The Miracle of Life! Cure Hope!

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So, yeah this is the first original chapter.  And the reason I am not waiting until after March and Beauty is because I don't know how to stretch out Sora pretending not to know about the Precures any longer. Plus I am wanting to make her a bigger part in Reika's first main part.

Sora's POV

It was the day after I found out about the Precures. It was so hard to keep things hidden from my friends and family but I managed to find a way. But for now it is best that I don't worry about it. Especially since Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi are coming over to my house this Saturday to hang out.

Now all I have to do is make it through Friday's classes and the rest of the day. Right now it was the beginning of the day and I was prepping for school, which is probably the easiest thing I'll have to do today.

I grabbed the novel I was reading for the whole week so far and placed it into my bag once again. Once again noticing the playing card, that I was still using as a bookmark instead of getting an actual one. I should really do that, maybe I'll do it this weekend.

"Hey, Sora! Are you ready to head out for school? We need to leave in a little bit." Miku says peeking into my room. I quickly nod and put on my sweater before running down the stairs into the kitchen.

Once down there I grab a peach from the fruit bowl and follow Miku out the door. We head out to school, with me still wondering slightly in the back of mind about how to tell Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi that I know about their little Precure secret. I'll decide on that later on.

"Hey, Sora can I ask you something? What is that purple playing card I saw in your book earlier? I noticed it when I was getting your laundry last night." Miku asks and I scratch the back of my neck. How do I answer this question? I don't even know the answer to that.

I pull out the book from my bag and open it to the page with the playing card in it before taking the card out and passing it to Miku. "I don't really know where it came from, it just appeared on my desk one day. I've been using it as a bookmark since I found it." I say as Miku looks at it.

"Can I hold onto this Sora? I want to look into it a little more. I like the design." Miku asks and I nod. "I don't see why not. Go right ahead. I was planning on getting a normal bookmark later anyway." I say as we reach the entrance to the school.

"Thanks, if I find out anything else. Then I'll tell you about it." Miku says as she places the card into her vest pocket. We both walked into the school and split up to our separate classes.

As I walked I continued to think about how lucky I am to have someone like Miku in my life. She is a great person and sister, I don't know what I would do without her. Probably have a mental breakdown, but that won't ever happen. Right? Yeah everything will be fine.

Oh how little I knew that this seemingly normal day, was a day that would change things forever. Because within this day- Wait that's a spoiler, I'll just keep that to myself for now.

Miku's POV

I was walking to class and I stopped in the girl's bathroom because I wanted to let's not say. Before heading inside I notice Atsuko Sensei (my teacher) around the corner and I try to enter without being suspicious. Yeah she definitely saw me, probably won't matter.

Plus I did it for a little more privacy. Once inside I walk into one of the stalls and lock it. If anyone is getting dirty thoughts, please don't. Wait who am I even talking to? Seriously no one else is even here, am I just talking to myself? That is really weird. Miku, stop talking to yourself! People are going to think you are either crazy or really lonely if you keep doing that!

I pull the playing card out of my vest pocket and look at it once again. The back of the card was purple and had two yellow swirls on a diagonal line. This was a cool looking playing card, but how did it just show up?

Since it was almost time for class and I didn't want to be late, I left the stall and washed my hands. As I was about to put the playing card away in my pocket and head to class, the card lit up in a light violet color that was almost blinding. What was happening?!

I fell back into the wall in fright, dropping the playing card on the floor before losing consciousness from the collision with the hard wall. My bag was sent flying into the stall I was in before, and my glasses flew off my face, and the lenses shattered on the ground.

Great now I am going to be late for class, I have to pay for new lenses, and also I'm unconscious in the girls bathroom where it is unlikely anyone will find me for at least an hour. But I mostly care about the first part. And if you aren't ok with that, well screw you! Miku you're talking to yourself again! Stop that!

Sora's POV

I was sitting in class watching as the last few members walked in before our class began. I wonder what Miku is going to make of the playing card. The card was definitely a pretty one, maybe I should look up playing cards later and see if I can find a set like that for myself.

"Good morning, Sora!" Miyuki says as she sits down in her seat. I smile at her, and wave at her. "Oh, good morning Miyuki. How are you?" I ask politely. "I'm good, I can't wait to see your house tomorrow. I bet it is great." Miyuki says with a smile as she sits back normally in her chair.

I scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah, great." I say quietly as the class starts, when Sasaki Sensei comes into the classroom with a smile on her face. How could she be so happy in such a hard job? I have no idea at all but I still like her.


So it was time for free period, and I was at one of the water fountains. Then I felt a light tap on my back, I turned around to see a boy with short blonde hair. I didn't know his name, but I think that he is in his third year. What could he want with me?

