that reflect the heart." Miyuki says and Yayoi looks at her confused. "What do you mean?" Yayoi asks and I smile.

I get what she means, at least in a way. Miyuki means that our art is a reflection of how we feel inside and the words we are sometimes afraid to say. "Maybe it's true you're a bit of a crybaby, but you're really kind and considerate, and I think that's how you draw such cool heroes." Miyuki says pointing at Yayoi.

"Yeah, you're such a good person Yayoi. And you reflect that in ways that you are afraid to say. That being through your drawings." I say with a small smile on my face. Akane walks back over. "It's just like she always says." Akane adds as Yayoi turns back towards the three of us.

"I don't know how things will turn out, but if you feel just a little bit like giving it a go..." Miyuki says with a smile. "I also believe that miracles are things that we hope for and that they happen because of those hopes every day." I say as Yayoi's eyes close and she gains a determined look.

"I give it a try!" Yayoi says as she turns to us. Miyuki, Akane and I also beam with joy with Yayoi's words. "Alright!If that's the way you feel..." Akane says that she raises her fist into the air and pulls it back down. "We'll help you out!" Miyuki finishes beaming. "We are your friends and we will help you with this, Yayoi." I say smiling.

Huh? This is friendship, did I have it all wrong? Why was I obsessing over Miyuki and Akane having secrets from me? It doesn't matter what they are hiding, because in the end...they are my true friends.

Yayoi turns to us with a massive blush on her face. "Thanks, guys." Yayoi says as she appears to be about to cry. "You really are a crybaby, aren't you?" Akane says as Miyuki freaks out a little.

Once everything was settled, Miyuki, Akane, Yayoi and I headed back up to the roof where this all started. Kinda funny if you think about it that way. Yayoi was having Miyuki model for her so that she could work on her positioning. And it was kinda fun to watch.

"Make a peace sign with your right hand. Move your foot a little forward. Turn your body to the right. Stay like that!" Yayoi says as Miyuki gets in the position that Yayoi says. It didn't look comfortable to be honest.

Miyuki looked like she could fall over any minute. I could then hear Candy down in Miyuki's bag. "Miyuki! Look for the third Precure!" Candy says and I think. I should've known Candy had something to do with this Precure stuff. Miyuki didn't look too excited to see Candy at the moment.

"Candy! Stay in there!" Miyuki says but Yayoi takes notice and also notices Candy. This situation is getting weird again. "What's that piglet?" Yayoi asks, and like with Akane's sheep comment yesterday. Candy doesn't take it well.

Candy jumps up into the air behind Miyuki's arm. "I'm no piglet!" Candy yells as Miyuki freaks out. "Whaf do ya fink-" Candy says before Miyuki covers her mouth. "This here, um, is Candy, you see..." Miyuki says and I could tell she was nervous. "Candy? Alright, I'll draw Candy too!" Yayoi happily says.

This clearly wasn't the response Candy and Miyuki were expecting. As their faces turn to ones of simple surprise. Then Candy sighs in apparent relief. "I'm so happy!" Candy says before Miyuki covers her mouth again. "Hmm, you are a truly interesting person Miyuki." I say with a laugh at the end.

Akane comes running back from getting refreshments. "I'm back!" Akane says as the three of us. "I got some food!" Akane says pulling a plate of okonomiyaki out of the plastic bag she was carrying.

"That looks delicious!" Yayoi says as we all sit on one of the benches together. "Why did you bring okonomiyaki?" Miyuki asks and both Akane and I smile. "My family runs an okonomiyaki shop!" Akane says and I add on. "Yeah, their okonomiyaki is really good. They even make special ones for me when I come to eat there because of my allergies." Yayoi and Miyuki are impressed. We all take a piece of the okonomiyaki. "Time to dig in!" We all say together and begin to eat.

Once we finish the okonomiyaki we all get back to work, Miyuki continues to model for Yayoi. Only this time Akane was helping her get into position easier, while I helped Yayoi check the form. "Lift your right hand a little bit." Yayoi says as Akane lifts Miyuki's arm. "Like this?" Akane asks. "Ow! Ow! Not that high!" Miyuki says in pain. "Hehe, be careful Akane." I say laughing.

