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when the fact that i,

"jungkook, are you okay? your face is red, are you sick?" the brown haired shifted on the couch so he could get a full view of jungkook, he was biting his lips as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, face flushed.

"hey jungkook, what's wrong?" they were watching iron man while having popcorn and snacks as they huddled up under a blanket comfortably. the room was dark but because of the light reflected by the tv, the other can see the boy's face quite clearly.

jungkook's heart was beating fast and loud, confused feelings he's been dealing with about jimin attacking his mind. but when he realised he had fell for the other, it just made the tension, awkward, because jungkook just wants to wrap an arm around the elder's waist, snuggle closer to him and whisper sweet nothings to the other's ear so as to see the blush that would appear on the latter's cheek.

jungkook could only stammer out a string of constants "i'm fine, lets just go back to watching the movie okay?", "no hyung i'm really fine, don't worry about it" as he looked back to the tv screen.

a few minutes passed before the black haired felt a person's arm draped across his waist from behind and a head on his shoulder as jimin's hair tickled his jaw and neck. jungkook didn't recoil, instead he silently cheered on himself because jimin was fond of him enough to do these kind of things.

"hyung, can i tell you something?"

"what is it?"

"i lo-"

jungkook shot up from bed, chest heaving up and down heavily as he clutched the bedsheet under him. his eyes widened as he recalled his dream.


the blurry boy that was always on his mind, in his dreams, it was jimin.

"no, no , no" jungkook clutched and tugged at his hair as a frustrated grunt escaped his lips loudly, falling back to his bed.

had he been in love with jimin before?

jungkook cringes, repeating the word 'no' like a mantra as he tried to go back to his slumber.

"you're fucking serious?" taehyung exclaimed, the biggest grin plastered on his face as he shook his bestfriend eagerly.

jimin nodded once more, making his whole group of friends have smiles on their faces.

"you're a strong one kid, we all love you, you'll find someone better than him" jin patted his back as the group settled down.

"now just try to for-"

jimin eyes widened as he was spun around, a hand on his collar as he faced a fuming jungkook. jimin knew he was upset, by the look of his face, jimin knows.

"tell me, did we have anything in the past?" the younger's voice was low, it sounded dangerous and threatening, as if he would beat the shit out of you if you didn't give him an answer.

jimin chuckled, shaking his head as he brings his hand up to remove the hand on his collar, stuffing his hands in his pants as he looked up to the brown eyes.

"yeah, i guess we did. because i was stupid enough to love you, but hey, don't worry, i don't love you anymore" jimin said before sitting back down, taking out the books for the first period, ignoring the eyes of the people around him.

jungkook felt a sting in his chest as he heard jimin's words, but made no effort to find out why, instead he scoffed and said, "glad you don't, wouldn't want a slut liking me won't i?" before walking away.

jimin took in a sharp breath, trying to forget what the younger just said. he has to make an attempt to forget about him.

jimin looks at himself through the mirror in his bathroom, taking a long look at himself.

"i'm a nerd huh" jimin took of his glasses. he didn't need them, but wore them because he doesn't want to look like a bad person. people said he looks dark and dangerous if he doesn't have anything on his face, so he did.

but not anymore.

"i'm a good kid?" jimin unbuttoned his clothes, revealing a small patch of his arm covered with tattoos. he had them a long time back, when he was in his old school, where all the gangsters were.

"i'm a slut?" jimin smirked, looking at his lean, chiseled body and abs, his sculpted arms and protruding veins when he flexed the muscles, his honey thighs and lastly, his sharp face with a sharp jawline. eyes a mahogany brown in colour and pink, plump lips.

he's a fucking sex god.

and he's not going to deny it.

"you stupid person, why did you even think of dying before?" jimin said to the reflection in the mirror, shaking his head as he holds the end of the sink.

"you're not worthless, you're so much more than that, you can change" jimin lips curved into smile, stepping out from the bathroom as he promise to try and remove the past from his mind, eventhough it will hurt.

i was a wrecking mess.

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