"Excuse me. You're Murasakino Sora, right?" The boy asks politely and I nod. "Yes, I am. What do you need?" I ask nervously. You see, no one from the upper classes talks to me except for Miku, well that is unless they need something.

The boy sighs as he leads me into the music room, which once again was empty. Before we enter I notice Reika staring at us. Yeah this was kinda awkward. I have noticed throughout my time at this school, that it seems Reika is always watching.

"I just have to tell you something, your sister never showed up for class. I was wondering if you know anything, was she out sick today or something?" He says and I begin to feel confused.

Miku didn't show up for class? That isn't like her, at all. Did something happen to her? I have to make sure she is ok. "No I don't, but she was definitely with me when we were coming to school this morning. The last time I saw her was when we split up for class." I say, trying my best not to show my worry.

I am only hoping for the miracle that Miku is ok. She is my closest family member and I care way too much about her. "Oh, ok. Sorry for bothering you." The boy says as he leaves the music room, leaving me standing there in confusion.

"Ok, so my sister didn't show up for class. And there has been two classes today already, she clearly wasn't out on purpose. I need to figure out what happened to her." I say to myself as I walk to the room door with nerves coursing through my whole body.

I leave the music room and head up to the roof. I pull my phone out of my bag and call Miku's number. The phone rings for a little bit before beeping. "This is Murasakino Miku. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can"

Hmm, that is the first time I have ever heard Miku's voicemail message. I guess that's because she always answers my calls. I can feel tears running down my face. I grab the violin in the corner of the room and begin to play a soft melody on it, doing it sometimes calms me down.

As I played to myself I continued to think about the situation. Was that boy messing with me? Or is Miku really missing? Whatever happened, I will find out. Because Miku is my closest family member and I care way too much about her to let this hang and not be solved.

I sat there on the stage and played the violin for what I think was five minutes, as I kept crying my eyes out. My tears are cut off by the sound of the music room door opening. Hearing this I quickly hide the violin from view. "Huh? Who's there?" I say turning to see Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi coming through the open door.

"Sora! There you are, we were looking all over for you! Aoki asked us to find where you went. She seemed worried about you. Are you ok?" Miyuki asks as they sit down next to me and I shake my head. Reika asked them to find where I was? I'll have to thank her for caring later. I guess that her always watching does have some perks.

"No, I'm not ok, I'm really worried about Miku." I say as Yayoi passes me a tissue, which I use to wipe my tears. "Who's Miku? Is she your sister?" Yayoi asks and I nod. "Yeah, she's in her third year. And I am really worried about her, a boy from her class told me she never showed up for her classes so far today. I don't know if he was joking with me but either way I am really worried." I say as Miyuki hugs me and soon the other two girls join in.

"Sora that worries me too, it isn't like Miku to miss class. Also Miyuki found this a few minutes ago, so we think that you might want to see it." Akane says as Miyuki passes me a bag that she had been carrying. I open it and see a phone, a leather wallet, three pens, a small white umbrella and a purple pocketbook.

I pulled out the phone and saw the phone case. It was black with a rainbow flower design. The screen lit up and I saw it had one missed call, I gasped at the Caller ID. It was ❤️Imōto-Sora❤️ This was Miku's phone. "This is Miku's phone. Where did you find this Miyuki? Can you please tell me?!" I ask frantically as I shook Miyuki's shoulders.

"I found the bag on the floor in the girls bathroom on the first floor. The phone was ringing inside of the bag. So I figured someone must have left their bag in there by accident, and simply hadn't come back to get it." Miyuki says politely. I stand up, heading to the door. "Sora, where are you going?" Yayoi asks as I open the door.

"Simple, I'm going to that bathroom. I want to see if anything else was left behind in there." I say politely as I swing Miku's bag over my shoulder. "Can we come with you?" Miyuki asks, as the three of them stand up. "Sure, I don't care. You can come if you want, the search might be easier with four people instead of one anyway." I say as we head out the classroom.

So we end up heading to the first floor, girls bathroom. When we entered I looked back and forth across the room, eventually my eyes fell on a black pair of glasses on the floor by the wall. I took a closer look and could tell that the lenses had been shattered. "These are Miku's glasses, she would've needed to work very hard to break the lenses on these. What happened here? And where is my sister now?" I ask to no one in particular.

"I don't know, Sora. But we'll help you find out. We promise that we will find Miku." Akane says placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her, sure Miku is missing but at least my friends are here for me. We will figure this out...together. I just hope that a miracle happens with this, because we will definitely need one.


??? POV

I rubbed my head in pain as I stood up onto my two feet. "Ugh, what happened?" I say as I look around at where I now was. It was a place that I didn't recognize, all I could say about it was that it was extremely dark. That along with the fact there was a single door at the front of the room.

