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so sometimes i wonder,

"mom, what is this?" the black haired asked as he handed the silver ring in his hand. his mom eyed the ring for a moment, it being familiar in her memories till it clicked.

"that's a friendship ring you had with your bestfriend. i had forgotten his name though, sorry honey" the women chuckled before going back to the kitchen to continue cooking her dish.

"what the fuck?" jungkook held up the ring, seeing the intricate design and matte silver colour of the ring. there were words embedded, 'pjm + jjk' and jungkook scowled at the thought of having a bestfriend that was so cheesy but his mind betrayed him.

"jungkook, no!" the brown haired screeched in happiness, trying to pull away from the fingers that are tickling his sides. he wiggled out of jungkook's hold, giggling as jungkook pouted at him.

"hyung, come here!" the younger whined, crossing his arms. the male shook his head as he stuck out his tongue, making the younger huff with a 'fine!' before turning to watch the show that was playing on the tv with an adorable scowl on his face.

"aw jungkookie, are you mad?" his voice was soft, soothing as he cooed, making jungkook yelp as he shoved himself into the space beside the upset boy.

"kookie, here, this is for you" jungkook turned, eyes becoming wide and perplexed as he saw the ring in the other's hand.

"what is this?" he asked as the other slipped it on his ring finger, satisfied that it fitted him perfectly.

"just promise me you will keep this okay? and i'm sorry" this time the other pouted, not liking that jungkook was being upset at him.

jungkook's eyes glowed as he eyed the ring on his hand, "is this a friendship thing?"

"if you want it to be"

"i want it to be-"

jungkook snapped, groaning as he fell to his bed. he can't figure out who this guy is, his image is always blurry, and he can't come out with a name to that voice, that soothing and calming voice which brings laughter-

jungkook's eyes became wide, having the thought of the guy in his head made him shiver because no, jeon jungkook doesn't have feelings for this guy.

should i throw it?

jimin flipped through the pages of the scrapbook, fingering the sides of it, as he fought the urge to cry. it was from jungkook, the scrapbook made by the younger about them. jungkook gave it to him on jimin's birthday alongside with a pair of shoes jimin wanted. the younger said he wanted to keep memories of their friendship, he wanted both of them to cherish it so he made it for him, a collection of notes, pictures, letters being pasted or wrote to express himself because jungkook wasn't good with words.

jimin smiled sadly, a painful sting in his chest at the thought of jungkook pushing him away everyday since a month ago.

maybe he should just move on?

how was it so easy for you to forget.

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