I hear something from the entrance to the roof, I look over there and see Reika looking through the door. I wave to her and she waves back before closing the door. We continued doing that on the roof until it was time to leave for the day and we all left the school with smiles on our faces.

Miku had already made it home before me and I greeted her with happiness. "How was school? Did you work things out?" Miku asks and I smile. "It went good, I decided not to worry about what Akane and Miyuki might be keeping from me. And we all helped Yayoi with the poster contest instead. It was very fun." I say taking off my sweater.

"That's good, I'm happy that you managed to smooth things over. And Yayoi, never would've expected her to do the poster. She always seemed so shy." Miku says with confusion. "Oh she was gonna not do it at first but we all managed to make her confident enough to do it." I say pulling out my phone to show photos from our hang out on the roof.


It was the next day, and Yayoi was finishing up her poster in class while Miyuki, Akane and I watched her do so. Eventually she got it done, and I must say it was so cool. We were later up on the roof once again at the end of the school day. "It's finished!" Yayoi yells as she holds both arms in the air with what I would call simple joy of accomplishment on her face.

She held up the poster for Akane, Miyuki and I to see. It was just as awesome now as it was before. "Way to go Yayoi! We knew you could do it!" I say happily. "That's our Kise!" Miyuki says. "That's amazing!" Akane says as Yayoi lowers the poster.

"It's all thanks to your help. You know, there's something you made me realize. I keep running away from things. To tell the truth, I did want to draw this poster. I just couldn't say it." Yayoi says sadly. I could see it in her eyes that she was telling us the truth, she wanted to do this all along but just was too nervous to say anything.

"That's okay! You saw it through to the end, didn't you?" Miyuki says holding her hands in front of her. "That's right! I think you're pretty cool right now." Akane adds. "Afterall a picture is worth a thousand words, and yours says that you love what you do." I say placing my hand on Yayoi's shoulder.

Tears of happiness form in Yayoi's eyes as she smiles. "Thanks!" Yayoi says and we all hug her. Helping her get through this made me so happy, I knew that if we could get through this we could get through anything.


It was three days later and the results of the poster contest had come in at last and I was walking into school with Miyuki when Akane came running over to us. "Akane! Good morning!" Miyuki says happily. "Hey, Miyuki! Hey, Sora!" Akane says as she joins us. "Morning, Akane." I say with a little wave.

"I hear Yayoi's poster is up on display!" Akane says. "Really?" Miyuki asks with curiosity. I nod happily. "Yeah! Miku told me that they would be up on display today with the results!" I say, internally, thank Miku for telling me earlier.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Miyuki says and the three of us run to the door to head inside the school. We eventually find where the posters are set up, and we also find a crowd of students standing around the display. Once we were close enough we could see Yayoi in the crowd. "Hey, Kise!" Miyuki says as we walk into the crowd.

Once we reach Yayoi we can see she doesn't look that happy, I don't like where this is going. "How'd it go?" Akane asks and I try to get a better view at the display. Which was a little hard because of the mob of people. We eventually are able to see and we can see that Yayoi only got an honorable mention.

And Soga's dumb art piece won, it doesn't deserve to be the winner. It simply doesn't fit the contest, at least in my opinion. "Honorable mention?" Miyuki asks in confusion. "You three worked so hard to help me out. I'm sorry." Yayoi says sadly and I hug her. "Yayoi, you are still a winner in my book. Simply because you tried your best for us all." I say releasing the hug and looking Yayoi in her eyes.

"Plus, I think getting an honorable mention is great!" Miyuki says as Akane cuts in. "That's right! Your poster looks like the real star of the show to me!" Akane says and I nod in agreement. Yayoi then turns to the three of us. "Yeah!" Miyuki says happily. "You did a great job with the time you had. So we are all proud of you, Yayoi!" I say with a smile.