Looking down at my feet, I see an open book with a tube of what I think is black paint sitting on top of it. Along with what was a red ball of some sort. "Huh? What's this? A book?" I mumble leaning down. I feel the urge to pick it up and take a closer look, so I do. I have to try my best to figure out what is going on so this is the best option.

Taking a closer look at the book I can see that the pages are blank. Weird...then touching the red ball on top of it, I could feel the energy pulsing within the ball. It made me feel the power within it, it felt like the darkness within it could take over anything that it touched.

Since I was done looking I closed the book. Soon I begin to feel a bit dizzy and my hearing seems to swell within my head. I hear an annoying and inaudible voice within my brain but can't see the source of the voice anywhere around me.

"̴̨͚̺̙͖̄͊̎͐Ì̶̥͉͖̿̂͛̾̏̑ ̸̧͚̗̱̉͆̎͛̚͝ä̶͙̜͚̱́͌̐m̸̼̯̫̟̣̄ ̵̨̦͙͓̗̀͛͆̂͝j̴̝͍͌u̴͚̓̆͒͝ͅs̶̨̘̪̩̍͛̿͆͝͠ͅţ̴̺̦͝ ̴̨͕̰̲̊r̸͙͍̼̯̻͙̆́̏͋e̸͈͉̫͌̐̑̍̔a̷̛͉̻̜̞̰͑̓̽ͅl̵͎̥̠̭̝̗̻̑̅̾̕l̷̳͍̠̜̭̝̠̉̀̇y̷̨͉̙̽͊͝ ̶̩̩̜̝̂͋́́̚ẉ̷͠ơ̸̢͖̼͔͇̟̹͐̍͐͊͗r̶̪̈̅͑̌̑́r̶̨̨̧̯͙̫̜͗̋ḭ̶̢̟͔͕̾̃e̴͕̖͚͓͌̃̑̈́ḑ̷̙̟̻̝̲̇ ̶̠̜̘̪̄̽̈́̀͑̃͝a̴̡̜̹̓̅̉̅̎̾͝b̴̡̦͛̊͛ö̶̲́u̷͊̅̀͐͝ͅͅţ̷͚̹͔̣̻́̑̅͑̚̕ ̶̝̊̏̅̑͘̚h̵͖̞̔̇̇̍͘͜e̵̦͕̓͝r̵͓͈͚̣̟͈̒̄̅̑,̸̨̟̘͓̑̔̒́̚ ̵̢͍̫̘̑͐̂̃M̶͓̟̓̀̉͆͗̈́́ͅi̵̤̖̹̦̅̾̾͘k̶̢̖̝̼̳̦̏̊͐̍͆̏͠u̴̬͎̤̬͈̞͙̓ ̸̣̜̼͊̓̕h̴̼͖͖́̂́̍̓͘a̶̭̤̝̩̹̓̅̒ͅs̶̢̟͎̱̲̒̉͒͑͒̀͜ ̴̧̫̜̱̣̦͝a̶͙͉̚̕l̵̛̖͉͓̋̀ẃ̵̰͑a̷̢̢̜͔̜̥͊̀́́̃̕ỹ̶̲̬̭̦͔̻͕̇̇s̴̫͋̋͜ ̷̯̠̦̤͇̠̺͛̉͐b̸̝̬̺̗̙̥͓͌̀e̴̮̱̔́̍́̆͠ë̷̢̗̩̯̺̣́̈́n̸̼͊͒̚ ̶̨̺͉̪͉̻͌̈̉̾̌͠t̷̛̩̝̪͉̹̅̂͊̊̽̇h̴̘͚͊e̶̲̤̰̺̫̺̱͑ŗ̶͓͓̪͕͉͌̔͂̈́͜ę̸͙̦̟̠̠̏̐́̃͘̚ ̸̯͈̩̬̟̘͓̕f̷̢͖̙̀́̾̕o̴̲̎ṛ̷̥̪͚͚̾͜ ̶̮̗̫̦̠͇͒̀m̸͉͍͓̰̅́̎e̴͈͗̈́̎̈́̋.̶̧̟̣̻̙̎̍̿̚͜͝ ̴̲͔͇̟̭̿͋͊̈͜Ä̴͉́̿̐n̶̞̯͋̎ḍ̶͉̋̂͛̕̚͝ ̵̰̹̙̻̞͗̏̚t̷̲̗̰̥̓̈́͠ͅh̴̤͖͐̀̈́̆͒̉̚ḛ̸̛̭̪̼̟̔̿́̎ͅͅ ̴̩͇͇͒̏͝ͅo̸̝̼̟̥̰̒̀̄ń̶̢̧̢̛̺̫̰̬̅̀͘e̸͎̭͐̅͂͋̌̋͠ ̴̡̘̭̻̓̇͗t̴̝͕̩͇̖͕̏ị̴̆̐̓͒̉̋͘m̶̛͖̬̤̩͎̫̈̐̔͝ͅę̵̠̦͕̠̿̀͊̾̐̿ ̶̯̠̟̻̝̟͎̈̽̈́̉̀͝I̵̟̺̽̈́͋̆̀̒̚͜ ̷͈̩̼͙̯̖͂̾̂̃̊͠n̴̞̩̣̟̓̉̕ȩ̷̣̘̝̝̞̝̇̌́̅ḛ̸͊͐́̀̒ͅd̴̨̯͖̔͒̄͘͘ͅ ̶̞̭̤͐̐̈́̒ͅt̵͚͙̯̰̟͚̉ô̶̧͎̤̪͕̖̽͋͗̌̏̒ ̴̗̜͈͓̟̈͂̈̒̀̒̍b̸͎͇̞̺̐̊͊̈̚͠ḛ̴̡̡̠̝̳̐̀ͅ ̶̬͍͍̏́̂͊͗̕̕ṱ̶̨͎̼͓̂͂̇h̵̨̨̪̟̮͆͂̄̐̊͝e̶̺̾̑͠r̶̯̗͕̯͚̲͝ͅè̵̺̰̟͍̣̆̃̎͝ ̸̫̥͓̼̩͐͗̑̾͠f̷͈̺̭̣̟̄͜o̷̹͓̐́̂̋ŗ̵̢̡͕̯͉͔̋̈̿͆́͒ ̷̬̭̟̗̲͒̂̈́͆̌ḧ̸͙́̍̅͂̐̓̍è̶͉͊̈́̓̽̃͝r̴͕̤̣̂̈́̔͘͠,̷͍̻͇̠̳͊͛̈́͝ ̵̢̲̲͙̋̂̕͠I̷̞̍̊̽̈́͂̀̚ ̷̩̯̖͒̆̓̔̑̓̚a̵̜̙̾̎̉ḿ̸͕ ̸̥̗͚̹̲͎́̃̋f̵̹̖̀̈́̓͝͠ả̷͖̿̃̄̐i̴̫̼̙̇́̈̕l̶͚̓̀i̷̟͙̓̏̈̽̋͝n̵̝̫̮̩͊̿̊g̴̟̥̼̬̗̉̑̄͌̓̑͝ ̴̢̘͈́̏͛t̵̨͒̊̈́̀́͜o̶̻̜̮͇̱̙͒̔̓̌̆̕͝ ̷͙̟̤̍̐͗̎͝͝ͅd̴̼͚̱͔̿͂̈o̵̲̻͗͗̓̔̅ ̴̡̛͚͕̩͓̂̿̑̐̐á̸͓̲͠ṅ̵̨͎̠y̸͔̫̋͑̌̓t̸̨͔̞̰̚h̶̻̳͕͍͑̍̒i̸̢̘̹͔̖̓̆̏͂̽͛͠n̸͍̠̽̋̆̇̃̕g̸͍͗̐̀.̵̳͚̰̂̆̏͂̍͝"̷̛̣͑͗̍͋͂ͅ

A door at the front of the room I was in opens as my head clears up. And the voice within my head quiets, at last. Thus allowing me to calm myself. A humanoid looking figure enters the room. "Good you're finally awake. Now let's get to work." The figure says as they walk over to me.

Whatever is happening to me, I never knew what it was until I was already ensnared in the trap of those who have taken me. How little I knew that it was too late for me, and for the world. It would soon be taken down by the darkness of despair.

Sora's POV

So we had continued to look for Miku during the breaks for the rest of class that day. Despite our searching we came up empty, we even asked some of her classmates if they had seen Miku at all today. And sadly all of them said no. The only thing we have learned about the situation was that I was not being lied to by that third year boy earlier.

As we prepared to give up on asking for today when Miyuki gave me her idea face. Please let it be one of her good ideas, not one of the bad ones. "Why don't we ask Miku's teacher? She might know something, right?" Miyuki asks and I realize, that was a great idea. "That's a good idea, Miyuki. Why didn't I think of that? Seriously?" I say raising my hand to my head.

"I don't know, normally you're the smart one. Miku's disappearance must be getting to you, are you gonna be ok Sora?" Akane asks me as she passes me a piece of gum. I unwrap the gum and begin to chew it. Tastes like cinnamon apples. Great, now I want to make cinnamon apples when I go home later.

I continue to chew the gum. "I am just really worried about her, Miku has always been there for me. And the one time I need to be there for her, I am failing to do anything." I say with sadness in my voice. We are almost never apart, and even when we get into fights.

Things always seem to turn out ok in the end, but I don't know what to do any more. Somehow I always hope for a miracle, but in reality miracles aren't worth anything because they don't change anything in the end.