"Thanks, guys." Yayoi says. "You just can't take losing." Someone says and we turn to see a great group of boys with Soga in the middle. "Anyone would say that President Soga's poster is by far the most artistic." One of the boys says as my blood begins to boil. "That joke of a poster just doesn't compare." Another one says and I lose it. I have had enough.

I push my way over to them with an angry expression. "Just because you prefer Soga's poster doesn't mean that you have the right to be so rude to Yayoi for no reason! I believe that her poster is awesome, and that you have no right to say things like that about her! If you are going to treat my friend like that then you are going to have to prepare to feel my wrath!" I say as Akane and Miyuki pull me back before I injure any of them. I could tell they were both angry too.

"Hey, what's up with you guys?" Akane says assertively. "Yeah! Kise did her best making that poster!" Miyuki says and I try my best to restrain myself. "You five are lucky that my friends don't want me to hurt you. Because if they weren't here, I wouldn't hesitate to-" I say as Yayoi cuts me off.

"Stop it, you three. It doesn't matter." Yayoi says as she walks over to her poster and tears it off the wall. This surprises Miyuki, Akane and I. "Yayoi, what are you doing?" I ask with concern. "Kise!" Miyuki exclaims as Yayoi runs off. "Yayoi! Where are you going?" Akane asks.

We decide to run after her, but first I give the five boys the evil eye before we run after her. We catch up with Yayoi as the sky turns red, and everyone falls to the ground in despair. I try to control myself but eventually fall but I catch a glimpse of a red ogre as I fall next to Yayoi.


I reopen my eyes to the red sky turning back to the normal sky blue. I also see three girls in magical girl outfits, they remind me of Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi. And the one in pink was holding Candy...could this be the Precure thing that Miyuki and Akane were talking about? Was that my friends, had they been protecting us all?

But for now I guess I'll forget about that for now as I see Akane, Miyuki and Yayoi standing together as Yayoi collapses to the ground in what I think was exhaustion. "What a shock?" Yayoi says as Miyuki and Akane kneel down to her. "Did I really just transform?" Yayoi asks and my suspicion seems to have been confirmed.

"That's right! From now on, you're one of us!" Miyuki says as Akane places her hand on Yayoi's shoulder. "We'll need your help!" Akane says with a smile. Yayoi looks at Akane in confusion. "Me...? A legendary warrior? A Precure? I'll do it!" Yayoi says happily.

So I was right, I'll just keep this to myself until the time is right. After all, the best kept secrets are the ones you don't share. Yayoi stands up with a smile on her face. "I've always loved them, you know! Super heroes who defend the world!" Yayoi says as I can the stars in her eyes. Seeing her happy made me feel happy.

I look down to the ground to see Candy dancing around happily. "Now there are three Precure! I'm so happy!" Candy says as I make my way back over to the other girls. I see Miyuki holding up Yayoi's now crumpled up poster. "I'm sorry, Kise." Miyuki says sadly. "That poster you worked so hard on is all crumpled up." Akane says sadly, as Miyuki hands the poster to Yayoi.

A smile forms on Yayoi's face. "That's okay. Being with you guys has made me realize. What I really want is courage" Yayoi says as a huge blush forms on her face. "" Yayoi asks. "What?" Miyuki asks politely. "Is...Is it okay if I call you Miyuki...?" Yayoi asks and Miyuki places her hands on Yayoi's shoulders. "Of course it is, Yayoi!" Miyuki says happily.

Tears begin to form in Yayoi's eyes. "Let's be good friends, Miyuki!" Yayoi says and Akne laughs. "What are you crying about?" Akane asks and I giggle as I walk back over to the girls. "I'm not crying!" Yayoi says as I tap her on the shoulder.

The trio breaks out laughing and I join them. "Sorry that I was gone guys, but I am happy that you are more confident now Yayoi." I say and Miyuki hugs me. "It's ok Sora. We're just happy to be together now." Miyuki says happily, which leads Akane and Yayoi to hug. I love having these girls as friends.

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