Yayoi places a caring hand on my shoulder. "We are all worried too, Sora, but things will turn out ok in the end. Because hope is all we have, along with each other. We are all here for you, Sora." Yayoi says as I look over at her with a sad smile.

"Yeah I guess, but I don't even know what I'll do if we can't find out what happened to Miku." I say as I begin to walk to Miku's classroom with Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi close behind me.

Soon enough we reached Miku's classroom, and we headed inside. "Excuse me, Ms.Atsuko. Can I talk to you?" I ask as Miku's teacher looked up from where she was sitting at her desk. I think she was grading papers. "Ah, Ms.Murasakino. I was expecting you, did you come to ask about your sister?" Ms.Atsuko asks pushing her papers aside and notions the four of us to sit down. So we do sit down.

"Yes, we did. So I wanted to know, have you seen Miku today?" I ask and Ms.Atsuko nods her head. "I did see her briefly this morning, she went into the girl's bathroom on the first floor. I haven't seen her since, sorry girls. I wish I could be more helpful. Ms.Atsuko says sadly as she twirls her pen between the fingers on her left hand.

I sigh, that didn't help anything. "It's ok, thanks for trying Ms.Atsuko." I say as I stand up and sadly walk to the door. Soon Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi follow me to the door. "Sorry, Ms.Atsuko. Sora isn't in the best mind right now." Miyuki says, it appeared she was trying to apologize for my attitude.

I walk out of the classroom without saying another word. "Are you gonna be ok, Sora?" Miyuki asks and I nod. "Yeah I'll be fine. I just want to be alone right now." I say as I pull my bag over my shoulder, as I turn to leave. Akane grabs my hand and I pull away from her. "Please, I just need some time alone. I'll call you later, Akane." I say as I walk off before any of the girls could respond.

??? POV

I had been told of my mission and was now floating above a middle school and seeing people standing all round it talking, all I could see was happiness. It made me disgusted, this world needed a serious case of a bad end.

As I was about to do what I wanted, I could feel the dizziness in my head just like I did back when I first woke up. And I heard the same voice inside my head. The same annoying, girlish voice as before.

"̶̲͆͗Î̵̭̻'̵̛͎͝m̷̺̀ ̵̝̞̐̀s̴͖͓̽͑o̷̤̱̅̚r̷̠̩̂̆ṛ̷̢͌y̶͚̫̒̏ ̷̭̃M̴͚͊ỉ̵͚̌k̶̨̝̊͛u̴̙̽͆,̸̳̎̈́ ̴̧͋I̸̤̍͘ͅ'̷̝͑v̸̻̖̽̽ë̴́́ͅ ̸̯̝͛f̶̱̐ā̴̦ǐ̶̼̈́l̴̝̗̍͌e̴̯̥͊̅d̷͈̙̓ ̵̳̞̍y̶̼͑o̶̼̔̀u̴̩̎́.̷̣̾̿ ̵̫͜͠M̶͆͜o̶̳͊̿t̸̗̓ḧ̵͕́e̶̜͙̒̚ȓ̴͇ ̵̥̈́͌ă̸̘n̵̘͈͂̚d̶̨̞̔ ̴͙̪͛̓f̴͕̰͛̀ǎ̷͉t̵͎̓h̴̳̉e̴̖̖͒r̵̩̝̋̀ ̷̱̲̓̎w̴̼̍̾ē̸͖r̸̨̗͂̿ė̸͚͉̉ ̷͓́̉r̷̙͉̃ì̴̙̰́g̶͉͑̈́h̴̭̽̊t̷͕̪͂̍ ̷̭̱̉ą̴͇̇b̴̭̗̓ő̵̺̞̉û̴̺͑t̶̫̫̐̿ ̴̥̲̌m̵͉͒̀e̴̠͉̊̈́,̸͍͍̅̂ ̶̰̆͝I̶̫̔͝ ̸̫̀̏a̷͉͋̌m̷͎͆ ̷̦̕i̸̹̩͐̊n̴̬̕a̸͓̺͑͗d̵͍̈́͘è̶͇ͅq̴̜̬̐̑u̵͖̞̇a̴͇̥̕t̸͍̰̓e̴͇̬̔.̸̦̥̓ ̴͎͆ͅM̵̯͘i̷̱̹͠k̴͙̑u̴̮̱͆͛,̵̫̣̈́ ̷͖͘y̷̳͐ợ̴́u̶̹͙͊ ̴̜̠̊́d̷͉͌͌o̷͎̞͘ň̷̨'̷̠͑͗t̶̯̓ ̸̘̂d̷̡̔e̷̹͑̎ͅs̸͉̲͌͑e̶̡̹͘r̸̰̩̎̓v̴̮̦̆̅e̵̬̦͊ ̶͖͖͗t̸̫͐͗͜o̴͒͜ ̸̻̘͒̕h̶̞̯͑a̴̞̍̓v̴̺̼́e̶͇̖̔ ̷̗̏a̷͍̪͑͋ ̶̺̭͂s̷̙͝ḭ̵̖́s̴͔̀̆t̴̢̰̒é̴͇̮͘ŕ̵̩ ̶̭͋̕l̴̹͚̽̀ì̶̡̧k̷͓͌̿e̴̗̾̚ ̷͙̰̈̑m̶̥̰̎ê̶̘͖.̶̡̩̊"̶̝̕

My mind cleared of the annoying voice again as I noticed a teenage girl with purple hair crying her eyes out. I could tell she was full of despair, the despair of disappointment and inadequacy. This would be perfect. I will not fail!

Sora's POV

I reached the outside of the school and sat down on the steps by one of the exits. Once I sat down, the tears just started pouring out of my eyes. I pulled Miku's phone from

my bag, and I checked to see if anything happened. Nothing, at all. I had failed my friends and my family.

"I'm sorry Miku, I've failed you. Mother and father were right about me, I am inadequate. Miku, you don't deserve to have a sister like me." I sadly say as I hear the fluttering of wings above me.

I look up and see a woman in a black and purple dress, her hair was purple, black arm bands that cut off at her hands, and red, yellow and blue wings. The part of her that also caught my eyes as well was the white mask at the top of her face. It covered the top of her face and her eyes seemed to be pitch black. And finally she had a headband that looked like it was made of red balls.

"Huh? Who's that?" I question as she floats down to my level. Though she was still hovering. Upon closer inspection she looked more like a teenager than an older woman. It looked like she was definitely in her older teenage years. "What do we have here? A girl in despair all alone." The woman says in a condescending manner as she points her finger at me. When she did that I could see that she had sharp black fingernails.

This lady was being condescending, I already don't like her. "Who the heck are you to talk to me like that?!" I say angrily as I stand up to defend myself. "Well you can call me Yami, little girl. Or rather the person who is going to bring a bad end to your pathetic reality." Yami says as she pulls out a dark purple book with one hand.

"What do you mean by that?!" I yell out in confusion. Yami holds up the book in one hand and holds up her other hand. "Simple, I'm staining this world of yours with the worst possible ending: a Bad Ending!" Yami says as she clenches her seemingly empty hand and a stream of what I think is black paint appears.

"I'll blot out the pages where the future of this world will be written!" Yami says as she runs her stained hand across the pages of her book. Thus staining them as well. The sky turns pitch black with white stars that stand out in the darkness and I fall to my knees I despair. Again, seriously!

Yami's POV

I smirk at my work as the humans collapse around me. "I can't even handle myself, let alone my sister." The girl says as I absorb the negative energy from the surrounding humans into my book. "The Bad Energy from these humans is bringing back our Lord Pierrot, the Emperor of Evil!" I yell out as I raise my book to the sky.

"Haha, I don't get why the other nitwits were having so much trouble." I mumble to myself as I continue to hover above the pathetic girl. Why do people even care about those aside from themselves if ultimately they will be betrayed in the end? It's only a matter of natural life in this universe. People will always look out for their own interests over other people's interests.

"Sora!" Someone yells as I notice three girls running out to the purple haired girl at my feet. Judging by their color screams I can only assume these girls are those dumb Precure, that I was told about.

It is likely the pink one is Cure Happy, the orange one is Cure Sunny, and the yellow one is Cure Peace. "So you three are those Precure I heard so much about. It's quite a pleasure really it is." I say as I flip in the air.

The three girls look at me clearly confused, when a small head pokes out the pink haired one's bag. "Candy, who is this!?" The pink haired girl asks the small thing, who's name I'm guessing is Candy. "I have no idea! I've never seen her before, though she does remind me of someone but I can't remember who." Candy says and I just laugh.

"My name isn't important but I do go by Yami." I say landing on the ground in front of the three girls. "Wait so is your name important or not? Because you just told us." The orange haired one asks. "I don't think it matters, Akane." The yellow haired one says to the one who is apparently named Akane.

Candy flies out of the pink haired girl's bag. "Girls! Turn into the Precure and fight!" Candy yells and I roll my eyes before flying up. "Are we sure about this?" Yellow girl asks, she seems nervous. "Don't worry about it! We are more powerful together." Akane says positively. "Alright! Let's go girls!" Pink girl says and the other two nod.

As the three girls began to transform and I was starting to get really bored. "Hurry up!" I yell at the girls but they don't seem to listen to me. Don't they realize they are taking forever, I don't have infinite time to wait for them to do some flashy transformation.

So the three girls transform, and I have to say one thing. "You guys look even more ridiculous in person!" I say as I break down laughing in the air. "Hey! That's just mean! We didn't choose these outfits! I think." Cure Happy says in denial. "Yeah! It wasn't our first choice!" Cure Sunny adds.

"Also just want to say one more thing, those transformation sequences are really bad. Especially since they just leave you open for an attack." I add plucking a red nose from my hair. I still don't get how these things stuck to my hairband. Note to self ask about that later. "I mean she kinda has a point there. We do take a little bit longer than most heroes to transform." Cure Peace says quietly to her teammates.

"Well we've talked long enough. So let's start the real fun, try not to bore me. Akanbe!" I say holding up the red nose into the air. It combines with the cellphone on the ground next to the purple haired girl on the ground. "Akanbe!" The Akanbe yells and the true battle begins. Lets see what these girls are made of, let the games begin.

3rd Person POV

The fight raged on, Yami watched on in glee as the trio of Precures failed to destroy her Akanbe. Sound waves being shot throughout the area, despair radiating in the air, and magical girls fighting for their happy ending.

"You guys really are boring, Akanbe, get them!" Yami yells while pointing. The attacking of the red nosed monster continued without mercy. Large sound waves flew in the direction of the fallen students within the area. "Oh no!" Cure Happy says as she runs to block the attack.

"Spirit!" Cure Happy says charging up her power. Once reaching enough she sends it out on her attack. "Precure...Happy...Shower!" She says blocking the attack, but due to exerting her energy Cure Happy collapses.

Cure Sunny and Cure Peace run over to their friend to help. "Come on girls! We can do this, don't give up hope! Said hope is something we don't have much of though, but we have to count on the small chance we have!" Cure Sunny yells and Sora snaps out of her despair trance.

"Yeah! We won't give up, hope is always within our reach!" Cure Peace adds with light determination. Over by the stairs, someone has heard their cries. "...Hope?" Sora questions as her vision clears.

Sora's POV

"Come on girls! We can do this, don't give up hope! Said hope is something we don't have much of though, but we have to count on the small chance we have!" I hear someone yell. "Yeah! We won't give up, hope is always within our reach!" Someone else says, and with those words I feel myself snap back to reality.

"...Hope?" I question as my vision returns. What was going on? All I could tell was Miyuki, Akane and Yayoi were in their Precure outfits, they were also seemingly fighting some big thing. Yami is also there. "Sora!" Miyuki yells as she tries to get back on her feet.

"Miyuki, what is happening?" I ask as I stand back up and look up at the thing. "Oops, Sora. I can't say if I am Miyuki or not." Miyuki says and I just stare. "Well, that secret is gone now." Akane says and I realize that I made this situation awkward.

"I'm guessing that I wasn't supposed to know about this?" I ask and Yayoi nods. Yeah, this is going to be an awkward conversation later. "So you were able to break free from the despair, yahoo for you. But your hope is still useless, because ultimately it's futile." Yami says sarcastically from the air.

I sigh, this lady is really annoying. "Hope doesn't matter in the end, because hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. It swallows up love, hatred, and everything else. Despair is more powerful, hoping for a nonexistent future is pointless! In fact this conversation is pointless too, Akanbe get them!" Yami says and the monster or rather Akanbe begins to attack. Most likely again.

Sound waves were fired at Akane and Yayoi, which sent them flying. "Guys! Are you ok?!" I yell as I run over to where they had landed. "Yeah, we're good." Akane says as she and Yayoi both fall over. More sound waves are sent our direction, thinking quickly I pull out the umbrella from Miku's bag and use it to block the blast. The waves ricochet back at the Akanbe, thus sending it backwards a little.

"Sora!" Miyuki yells from her position as she was now standing back up. "I'm not going to let you hurt my friends, I always hope for miracles." I say with conviction. "Sora?" Yayoi says with a small smile.

"You are so annoying, you know that! Your hope is pathetic too, it's no wonder that your sister left you. Get the annoying girl, Akanbe!" Yami says as she rolls her eyes at me. The Akanbe begins to move towards me as I continue to shield Akane and Yayoi.

"You're wrong, and how would you know about why I always hope for betterment! You don't matter any more! Miku wouldn't want me to let my friends get hurt, so I won't let her down!" I yell as a large purple beam of light forms around me. From what I could tell, it sent everyone flying.

"Sora?" Miyuki said from outside the beam. I floated in the beam, needless to say I was extremely confused. "Huh? What is this?!" I say in confusion. Then Candy appears, I should've seen this coming.

"You're the fourth Precure!" Candy says pointing at me with her nub hand thing. "Wait, Precure? I knew you had something to do with this!" I say with half confusion and half resolution. A pink makeup compact appears before me, it then floats into my hands. "A makeup compact?" I say as I look at the compact.

"A Smile Pact! Put a Cure Décor into the Smile Pact, and cry "Precure Smile Charge!" Candy yells as she gets in my face. "You have some explaining to do later, but my hope won't be shut down now! Let's do this!" I say with determination.

I insert a purple bow Cure Décor into my Smile Pact. "Ready?" A disembodied voice from the compact says. "Precure Smile Charge!" I say with resolve. "Go!" The voice says as a makeup puff appears. "Go! Go! Let's go, Hope!" The voice says.

I use the puff and dab it on the compact. The "powder" on it sparkles as I send it above me, it falls down over me and a purple version of the outfit my friends' were wearing forms on my skin. My hair comes loose from my ponytail and lengthens as it turns a lighter purple. Finally I use the puff and dab blush on my cheeks, with a smile.

I fly down below from where I changed and land on both my feet. I push out both my arms forward and down to my sides as I say. "Miracle of life. Within space's system, Cure Hope!" I finish with my right arm behind my head.

The beam of light fades and I was both intrigued and extremely confused. "That was really weird. Cure Hope? Gotta say better than something I could've come up with." I say with a disoriented look on by face.

"Cure Hope! So you are the fourth Precure!" Cure Happy says with a smile as Candy jumps with joy next to her. "We've found another Precure!" Candy says as she continues to jump. "You look awesome." Cure Peace says and Cure Sunny nods.

"She has a better catchphrase than you." Cure Sunny adds and Cure Peace gets very defensive. "Well I think it's cute." Cure Peace says and I laugh. "Hehe, guys. We are going to have a major talk after this." I say before Yami interrupts.

"Great, now I'm going to have to somehow figure out why there are four of you now. Maybe this will make things a little less boring. Akanbe, you know what to do!" Yami says with a glare.

I prepare to fight as the other girls join me by my side. "Bring it on, hope won't lose to the likes of you!" I say with my newfound will-power. I run in the Akanbe's direction as he fires a sound wave at me. In order to avoid it I somehow flip up with vigor.

Once the area was cleared I landed behind the monster. Unfortunately my landing wasn't the best, but fortunately I was ok. "I did not know I was able to do that. Also for future reference work on the landing." I mumbled to myself, the impact of my flip had created a crater. "Are you ok, Hope?!" Cure Happy asks and I nod. "Yeah, I'm good." I say as I dodge an incoming wave.

Using my upgraded agility I manage to avoid the sound waves. "Take this!" I yell as I back flip up and pile drive the Akanbe into the ground below us. "That was awesome, but kinda scary." I say as I fall back down to the earth.

"That was so cool!" Cure Peace says from the sidelines. "So awesome!" Cure Sunny adds. "You're doing great, Hope!" Cure Happy says as she punches the air. "Finish it off with the Hope Comet!" Candy says and I nod.

"What is the Hope Comet?" I ask as I land in front of the girls. "Put your power and spirit into the Smile Pact!" Candy says as I look down at the pact that was on my waist. "Uh ok." I say as I grip my Smile Pact and purple energy begins to form and swirl around the pact.

"Woah...this is so weird!" I say completely dumbfounded. "Don"t stop! Put all the power you have into it!" Candy says. Doing as Candy says I grip the pact harder. I think that Yami says something above us but I wasn't really paying any attention.

The purple light forms around me as I float and feel the hope within me resurface. "Precure..." I say as the energy gathers in both of my hands. "...Hope Comet!" I yell as I release the energy above me. It flies into the Akanbe, and explodes.

"Akanbe!" The Akanbe says before losing its form and the nose dissolves away into a small plastic charm. "Did I just do that? Man I am tired." I say in disbelief and exhaustion as the girls come over. "We did it!" The trio of girls say in celebration.

"Good job girls, but you won't win next time!" Yami says from above as she leaves. As she leaves the sky goes back to normal, and the surrounding people all seem to get better as they all look around. Me and the rest of the Precures transform back, and the charm lands in my hands. It looked like a thing of grapes.

"Hey, Sora. Please join the Precures!" Miyuki says and I nod. "Of course I will Miyuki, especially since I have known about it for a little while now anyway..." I say awkwardly as I press my fingers together.

The other three girls look at me with shock on their faces. "Wait what?!" Akane asks as Miyuki and Yayoi just stare. "The yesterday, after the poster contest I saw you guys before you transformed back. And even before that I could hear you guys talking to Candy about saving her world." I say with a shrug.

"Ohhh..." The girls say. "Also it's not like I have anything better to do. I'm sure that Miku will turn up soon on her own anyway. And until then, I will never lose hope of her return." I say with a smile. The other girls hug me before we head back inside of the school for the rest of our classes.

Yami's POV

I had teleported away and was half intrigued and half annoyed. Annoyed that the Precures won but intrigued on what would happen next. After all, hope and despair are two sides of the same coin.

One can not exist without the other, and let's hope that they come to realize that. And I can only hope that my boss won't be mad at me. Oh well, it's not like that will matter much anyway.

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